Lew Rockwell - MK-ULTRA

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NY Times Reporter Murdered - Exposed MKUltra

Post by Maria »

http://yournewswire.com/ny-times-report ... g-mkultra/

Project MKUltra, often referred to as the CIA’s mind control program, was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the the CIA. Ms Kershaw published an article with the New York Times exploring this subject in 2008 with her article Sharing their Demons on the Web ....

In her [2008] article, Ms. Kershaw wrote that people who felt they were being targeted had found the support of Missouri Representative Jim Guest, who told the Times: “I’ve had enough calls, some from credible people — professors — being targeted by nonlethal weapons. They become psychologically affected by it. They have trouble sleeping at night.”

When Ms. Kershaw wrote her article, psychotronic warfare was not legal against US citizens, but that all changed with the National Defense Authorization Act 2013. ...

To read the article, click the link above.

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Re: NY Times Reporter Murdered - Exposed MKUltra

Post by Barbara »

Wow, I didn't know that news !
I am surprised the NYT printed anything she wrote about this tricky subject.

A lot of people one hears calmly say that they or someone they know was an MK-Ultra victim.
I am not sure it was that widespread. Perhaps suggestibility plays a role.

Once people hear about that program, they really can go to town with imagining themselves
as having been one of the subjects.

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Lew Rockwell - MK-ULTRA

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10 Insane Ways The CIA Drugged People With LSD

By Mark Oliver

September 27, 2016

In the early 1950s, the CIA started a program called MK-ULTRA. Fearing that the Soviet Union was getting ahead in espionage, they investigated whether LSD could be used for mind control.

The existence of MK-ULTRA is fairly well-known, but most people don’t know just how crazy the details were. CIA agents did some absolutely insane things with LSD. It’s not entirely clear that the government actually learned anything, but they definitely got some incredible stories out of it. ...

WARNING: This article contains very explicit and disturbing information--the stuff from which nightmares are made. Read at your own risk. I have known people who have been victims of this diabolic intrigue. Their lives were destroyed, and those who loved them were shattered.

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Re: Lew Rockwell - MK-ULTRA

Post by Maria »

Here is a link to a University of Oregon web page from the above article.

Below is an excerpt from that web page.

Code: Select all

    [quote][list]"If you're afraid of dying, and you're holdin' on, you'll see devils tearin' your life away. But if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freein' you from the world. It all depends on how you look at it."

    -Louie paraphrasing Meister Eckhart at the end of Jacob's Ladder.[/list]

At the end of the movie Jacob's Ladder, the main character Jacob Singer has a talk with Michael, a chemist who explains to him that the violent deaths of the soldiers in his battalion in Vietnam were caused by a drug-induced psychosis brought about by the hallucinogen BZ, or quinuclidinyl benzilate. This drug was invented under the direction of the U.S. government to maximize the aggression of the soldiers, but it backfired when the unwitting human guinea pigs turned on one another. This is a classic conspiracy theory, but is the story of BZ actual fact or movie fiction? A little research on the internet revealed the following:

Psychiatric Oppression of African Americans

In a document on the "Psychiatric Oppression of African Americans" produced by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights,1 BZ is linked to experimentation on African American citizens of the U.S.:

  • At the National Institute of Mental Health Addiction Research Center in Kentucky in the mid-1950s, drug-addicted African Americans were given LSD, with seven of them kept hallucinating for 77 consecutive days. At this same center, healthy African American men were still being used as test subjects almost 10 years later, this time for an experimental drug, BZ--100 times more powerful than LSD.
    This follows a long psychiatric tradition of using for experimental purposes the incarcerated, the dispossessed and others who have no voice.

This first report seems to confirm the existence of BZ, its psychoactive and psychotomimetic properties, and its abuse by government agencies. However, lack of mainstream media coverage leaves one to wonder about the actual facts. One search engine, Hotbot, however, did yield further information from organizations with more established credentials. ...[/quote]

Click the link above if you wish to review the entire webpage. This needs to be revealed to the populace.
What other drugs is the US government releasing upon its own people?
Are those fluffy chemtrails part of agenda? Many think so.

