San Francisco's Horrid Condition

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San Francisco's Horrid Condition

Post by Barbara »

What terrible news ! I had no idea the City had gotten this bad. Yet real estate prices don't reflect this decline at all, I am sure. What a strange dichotomy.

"(Natural News) If images of the iconic red Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars, and the beautiful bay are the first things that come to mind when you think of San Francisco, you probably haven’t been there recently. Now... the most memorable sights for visitors are those of homeless and mentally ill people wandering around...

This isn’t the San Francisco of yesteryear. Tourists are being turned off, and businesses are seeking more pleasant locales for conventions. It’s gotten so bad, in fact, that a major medical convention has announced it won’t be returning to the city in the future because its members feel unsafe walking the streets. That’s right: Doctors, who generally have a higher tolerance for seeing bodily fluids and being around ill people, don’t even want to go there any more.

The medical association wasn’t named, but the city’s convention bureau’s president, Joe D’Alessandro, told the San Francisco Chronicle that it’s the first time that such a big group has canceled a convention outright over the issue. The yearly five-day trade show brings in 15,000 attendees and $40 million to the local economy.

When the group didn’t re-up its booking, D’Alessandro flew to Chicago to meet the group’s executive board in person. They told him that surveys of their members indicated that they were too scared to walk around the city because of the prevalence of open drug use, mental illness, and threatening behavior. One board member was assaulted near the Moscone Center there last year.

D’Alessandro said there has been a shift in recent years; cost was once the biggest obstacle in attracting visitors, but now it’s the city’s decline. Conventions have been hiring private security personnel and off-duty police to keep the areas around their hotels and conventions secure, but it’s proving to be too much of a hassle for many. Some local tech companies have also been voicing their discontent about the condition of the city.

Visitors unwilling to return after seeing city’s squalor and crime

Last year, 31,000 thefts from vehicles were reported – a rate of 85 per day on average. Drug needles... and garbage are regular sights on the street....

It’s bad news for a city that counts tourism as its biggest industry. In San Francisco, tourism brings in $9 billion per year, not to mention $725 million in local taxes and employment for 80,000 people. Around $1.7 billion of that business comes from conventions.

At the recent Game Developers Conference, which attracted 28,000 gaming professionals from around the world, attendees were vocal in complaining about the city’s unsafe vibe and the crimes they witnessed, like assaults, muggings, and knife fights.

The situation is dire, and D’Alessandro, whose job is to promote the city, has been speaking out about its decline. He told the San Francisco Chronicle that he’s been all over the world, and San Francisco stands out for all the wrong reasons with its filthy streets and trash.

“I’ve never seen any other city like this — the homelessness, dirty streets, drug use on the streets, smash-and-grabs,” he stated, emphasizing that something needs to be done urgently to turn the once-glorious city’s fortunes around." ... celed.html

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Re: San Francisco's Horrid Condition

Post by Barbara »

This article got buried by the website. I could not even find it when on 2 occasions searching there ! I thought it might have been deleted.

Instead, a 99% diluted version of this article appeared sometime AFTER the above original came out. Perhaps the deterioration of such a famous city was too controversial even for a truth-exposing website !

At any rate, the original, toned down slightly with an eye to good taste, is preserved here.

Last edited by Barbara on Sun 28 October 2018 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: San Francisco's Horrid Condition

Post by Maria »

. . .

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Re: San Francisco's Horrid Condition

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

This article got buried by the website. I could not even find it when searching there ! I had to come back here to obtain the link.

Instead, there is a 99% diluted version which appeared AFTER the original came out. Perhaps it was too controversial even for a truth-exposing website !

Perhaps, just perhaps, that website was told to clean up their act. Now who interferes with a website?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: San Francisco's Horrid Condition

Post by Barbara »

That's what I was wondering. It seemed suspicious to me. As though the site was ordered : "Don't tell THAT MUCH unpleasant Truth ! Only a SMALL dose is allowed ; no more"

I got so annoyed not being able to find the article that I came back here to read the article. I was glad I caught it the day it appeared.

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Re: San Francisco's Horrid Condition

Post by Barbara »

I found an interview when searching for some other topic about this subject. The participants were not that prepossessing, so I am choosing to not post the link. The main new information emerging on this theme was a suggestion that the high tech firms who have moved in en masse have 'taken over the City'. Apparently, they are so powerful financially that they can dictate whatever they want.

One tends to deduce, then, that these companies must have little social consciousness, since the state of San Francisco has declined rather than improved since their entrée.

This information is only subjective, but provides a clue into the prevailing situation there.
The subject needs to be observed over time for precise, accurate conclusions to be drawn.

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