Lew Rockwell - MK-ULTRA

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Re: Lew Rockwell - MK-ULTRA

Post by Maria »

Pictures say more than words. Click the link below for more pictures. I have provided one jpg below from this link.
http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/huge ... -daughter/



The website below details the money laundering of the Clinton Foundation. I have only provided three sentences of this extensive article:

... Searches of the names Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton uncovered tens of thousands of additional offshore transactions via offshore investment companies established for both.

Additionally, tens of thousands of offshore transactions are recorded in searches for the Clinton Foundation and its various subsidiaries, including the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Health Access Initiative.

... As exposed in the book “Partners in Crime: The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit,” by emptying the account to zero following each payment, the Clintons avoided having to make public disclosure of the account, since the rules require candidates to declare only family assets worth $1,000 or more.

The video provided shows that Chelsea is being groomed to be a future POTUS. Dynasty anyone?

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Re: Lew Rockwell - MK-ULTRA

Post by Barbara »

That must be Chelsea : I don't even recognize her. She looks goofy.
God Prevent that she is EVER involved in politics in this - or any other - country ! Same with any her relatives of any age. Or future descendants !

Funny, just this afternoon, I was recalling what you had written earlier, Maria, about her being one of those brought into these dark corridors. Then find this tonight. Also I was musing about her husband. [ She's married, right ? ] I was thinking he must have been a patsy, going along with all the schemes of the C. Foundation and all other endeavors.

Didn't Chelsea have a child not long ago ? I saw a headline announcing this, I thought. Maybe that one will be groomed the same way. Exactly, Maria : the C.'s are trying to rival the Kennedys as a powerful clan and political dynasty.

I have to look at the links from the library. I'll make a note to do so.

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