Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Barbara »

Yes, that's close to the Tai Chi symbol. Usually, it's depicted as a stark black color juxtaposed in the same way as pictured on the 'vestments' above with a white mirror image in reverse. Both harbor a little circle of the other color within. There are only the 2 colors in the classic emblem, which represents the yin and yang energies understood by acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

However, this theme has long been appropriated by the New Age movement and overdone to the hilt.

Here there are strangely 3 of the flourishes, and without the dots. But the implication is MORE than obvious.

I like pastel colors in general - but not on corny outfits like THIS ! Only an effeminate, non-Catholic priest would wear such a weird garment with an ancient Taoist motif, dating back to 1300 B.C.

I am glad people are issuing emphatic calls for Pope Francis to resign. An imposter Pope and servant of the Devil if ever there was one.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Justice »

Maria wrote:

Francis is coming to Ireland.

Below is a preview of what the priests will be wearing to concelebrate with Francis at the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Dublin. Besides the pastel rainbow colors, do you notice anything about the design in the center which has replaced the Cross?


Cyprian has mentioned this before. Could it be possible that the Cross is no longer honored and has been replaced?

It looks like a Unitarian vestment.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Maria » ... 2a0168f352

The homosexual clerical sex abuse scandal and resulting cover-up is not theological at its foundation, but moral.

And in this arena, the laity are absolutely duty-bound to speak up, for while we may not all be theologians, each one of us is a moral being and will be judged by Our Blessed Lord on how faithfully we have lived in accord with that objective morality.

With that said, Pope Francis, Holy Father, for the salvation of your own soul, you must step down from the Chair of Peter and do so immediately.

You have treated too many of the faithful with coldness and callousness, abusing the power of your office in regard to their sufferings over this horrendous unconscionable evil which you have facilitated.

On multiple occasions, you have violated your own standard of zero tolerance when it comes to cover-up bishops. You are doing it with Donald Wuerl who covered up for predator priests.

You should have, more than a week ago, stripped him of his red hat, yet he still holds the office of cardinal with your blessing — a man who covered up a homosexual priest homosexual pornography ring while he was bishop of Pittsburgh, and who Viganò says is lying.

You have protected abusers of power, of office, and worst of all, young adults and even children. You have covered up for them. In some cases, you have drawn them close to yourself and taken them on as trusted advisors.

And now, given the revelations over the weekend from Abp. Viganò's testimony — a testimony you do not even deny — it is now clear that you yourself are one of the cover-up bishops because you directly covered up for an actual predator, Theodore McCarrick, until the media heat got too great to withstand.

You have violated your own zero tolerance policy as it pertains specifically to your own actions and omissions.

You have drawn into the temple of God, the most holy of sanctuaries, wicked men who have both raped and covered up the rape of innocents.

Your hypocritical and shameless parade of empty words of sorrow and pleading for forgiveness are an egregious affront to those who believe in God, because you lack all sincerity.

How many trips are you going to take, paid for by the faithful, where you continue to meet with victims, supposedly mourn with them and then return to Rome and conspire with those who abused them or created the environment for the abuse — or both?

The men you have surrounded yourself with have no supernatural faith, for one with supernatural faith would tremble and drop dead of fright at the thought of being judged for what they — and now you — have done. A man who aids, abets, protects and promotes such wicked, sexually perverted and predatory men is not fit for the Chair of St. Peter — he is fit for far worse.

These wolves in shepherds' clothing brutalize and sodomize the sheep, and you promote them. They have no fear of God, and with each passing day, it appears that neither do you.

Any other bishop acting as you have would have been removed immediately for abuse of power and the gravest negligence of office under canon law.

Catholics hold, as you know well, that the Pope is judged on Earth by no man except God, but in conscience, have you so quickly forgotten that in the case of yourself, you are judged?

With all sincerity and concern for your immortal soul, Holy Father, recalling how you are an old man who may not wake to see the next day, your eternal life hangs in the balance. Confess the truth before you stand before Jesus Christ.

You can duck and weave questions from the press on Viganò's testimony, and offer clever retorts to the media that sidestep the testimony of your own ambassador, but oh how you cannot do that with Almighty God.

Church Militant has independently confirmed with at least two different cardinals that the charges in the Viganò statement are absolutely true — and this is in addition to Cdl. Burke's support of Viganò.

You, Holy Father, as every Catholic must do when in a state of sin, should accuse and judge yourself guilty, now, while you still have air in your lungs, and dispose of the wicked heretics and sodomites you have shamelessly collected around yourself so that they may never have a role in electing your successor.

Then as your last act in office, you should resign the papacy and spare Holy Mother Church and the People of God any further harm and evil that you could inflict upon them!

You are tearing the Body of Christ apart by elevating the very men whose crimes cry out to Heaven for vengeance, who never will stop because they have no supernatural faith.

Your actions and omissions have left you unable to reign over the Church in any meaningful way. You have no credibility, no moral authority, not a shred of decency left after having covered up one scandal after another, until the day you go to your own grave.

You had better hope that this is not the state you die in, or you will be delivered over to the demons for an everlasting death of agony and torment in the unquenchable fire, for popes are not immune from risk of damnation, whether you believe in Hell or not.

And when you would next encounter the henchmen you have promoted in this life, each of you will rip and tear one another apart for all eternity, having contributed to the damnation of each other as well as innocents while on Earth.

Whatever pact of evil you may have created with one another, or rationalized, it will be your everlasting shame and agony when you are plunged into the pit where the fire is never quenched and the worm dieth not.

You still have time, Holiness. Admit your tremendous failings, sweep the wicked hirelings from the College of Cardinals, resign your office and give us back the Holy Church that we love and your sycophantic minions loathe.

