Moslem vigilantes patrol Waltham Forest

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Moslem vigilantes patrol Waltham Forest

Post by StephenS »

Britain's newspaper the Daily Mail today reports on hooded Moslem men calling themselves the Muslim Patrol have declared a part of Waltham Forest, London, a Muslim area and are going around taking alcohol off members of the public, abusing women who they consider unsuitably dressed, as well as chasing revellers away from the vicinity of a mosque. One brave Moslem young women challenges them in a video the group have uploaded on YouTube 'Muslim Patrol', but they dismiss her.

Western society's embrace of multiculturalism will, I believe, lead to our blindly walking into a growing nightmare. Wahabi, Salafi and Deobandi brands of Islam are anything but the tolerant Islam that too many believe, including the White House, British and other politicians.

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Re: Moslem vigilantes patrol Waltham Forest

Post by Matthew »

I have absolutely no doubt whatever that the US, British, etc. governments and their agencies have illusions about the supposed benevolence of mainstream, orthodox and traditional Islam. This is simply policy on what public face or stance is advantageous for them to present. The question is not, Do they understand the dangers of Islam or not? but rather, Despite their knowledge of the dangers, whose advantage do they seek to serve in maintaining their absurd claims about the benevolence of traditional Muslims?

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