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Re: Lew Rockwell - MK-ULTRA

Post by Barbara »

You know, one always hears people in the alternative media world talk about this acronym. I was never sure what it was.
I thought rather than feeding the subjects drugs, it was a program of kidnapping young people and reprogramming them somehow. Is that part of it too ?

Some of the alternative people claim that they themselves were MK-ULTRA subjects. THAT I find difficult to believe. It doesn't ring true. But the program must have existed. It's just that not everyone who claims to have been involved could likely have been a participant.

I am WAY too scared to read the details in the article here ! It's good you brought it up, though, Maria. We need to get to the truth about it.
Maybe Cyprian will have some comments to offer to help unravel what this evil thing was.

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Re: Lew Rockwell - MK-ULTRA

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

You know, one always hears people in the alternative media world talk about this acronym. I was never sure what it was.
I thought rather than feeding the subjects drugs, it was a program of kidnapping young people and reprogramming them somehow. Is that part of it too ?

Some of the alternative people claim that they themselves were MK-ULTRA subjects. THAT I find difficult to believe. It doesn't ring true. But the program must have existed. It's just that not everyone who claims to have been involved could likely have been a participant.

I am WAY too scared to read the details in the article here ! It's good you brought it up, though, Maria. We need to get to the truth about it.
Maybe Cyprian will have some comments to offer to help unravel what this evil thing was.

Apparently victims of the MK-ULTRA program are able to get help and reverse some of the effects with the help of Christian counselors and godly priests and pastors. However, these MK-ULTRA victims are damaged beyond belief as they must struggle with this perversity for the rest of their lives. Remember that they were tortured until their minds dissociated from the pain, so their minds will only be able to heal with God's miraculous graces. From what I have been reading, most victims have been raised into this "lifestyle" since their earliest memories as infants one to two years old. Since God was excluded from their earliest memories, it is difficult if not impossible (except for the Grace of God) for anyone in this program to be rehabilitated.

Hillary seems to have been raised in a very wicked home environment as she is is a pedophile, lesbian, and murderess (since she promotes abortion). As she was raised to become a POTUS candidate, she must have been initiated into the Illuminati and other secret groups at a very early age. Even Queen Elizabeth and the rest of the British Royalty most likely have been introduced into these wicked societies. With Hillary's now exposed history as a pedophile and lesbian, thanks to the information leaks from the NYPD that are found on WikiLeaks, it would not surprise me in the least if Chelsea has also been initiated into the Illuminati and was introduced into the MK-ULTRA program as a young infant of one or two years, or even from birth. I will spare you the details, which are horrific. However, with her step-father Bill Clinton and her own mother being perverts, her childhood could not have been a normal one.

Nevertheless, we must in Christian charity, pray for Chelsea and all such victims that they may be converted and saved.

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Re: Lew Rockwell - MK-ULTRA

Post by Barbara »

Oh oh ! The details must be terrible.

What do you mean : stepfather B>C. ? Who was her actual father ??

I hate to ask an unpleasant question, but how on earth could a woman be a _____ [ too creepy to even write the word ] ?
One can sense that H is an awful pervert like so many of them in the higher offices are reputed to be.
Also has anyone been able to prove or produce excellent evidence that she is a l___n ?

Yes, though ! I can exactly see how H AND daughter Ch. were initiated into the Illuminati just like you said.
The daughter looks SO vacant and empty. H seems like a robot, too, but is not as obvious so she has been able to fool people all these so many years she has been a fixture on the scene. Who would imagine the current incumbent would choose her as Secy of State when she was his opponent last time ? Surely it was only at the bidding of the Illuminati people who run both of them. Otherwise, he would surely have picked a crony of his own.

And yes, about the British royalty - so called royalty for I bet they are just cogs in the Illuminati machine too - Queen Elizabeth II also seems like a boring, empty person who is merely showing the Western world a supposedly 'distinguished' image.
I feel she has no class. If QE II did, why would she let that jewish-American woman photographer take a large number of pictures of her ? I have forgotten the name of that woman but the latter's other work was so tacky that it was completely inappropriate for her to have been selected for a photo shoot some years ago. And much else too. One only thinks of QE II's 'corgis' - almost no other associations stick with her as she too innocuous to have any character.

The 2 sons of Diana's [ Cyprian is the expert here on them ] look unappealing and vapid - at the very best.

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