Holy Father, your friends, your advisors, have raped men and boys. They destroy truth and innocence and lives and souls. You are covering for them.

After you have resigned and they have been forced from office by you, the first thing your successor should do is prosecute the entire lot to demonstrate to the world that change has indeed come to the Church. It will go much better for you that you face justice now, rather than after you die.

For the good of your soul, Holy Father, so as not to be subject to the tortures of demons for eternity, step down.

Pray, my fellow Catholics, pray your Rosary that the Queen of Heaven convert the heart of the Holy Father and bring an end to this scourge of sexual predation and cover-up.

May God have mercy on us all.

This Novus Ordo publication fails to recognize that even if Francis were to resign, which is highly unlikely, the man who takes his place will not be any better for all cardinals have conspired against God and are complicit in wickedness. There is not one who is good. Rome has been taken over by Satan.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by d9popov »

Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant / St. Michael's Media, is sincere, but sincerely wrong. The crisis is theological at root. The ancient Catholic Church believed that an ecumenical council was superior to a pope of Rome, that popes were not infallible, and that bishops at an ecumenical council could condemn a pope for heresy (as the Sixth Council condemned Honorius). The ancient Catholic Church also never elevated Bishop Augustine of Hippo above the consensus of the Fathers. When Augustine stood outside the consensus (such as on predestination) councils condemned the deviant views. However, after the Seventh Ecumenical Council, the Latin church went through radical changes with Charlemagne's revolution and the Gregorian reform. Augustine became supreme and then Aquinas. So, the Latin Church inherited a mish-mash of contradictory doctrines. In fact, the Latin teachings on numerous issues changed: heretical sacraments, predestination, original sin, the form of baptism, Eucharistic bread, chrismation/confirmation, communion of infants, filioque, uncreated grace, atonement, pagan philosophy, papal authority, divorce, the death penalty, carnal lust, etc. The only way to avoid this truth was to resort to dishonesty about dogma, and about how dogmas had been changed in the Latin church. For example, many "conservative" Roman Catholics assert that their church has always taught the indissolubility of marriage. Both the Gospel of Saint Matthew and ancient canon law allow divorce in some cases. The practice of annulments is a blatantly-dishonest way to deny that doctrine has been radically changed, and both "conservatives" and radicals are guilty of dishonesty on this. On theology, on moral teaching, and on church structure the current "Roman Catholic Church" contradicts what the ancient Catholic Church (the Orthodox Church) believed. They have a crisis of theological authority. They have lost the concept of the "consensus of the Fathers" that was explained by the great Latin church writer Saint Vincent of Lerins. The love for unchanging dogma has been lost. Radical innovations such as the filioque, purgatory, and papal supremacy became more important than the God-revealed dogmas of the Ecumenical Councils and the consensus of the ancient Fathers. The Truth comes from the God-Man and the consensus of the Fathers that is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Latins changed and said that the truth comes from a supreme pontiff (a Pontifex Maximus). Now, members of the Latin Church do not know where truth can be found and cardinals are at war with each other because they have absolutely no unity on theological or moral or ecclesiastical dogma. The pope in his recent major statement (Gaudete et exsultate: Apostolic Exhortation on the call to holiness in today's world (19 March 2018)), resorts to the language of moral relativism, in order to try to reconcile irreconcilable contradictions, especially between Latin legalism and post-modern liberalism and progressivism. This pope, as a Latin American Jesuit, is also clearly influenced by Marxist/Communist/socialist "liberation theology." Pope Francis is most definitely the WORST POPE EVER. He is contributing greatly to the breakdown of western civilization, which is being replaced by a hybrid of western postmodernism/relativism and Islamic irrationality. Constantinople is no longer Christian, Paris is no longer Paris, and London is no longer London. As Orthodox Christians, we need to introduce our Roman Catholic friends (and all our friends) to the ancient Catholic concept of Truth as passed down in Holy Tradition, Ecumenical Councils, and the consensus of the Saints. They need to realize that the pope is not Catholic and the Roman Catholic Church has not been Catholic for many centuries. If some of them begin to grasp this, they may come to see that the ancient Catholic Church is only continued today by the traditional Eastern Orthodox Christians. Only we traditional Eastern Orthodox Christians today believe what Saint Vincent of Lerins taught back then about the Truth being found in the ancient patristic consensus. Everyone, East and West, needs to return to the Holy Fathers.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Maria »

Francis is so arrogantly corrupted by his own power.

"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely" (Lord Acton).

Pope Francis deflected questions from reporters about his alleged lifting of sanctions imposed on Cardinal Theodore McCarrick for sexual abuse, telling reporters Sunday to read the accusations and make their own assessment of their credibility. . . .

“I read that statement this morning,” he said, in reference to an 11-page affidavit by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former papal nuncio to the United States, which claimed that the pope knew about McCarrick’s misdeeds and yet reinstated him to a position of influence within the Vatican.

“I read it and sincerely I must tell you this, you and all of you who are interested, read the statement carefully and come to your own conclusion. I won’t say a word about this,” he said.

To read the complete article, visit: ... n=08272018

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Orthodox in Michigan »

Maria wrote:

Francis is coming to Ireland.

Below is a preview of what the priests will be wearing to concelebrate with Francis at the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Dublin. Besides the pastel rainbow colors, do you notice anything about the design in the center which has replaced the Cross?


Cyprian has mentioned this before. Could it be possible that the Cross is no longer honored and has been replaced?

Does it look like the first two pictures on the vestments are hidden triple 6 maybe coincidence right?

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Re: Is Francis the Worst Pope Ever?

Post by Maria »

No coincidence. It is the Satanic triple 6, the Mark of the Beast, 666, which has replaced the Cross of Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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