Questions on sickness and death from a Pentecostal Christian

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Questions on sickness and death from a Pentecostal Christian

Post by Maria »

A member of a Pentecostal Protestant church sent me these questions.
If anyone at E Cafe wants to share their thoughts, I would be very grateful.

  1. What do you believe God's Holy Will for us mortally is?

  2. In what specific ways can disease and suffering be beneficial to our souls?

  3. What do you mean by 'unite with Christ'? - How have you done it?

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Re: Questions on sickness and death from a Pentecostal Chris

Post by jgress »

For the first question, is "mortally" a typo for "mortals"? I think the answer is "for us to be united with Him".

Disease and suffering can be beneficial if we accept them without complaint, trusting in God's Providence.

By "unite" I understand it to mean unimpeded communion with Him. We will come to know Him as or more intimately than we know ourselves, in the way that God knows us better than we know ourselves. This is not something that any of us has fully achieved yet. The saints are closer than any of us, but even they continue to grow closer. Salvation is a process, not an event.

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Re: Questions on sickness and death from a Pentecostal Chris

Post by joasia »

1. What do you believe God's Holy Will for us mortally is?

God wants us to have all that He had prepared for us. Eternal life of union with Him.

2. In what specific ways can disease and suffering be beneficial to our souls?

First of all disease and suffering is the fault of mankind. God does not cause it. Because of our free will, He allows it to happen as a result of mankind turning away from Him. God doesn't want us to suffer. He called Adam to repentance so that he could mend his error. But, Adam refused to accept repentance. And the result is that we all suffer the result of that choice. So God, Who is our Creator turned that to a benefit. When the body suffers, the soul is being cleansed of the pollution of worldly concerns. God wants us to reconnect, spiritually, but because we are so focused on physical and worldly matters, we ignore the spiritual truth. When someone faces heath issues, their hearts start to understand what is more important in life than material concerns. They start to understand sympathy, love, humility, concern for others etc. We were not created to experience suffering. That is not our true state of life. We are meant to be in union with God in eternity.

3. What do you mean by 'unite with Christ'? - How have you done it?

Maria, I would have to ask what your comment to this person was in order to understand this question. Protestants tend to feel that they are close to Christ so I really don't know how to answer this. What was your explanation?

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Re: Questions on sickness and death from a Pentecostal Chris

Post by Maria »

joasia wrote:

1. What do you believe God's Holy Will for us mortally is?

God wants us to have all that He had prepared for us. Eternal life of union with Him.

2. In what specific ways can disease and suffering be beneficial to our souls?

First of all disease and suffering is the fault of mankind. God does not cause it. Because of our free will, He allows it to happen as a result of mankind turning away from Him. God doesn't want us to suffer. He called Adam to repentance so that he could mend his error. But, Adam refused to accept repentance. And the result is that we all suffer the result of that choice. So God, Who is our Creator turned that to a benefit. When the body suffers, the soul is being cleansed of the pollution of worldly concerns. God wants us to reconnect, spiritually, but because we are so focused on physical and worldly matters, we ignore the spiritual truth. When someone faces heath issues, their hearts start to understand what is more important in life than material concerns. They start to understand sympathy, love, humility, concern for others etc. We were not created to experience suffering. That is not our true state of life. We are meant to be in union with God in eternity.

3. What do you mean by 'unite with Christ'? - How have you done it?

Maria, I would have to ask what your comment to this person was in order to understand this question. Protestants tend to feel that they are close to Christ so I really don't know how to answer this. What was your explanation?

Below is the sentence that started the entire conversation:

  • I believe that disease and suffering can be beneficial to our souls as we unite with Christ and strive to do His will not our own.

At our Holy Baptism, we were also united to Christ. In fact, the priest asked us this question three times:
"Have you united yourself to Christ."

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Questions on sickness and death from a Pentecostal Chris

Post by joasia »

Below is the sentence that started the entire conversation:

Code: Select all

I believe that disease and suffering can be beneficial to our souls as we unite with Christ and strive to do His will not our own.

At our Holy Baptism, we were also united to Christ. In fact, the priest asked us this question three times:
"Have you united yourself to Christ."

Actually, this part is said during the exorcism which some people go through at the same time of baptism. I did it separately. The exorcism is the Cathecumen Rite. Again, I think, that the Protestants believe they are "united" to Christ because they believe in Him as the Messiah. To explain it, to this person, would mean to get into deeper explanations like the Apostolic Succession in order to show that the Church from that time is still alive in the Orthodox Church.

I think we have to be careful with Protestants because they have such a rebellious attitude towards man-made "tradition" although they follow tradition based on the sect they are in. The conversation would become such a sticky-wicky. There are so many details to debate and each non-Orthodox has something that will wake them up to the truth. But, we don't know what's deep in their hearts. I'm getting a headache just thinking about the plethora of arguments the throw at us.

So, basically, just make your comments based on your beliefs and if they really care to know the truth, God will ignite their hearts to understand. After all, isn't that how all of us converts got here? :)

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: Questions on sickness and death from a Pentecostal Chris

Post by Maria »

Each convert arrives at Orthodoxy through different doors.
I came through the RCC and the Melkite Eastern Catholic Church.
My husband came through the Presbyterian Church into Roman Catholicism/Eastern Catholicism
and then into Orthodoxy.
Some struggle more as they were exposed to Mormonism and then Protestantism.
Others were into New Age and Wicca, and have suffered some relapses.
I have also known those who were in the Messianic Judaism denominations.
The MJs seem to struggle the most as their beliefs in Jewish traditions,
the Rapture, and End Time prophecies are so comforting to them.

Each journey is unique with different crossroads. Ultimately, God guides the person. It is not our doing at all. Yet St. Seraphim of Sarov stated: Acquire the Holy Spirit and thousands around you will be saved. By living silent holy lives of repentance, saints can draw many to Christ.

This is why I am asking advice here as I do not want to mislead this person or say something that might totally lead them astray. Pray for me a sinner.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Questions on sickness and death from a Pentecostal Chris

Post by Maria »

I found an interesting comment that pertains to many Pentecostal Christians who hold onto one heresy or another, but who seem to be very peaceful and joyful. Then they attack Orthodox Christians for not believing in the Charismatic gifts or the healing gifts. For example, they chastise me for not going to one of Benny Hinn's healing conferences, saying that I lack the faith. Yes, basically, I do not have faith in Benny Hinn, but in Christ.

Father Epiphanios (Theodoropoulos) once was asked:
<<Elder, it is known that peace reigns only in the soul of people of God. However, the Evangelicals also maintain that they feel a permanent calmness in their hearts. How is it possible for this to occur, since they are in delusion?>>

And he responded:
<<In the villages, my child, when the villagers wish to tie their donkey for grazing, it is not necessary to tie it by all four feet. It suffices to tie it by one.

<<The devil does the same thing with the Evangelicals. Since he has tied them by the foot of heresy, he does not attack them with other temptations. Thus, it is explained why they feel peace, as they maintain. However, this peace is superficial and temporal.>>

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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