Pope "will take part in the Divine Liturgy" of EP

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Pope "will take part in the Divine Liturgy" of EP

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Itinerary of Benedict XVI's Trip to Turkey Published

VATICAN CITY, NOV. 12, 2006 (Zenit.org).- The Vatican press office has published a general outline of the itinerary and agenda for Benedict XVI's upcoming apostolic trip to Turkey.

Vatican Radio, directed by Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, who also heads the press office, completed details of the program for the Nov. 28-Dec. 1 trip.

The Pope will leave from Rome's Fiumicino airport at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28. He will arrive at the Esenboga airport at Ankara, the Turkish capital, at 1 p.m., local time.

The Holy Father will first visit the Mausoleum of Ataturk, "Father of the Turks," who proclaimed the Turkish republic in 1923.

Subsequently, the welcome ceremony will take place as well as a courtesy visit to Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer.

The Pontiff will then meet with the deputy prime minister before meeting with the president of religious affairs, Ali Bardokoglu, Grand Mufti and highest Muslim authority, at his headquarters, and with the diplomatic corps in the Apostolic Nunciature. The Holy Father will deliver addresses to each.

The following day, Benedict XVI will travel to Smyrna, the country's third-largest city, known as "The Pearl of the Aegean," from where he will go to Ephesus, the city where the Apostle Paul lived and was captive, and where, according to tradition, the Blessed Virgin Mary and John the Evangelist also lived.

In Ephesus, Benedict XVI will celebrate Mass at the Meryem Ana Evi (House of Mary) Shrine and deliver a homily. It was in this city that a Council in the year 431 proclaimed the Virgin Mary "Theotokos," of Mother of God.

On that Wednesday afternoon, the Holy Father will fly from Smyrna to Istanbul — formerly Constantinople — where he will visit and pray at the Patriarchal Church of St. George and have a private meeting with Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople. The Pope will greet him at the patriarchate's headquarters.

On Thursday morning, Nov. 30, Benedict XVI will take part in the Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Church of St. George in Istanbul. He will deliver an address and sign a joint declaration.

The Pontiff will thus fulfill the original objective of his trip: to respond to the invitation of Patriarch Bartholomew I to take part on the feast of St. Andrew, patron of the patriarchate, observed on Nov. 30.

After the ceremony, the Holy Father will lunch with Bartholomew I in the patriarchate. In the afternoon, he will visit the St. Sophia Museum.

Then Benedict XVI will go to the Armenian Apostolic cathedral, where he will pray and meet and greet Patriarch Mesrob I.

That same afternoon, the Pope will meet with the Syro-Orthodox metropolitan and the chief rabbi of Turkey.

Finally the Holy Father will meet and dine with the members of the country's Catholic bishops' conference.

On Friday, Dec. 1, Benedict XVI will preside over the celebration of Mass in Istanbul's Cathedral of the Holy Ghost and deliver a homily.

It will be his last appointment, as he will then go to the city's airport and, after the farewell ceremony, depart at 1:15 p.m. for Rome's Ciampino airport.

Previous visits of Roman Pontiffs to Turkey took place in 1967 (Paul VI) and 1979 (John Paul II).

About 99% of Turkey's 70 million inhabitants are Muslim, the majority Sunni. Catholics represent 0.04% of the population.

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Roman Pope will join the EP in a liturgical celebration

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Vatican releases full schedule for Pope's visit to Turkey

Vatican, Nov. 13 (CWNews.com) -
The Vatican has released the full
schedule for the visit by Pope Benedict XVI to Turkey, set for November 28- December 1.

The high point of the papal voyage remains the Holy Father's meeting
with the Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople. But
during his stay the Pontiff will also meet with Turkish government
officials and with other religious officials including Muslim,
Jewish, and Armenian clerics as well as leaders of the country's
small Catholic community.

The Pope will leave Rome's Fiumicino airport on Tuesday morning,
November 28, for a 9 o'clock flight to Ankara, arriving there at
Esenboga airport early in the afternoon. He will travel immediately
to the mausoleum of Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, and
later pay courtesy call on President Necdet Sezer. (In a break from
the usual protocol, the Turkish government leader will not meet the
Pope's plane at the airport.) Later the Pope will meet with other top
government officials, including the deputy prime minister and the
minister for religious affairs.

On November 29, Pope Benedict will celebrate Mass at Ephesus, the
site of St. Paul's missionary work. Then he will travel to Istanbul,
to be received by Patriarch Bartholomew at the patriarchal church of
St. George.

