Antiochian Patriarchate's Communion with the Monophysites

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Antiochian Patriarchate's Communion with the Monophysites

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Somewhere, someone was asking for this document from November 1991, but I cannot find the place where they asked it, so I am posting it here on its own for now

To All Our Children,
Protected By God,
Both Clergy and Laity of
The Holy See of Antioch


You must have heard of the continuous efforts for decades by our Apostolic See with the sister Orthodox Syriac Church to foster a better knowledge and understanding of both churches whether on the dogmatic or pastoral level. Those attempts are nothing but a natural expression that the Orthodox Churches, and especially those within the Holy See of Antioch, are called to articulate the will of the Lord that all may be one, just as the Son is One with the Heavenly Father.

It is our duty and that of our brothers in the Syriac Church to witness to Christ in our Eastern area where He was born, preached, suffered, was buried and rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sent down His Holy and Life-Giving Spirit upon His holy apostles.

All the meetings, the fellowship, the oral and written declarations meant that we belong to One Faith even though history had brought forward the phase of our division more than the aspects of our unity.

All this has called upon our Holy Synod of Antioch to initiate a quick desire for our Church in the See of Antioch, for a unity that preserves for each Church its original Eastern heritage whereby the one Antiochian Church benefits from its sister Church and profits from its rich traditions, literature and holy rituals.

Every endeavour and pursuit in the direction of coming together of the two Churches is based on the conviction that this orientation is from the Holy Spirit, and it will give the Eastern Orthodox image more brightness and elegance that has lacked for centuries before.

Therefore, the Holy Synod of Antioch saw fit to translate the brotherly approachment relationship between the two Churches, the Antiochian Orthodox and the Syriac Orthodox for the edification of their faithful wherever they happen to be.

The Holy Synod of Antioch has decided the following matters:

1) The complete and mutual respect between the two Churches for their rituals, spirituality, heritage and holy fathers; and the full protection of both the Antiochian and Syriac liturgical practices.

2) The incorporation of the fathers of both Churches and their heritage in general in the Christian education curriculum and theological teaching; and the exchange of theological professors and students.

3) The refraining from accepting members of one Church in the membership of the other whatever the reasons might be.

4) Organizing meetings of both Synods whenever need and necessity may arise.

5) Leaving every Church as a reference for its members in all matters pertaining to marriage, divorce, adoption etc.

6) If two bishops of the two different Churches meet for a spiritual service the one with the majority of the people will generally preside. But if the service is for the sacrament of holy matrimony the bishop of the bridegroom will preside.

7) Whatever has been previously mentioned does not apply to the concelebration among the bishops in the Divine Liturgy.

8) Whatever has been said in number six applies to the clergy of both Churches.

9) If one priest of either Church happens to be in a certain area he will serve the Divine Mysteries for the members of both Churches including the Divine Liturgy and the sacrament of holy matrimony. The same priest will keep an independent record for both Churches and transmit the registration of the members of the sister Church to its spiritual authority.

10) If two priests of both Churches happen to be in a certain community they will take turns, and in case they concelebrate the one with the majority of the people will preside.

11) If a bishop from one Church and a priest from the sister Church happen to concelebrate, presiding naturally belongs to the bishop even though being in the community of the priest on the condition that there are people of both Churches.

12) Ordinations into the Holy Orders are performed by the spiritual authorities on candidates in every respective Church prefereably in the presence of the brothers from the other sister Church.

13) Godfathers, Godmothers and witnesses in the sacrament of holy matrimony are allowed to be chosen from the members of both Churches without any discrimination.

14) In all mutual celebrations the first clergyman in ordination will preside over the ceremony.

15) All organizations from both Churches will co-operate in all matters whether educational, cultural and social for the enrichment of the brotherly spirit.

We promise you on this occasion to continue strengthening our relationship with the sister Church and all other Churches for all to become one community under one Shepherd.

Last edited by 尼古拉前执事 on Fri 8 December 2006 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jean-Serge »

Could you give us the source of this text : an email or something like this. I am shocked but not surprised. I noticed a long time ago, that the Antiochian church was falling into heresy when I learnt about those orthodox faithfuls who commune at catholic church and vice versa. This may be a consequence of the islamic pressure : Christians feel necessary to be united whatever their church may be... However, in pratcice, it is a real disorder. People baptized in the Orthodox church making their first communion at the catholic church, mixed marriages and so on...

I do not understand how it is possible to be communion with Antioch... According to me, it is the worst ecumenist jurisdiction.

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Benjamin W. C. Waterhouse
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Post by Benjamin W. C. Waterhouse »

Which is the ecuminist result of the New Calender, which Antioch joined in 1941.

Sooner or later they apostise.

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Post by GOCTheophan »

benjaminw1 wrote:

Which is the ecuminist result of the New Calender, which Antioch joined in 1941.

Sooner or later they apostise.

In Him

The New Calendar is in itself apostasy as it involves going aganist the Mind of the Church which is the Mind of Christ. However apostasy tends to go from bad to terrible to satanic.

I was going to make another comment here but I will restrain myself. Dragons on the stikera anyone?


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Post by Jean-Serge »

I would be happy to have the source of this text. Are you sure this is not a hoax. Which is the date of this text?

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Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Dear Jean-Serge,

Code: Select all used to have this very document on their web site, complete with the header and everything, but since he has left the Cyprianites and last I heard is with the Antiochians, I have been unable to find this document. I will however continue looking for it, as I have been for a while. I only found the text yesterday when searching for it, but have hopes of finding the actual document along with other synodal notes.
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Post by Pensees »

Deacon Nikolai, it's unfortunate that as a man of the cloth, you'd bear false witness against Oriental Orthodox Christians. We are not, and never have been, "Monophysite." We do not deny the humanity of Christ, and neither do we confuse the human and the divine.
If you are not able to actually prove that we are "Monophysite," please refrain from ever using the term against us again. Remember, God is watching your every move and listens to your every word.
That the canonical Eastern Orthodox jurisdictions are on the path toward reconciling with Oriental Orthodoxy shows the error of your own position, not the "heresy" of their's.


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