Trinity-denying Heretic to Pray at Trump's Inauguration

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Trinity-denying Heretic to Pray at Trump's Inauguration

Post by Maria »

An Actual Trinity-Denying Heretic Will Pray at Trump’s Inauguration
By Erick Erickson

Paula White is a trinity denying heretic. She rejects the Council of Nicaea’s creed that every Christian accepts. ...

Roman Emperor Constantine called the First Council of Nicaea in AD 325 to settle a growing controversy in the Christian church. ... The heretic Arius, who had taught Christians a song with the line “there was a time the son was not,” argued that Jesus Christ was the first born of creation, but was not the eternal, begotten son of God. He argued that Christ was made of a similar substance, but was not God. Arius’s view was rejected at Nicaea. One of the bishops of the church rebuking the Arian heresy was ... St. Nicholas of Myra.

Since AD 325, it has been settled in the orthodoxy of the Christian church of every single Christian denomination that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God. Re-iterated in the First Council of Constantinople in AD 381, the Nicene Creed as we know it today contains these line:

  • I believe in one God the Father Almighty,
    Maker of heaven and earth,
    And of all things visible and invisible:
    And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God,
    Begotten of his Father before all worlds,
    God of God, Light of Light,
    Very God of very God,
    Begotten, not made,
    Being of one substance with the Father,
    By whom all things were made;


So it should be a pretty ... big deal that Donald Trump is inviting to pray at the inaugural an actual, factual heretic who rejects the Nicene Creed. ... uguration/

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Trinity-denying Heretic to Pray at Trump's Inauguration

Post by Barbara »

What 'religion' is she ?

I am NOT surprised at all. No one should imagine that T is some marvelous spiritual messenger sent from God.
He only challenged some things when campaigning : let's see what he REALLY DOES>

I caught sight of a headline about the T's, husband and wife, attending some [ evangelical ? ] outfit in Florida recently where they had been married. Or some minor "Christian" group if not evangelical.

That tells so much ! Who would get married in a place like that ? Compare with the majestic Orthodox weddings and it gives a fairly quick idea of just where T. really is. Not beyond a certain rut of anti-Orthodox, anti-Catholic typical Protestant mentality [' those idolators praying to "Mary" and worshipping icons / statues ']. I am quite sure T's spirituality is primitive at best.

We cannot expect anything much therefore in this entire realm from his time in office.

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