November 30 is the feast of St. Andrew, the patron saint of the
Constantinople see. The Roman Pontiff will join the Ecumenical
Patriarch in a liturgical celebration, and then the two are expected
to sign a joint statement.

That afternoon, the Pope will visit the Hagia Sophia: once a
Christian basilica, later a mosque, and now a national museum. Then
he will visit the city's Armenian cathedral, for a meeting with
Armenian Apostolic Patriarch Mesrop II. Later he will meet the local
leaders of the Syrian Orthodox, Jewish, Evangelical, and Muslim
communities. He is scheduled to have dinner with the country's
Catholic bishops.

On Friday morning the Pope will celebrate Mass in Istanbul's Catholic
cathedral of the Holy Spirit. Then he will head for the airport, and
a return flight to Rome leaving early in the afternoon, scheduled to
land in Rome in mid-afternoon local time.

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Post by ioannis »

For those who are in churches who officially recognize (ie. Balamand) the Latins as part of the church, they can stay current with events here...


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RP to Receive Pope of Rome in Istanbul in November 2006

Post by 尼古拉前执事 »

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Receive Pope Benedict XVI in Istanbul November
http://www.patriarchate.org/press/artic ... ?id=829-30, 2006

ISTANBUL, Turkey - His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, spiritual leader of over 300 million Orthodox faithful worldwide, will receive Pope Benedict XVI on November 29 - 30, 2006 at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul.

Pope Benedict's three-day visit to Istanbul comes at the personal invitation of the Ecumenical Patriarch on the occasion of the feast day of Saint Andrew the Apostle, the older brother of Saint Peter. Saint Andrew traveled across Asia Minor and is considered the founder of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the former name for present-day Istanbul. Both prelates are noted throughout the world as peacemakers and for their extraordinary efforts to create bridges of truth and love across religious, ethnic, environmental and political divides.

�We are awaiting the Pope's visit with fraternal love and great anticipation,� said Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, "it will be very important for our Country and Orthodox-Catholic Relations."

Pope Benedict XVI will arrive in Istanbul, on Wednesday afternoon, November 29, to be received by His All Holiness and will participate in a Doxology of Peace at the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George. The prayer service will include a mutual veneration of the Holy Relics of Saint Gregory the Theologian and Saint John Chrysostom, the Predecessors of the Ecumenical Patriarch, and will be followed by a private meeting between the two Church leaders.

On Thursday morning, November 30, Benedict XVI will participate in the Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral where both prelates will deliver official addresses, exchange the Kiss of Peace and jointly bless the faithful present. After the Divine Liturgy, a common declaration of ecumenical solidarity will be read and signed. Following the signing, Pope Benedict will join the Ecumenical Patriarch for lunch at the Patriarchate.

After receiving the Ecumenical Patriarch at the Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit and celebrating the Papal Holy Mass, Pope Benedict will depart for Vatican City on Friday, December 1.

His All Holiness Bartholomew is the Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and the Ecumenical Patriarch. He is the 269th successor of the 2,000-year old local Christian Church founded by St. Andrew. The Ecumenical Patriarch is a living witness to the world of Orthodoxy's painful and redemptive struggle for religious freedom and to the innate dignity of humankind. As a citizen of Turkey, His All Holiness's personal experience provides him a unique perspective on the continuing dialogue among the Christian, Islamic and Jewish worlds. For his inspiring efforts on behalf of religious freedom and human rights, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was heralded as a Bridge Builder and Peacemaker and awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by the U.S. Congress in 1997.

Additional information about the visit of Pope Benedict to the Ecumenical Patriarchate may be found online at: http://www.patriarchate.org

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Post by Ekaterina »

You hang your hat on semantics.....words that are vague and not specific.


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A picture can say more than one thousand words :D

Post by joselauro »

A picture can say more than one thousand words :D

Jose, although the Ecumenical Patriarch may be committing spiritual adultery with the Latin Catholic Pope of Rome, this does not make it right to link to a Photoshopped picture of the Roman Pontiff sodomizing the Patriarch of Constantinople proper behaviour for an Orthodox Christian nor for this forum. Please refrain from posting altered images in the future.

Antiochian heretical and modernist

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Post by spiridon »

you guys who moderate this Cafe need to wake up and not let these filthy things come and stay on this list for people to look at, how would you like your grandma or mother see that?

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