Ecumenical Patriarch meets with others in Georgia

Hieromonk Enoch
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Ecumenical Patriarch meets with others in Georgia

Post by Hieromonk Enoch »

The Ecumenical Patriarch is meeting with other leaders, notably, the Georgian and Serbian patriarchs, and the defacto leader of the Bulgarian Patriarch in Georgia, under the auspices of Patriarch Illia's 80th birthday. Though, when you get this many people together, from these different backgrounds, it seems certain that more than just 'happy birthday' is all that's going on.
Meetings with the Georgian president and prime minister also happened. Remember, all in the background of the Georgia-Russia war.

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Re: Ecumenical Patriarch meets with others in Georgia

Post by Revnitel »

I guess being post papal, I don't have a reaction to a wannabe pope. The man is pitiful and teaches heresy. Personally, I would be ashamed if I were a Georgian.

"The spouse of Christ cannot be adulterous, she is uncorrupted and pure, She knows one home; she guards with chaste modesty the sanctity of one couch. She keeps us for God. She appoints the sons whom she has born for the Kingdom. Whoever is separated from the Church and is joined to an adulteress is separated from the promises of the Church; nor can he who forsakes the Church of Christ attain to the rewards of Christ."

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Re: Ecumenical Patriarch meets with others in Georgia

Post by StephenS »

It is very regrettable and more. I suspect a sense of the country being threatened by their much larger neighbour makes them susceptible to offers of 'support' from elsewhere.

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Re: Ecumenical Patriarch meets with others in Georgia

Post by Revnitel »

What support is that? He can't even open a seminary. He has to speak Turkish in public. But if the Georgians want that, they deserve it.

"The spouse of Christ cannot be adulterous, she is uncorrupted and pure, She knows one home; she guards with chaste modesty the sanctity of one couch. She keeps us for God. She appoints the sons whom she has born for the Kingdom. Whoever is separated from the Church and is joined to an adulteress is separated from the promises of the Church; nor can he who forsakes the Church of Christ attain to the rewards of Christ."

--St. Cyprian of Carthage, On The Unity of the Church (Chapter 6, ANF,V:423),

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Re: Ecumenical Patriarch meets with others in Georgia

Post by StephenS »

I am no fan of his and those who follow him either. Guess Putin might ask how many battalions could he put in the field? Probably half a battalion if the Holy Monastery of Esphigmenou was the target, sadly. Otherwise none.

Hieromonk Enoch
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Re: Ecumenical Patriarch meets with others in Georgia

Post by Hieromonk Enoch »


Ultimately, I'm not sure what physical support if any the Phanar could really give.

In Christ,

Fr. Enoch

“We cannot destroy the Ecclesiastical Canons, who are defenders and keepers of the Canons, not their transgressors.” (Pope St. Martin the Confessor)

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Re: Ecumenical Patriarch meets with others in Georgia

Post by StephenS »

Fr Enoch, bless

I wonder whether this is a search for 'friends' by some feeling vulnerable, I.e. politics, or simply the getting together of those whose orthodoxy lies more firmly in their appearance than anything else. Either way it is very regrettable.


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