Concerning Pseudo-Saints - Oct 2013 GOC-K Synod

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Concerning Pseudo-Saints - Oct 2013 GOC-K Synod

Post by Maria »

  • Communiqué

    To all clergy and laity

    Beloved children of the Church of Christ,

    The Holy Synod of the G.O.C., during its meeting on October 10/23 2013, discussed the issue of the pseudo-saints who are alleged to be Saints by the Ecumenists, and the danger of deceiving the faithful through their systematic propaganda. For this reason we call this to the attention of all clergy and laity of the non-innovating Church, that they not fall victim to this propaganda. No one who died in schism, communing with the heresy of Ecumenism may be honored as a saint by the Church. They do not fulfill the criteria of Sainthood which the Church of Christ has always had.

    The Ecumenical Patriarchate, which has ceased to be the beacon of Orthodoxy, continually proclaims many new-found elders as saints, in order to fortify the delusion that the communicants of Ecumenism can also be sanctified, and can become examples to follow. From this delusion, it would then follow that there is no reason for those who object to the heresy of Ecumenism to wall themselves off from it. In their Synodal proclamations, the Ecumenists mix the pseudo-saints of recent years with true saints of the past centuries, such as St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain and St. Cosmas of Aetolia, so that this perception may be believed without question. We however, rightly differentiate the good from the evil; on the one hand we accept the older saints as truly being saints – and that, without regard to Patriarchal decisions – and on the other hand, we reject the new-found elders. We hope that these new-found elders returned to Holy Tradition some time before their death, but they are certainly not examples for the faithful to imitate.

    This also holds true for those new-found elders proclaimed as “saints” by the other Patriarchates who have been equally vitiated by the Ecumenistic delusion or by Sergianism, such as the Patriarchate of Moscow. Therefore pilgrimages and parish excursions to reverence such new-found pseudo-saints are not permitted neither is honoring them individually as real saints, nor painting icons, nor serving the divine services for them.

    Holy figures have existed in recent decades, but those who were sanctified belonged to the ranks of those who struggled against the innovation of the Papal calendar and the heresy of Ecumenism. There will soon be a Synodal decision of the Church concerning them.

    Having said that, we pray that you pass the remainder of the time of the Nativity fast in compunction and prayer.

    By the mandate of the Holy Synod

    The Chief-Secretary

    † Photios of Marathon ... udo-saints

As this document is very important, people have asked me to post it as a reference.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Concerning Pseudo-Saints - Oct 2013 GOC-K Synod

Post by Matthew »

Thank you Maria. That certainly seems to be a step in the right direction. Let's hope they go all the way, eventually, and reject the ecclesiological inconsistencies of Chrysostomos of Florina, concerning whom, I understand, there is presently talk among some TOCs of canonizing as a saint. Let us weigh the fact that this potential move is being considered even though he unwisely promised the State New Calendar Church of Greece to stop ordaining any Old Calendarist bishops, and he kept that promise until his death. I am pretty sure my memory serves that this action left his spiritual children bishopless for some years, and their future most uncertain; again, if I remember correctly. This can only be because he must have believed that the New Calendar Church was still authentically and authoritatively The True Church and her bishops still true Bishops, and that it was somehow wrong to appoint bishops in contradiction to their commandment. That is one of the many reasons why I came to the conscientious conclusion that only the bishops coming from and faithful to Saint Matthew the New Confessor (aka the "Matthewites") constitute authentic Genuine Orthodoxy. Only they have rid themselves of every influence and stain of the ecumenistic mind of the Pseudodox.

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Re: Concerning Pseudo-Saints - Oct 2013 GOC-K Synod

Post by Barbara »

This or other communiques written by our True Orthodox Bishops need to be FREQUENTLY circulated.
Otherwise the flocks can easily drift into interest in the fake saints due to the amount of publicity which has
been devoted to promoting them !
One sees icons of them for sale on otherwise traditionalist Orthodox websites, announcements of akathists to them, etc. All this could easily wipe out the truthful words of such communiques.
The warnings need to be reiterated in various ways to pound in this point, in my opinion.

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Re: Concerning Pseudo-Saints - Oct 2013 GOC-K Synod

Post by Matthew »

Barbara wrote:

This or other communiques written by our True Orthodox Bishops need to be FREQUENTLY circulated.
Otherwise the flocks can easily drift into interest in the fake saints due to the amount of publicity which has
been devoted to promoting them !
One sees icons of them for sale on otherwise traditionalist Orthodox websites, announcements of akathists to them, etc. All this could easily wipe out the truthful words of such communiques.
The warnings need to be reiterated in various ways to pound in this point, in my opinion.

Indeed, Barbara. If only we could get Michael Voris to join us. If we had a youtube channel like that! We could get the message out loudly and clearly.

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Re: Concerning Pseudo-Saints - Oct 2013 GOC-K Synod

Post by Barbara »

Who is this person ? My Adobe Flash player is not working to check youtube at the moment.
Is he an effective True Orthodox or traditionalist Orthodox speaker ?

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Re: Concerning Pseudo-Saints - Oct 2013 GOC-K Synod

Post by Matthew »

He has a YouTube channel called, Church Militant. I will provide some links. Please watch them in order. They are all quite short (about 5 to 8 minutes each).

Here is the Channel link:

I suggest watching these videos for a sample:

Damage Control:

Michael Voris Issues Challenge to NY—"Clear Out That Homosexual Collective!" (less than a minute but powerful)

If you liked this previous 50 second clip watch the whole video here:

The Catholic Mainstream Press is OWNED and Dishonest:

Bishops Allow Porn Profiteering:

If you watched those videos you will be blown away by the high quality of production and content.
If only the Genuine Orthodox Church could have such a media engine to present the Truth...

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Re: Concerning Pseudo-Saints - Oct 2013 GOC-K Synod

Post by Barbara »

These sound good ! I appreciate that he is standing up forcefully against that entrenched evil and corruption of morals.

I need to get an updated system so I can watch the videos. Or else wait til the weekend - maybe i'll do that.

Thanks for posting them.

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