Little Russian Philokalia Vol. II : Abbot Nazarius of Valaam

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Little Russian Philokalia Vol. II : Abbot Nazarius of Valaam

Post by Unseen.Warfare »

Abbot Nazarius of Valaam translated by Fr. Seraphim Rose. letters and instructions from the elder as well as information on his life compiled from Valaam and Sarov monasteries. St. Nazarius (not yet canonized when this volume was produced) initiated the first Russian Orthodox mission to America, and was the spiritual father of St. Herman of Alaska and St. Juvenaly the Protomartyr of America, as well as potentially the spiritual father of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

In addition to reviving the revered Valaam monastery , he was instrumental in bringing St. Paisius Velichkovsy's Slavonic Philokalia to print. All while being illiterate himself.

Little Russian Philokalia V2 Abbot Nazarius.ENH.SRCH.pdf
(30.51 MiB) Downloaded 136 times

Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom (Luke 12:32)

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