St Vladimir by Rocor's Abp Afanassy - 1957

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Re: St Vladimir by Rocor's Abp Afanassy - 1957

Post by Barbara »

I could tell from the fastest glance that it's St John Maximovitch, for I have seen that icon many times - but where ? I can't remember. I am happy that there are icons of this great Saint proliferating, so we do see new ones often these days. This is an older Icon of the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco though.
I noticed immediately that Justice changed his avatar from - speaking of New Martyrs - Met Vladimir of Kiev. It's pleasant to have a variety.

I am somewhat following this subject of movements to replace the Unmentionable in various corners of the former Soviet Union. But they are normally provincial towns rather than major regional capitals as of yet. I was going to write an update on the thread about Rocor-MP's plan to TRULY de-Sovetize the RF, the Russian Federation by getting rid of old place names and monuments and street names. There has been a little progress, but not what one would expect if the people were truly repentant.

Last edited by Barbara on Sat 28 July 2018 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: St Vladimir by Rocor's Abp Afanassy - 1957

Post by Barbara »

JdiGrande : No - good question, though. I have a thread about that monument, which is on Borovitskaya hill very near a corner of the Kremlin fortifications. ... mir#p68647

Honestly speaking, I thought the idea of honoring St Vladimir so near the seat of government [ which should always remain Moscow ] was a superb one. But the features of St Vladimir's face did not suit him, in my opinion. He looks too rough and rustic. I felt disappointed when I saw the face on that statue ; it is not refined like one feels his soul must be. The image I posted earlier remains my favorite depiction of St Vladimir. Notice how his face has real character ; whereas the recently unveiled one looks comparatively insipid. Neither can I say the new statue conveys strength or vigorous activity. Whereas these traits are conveyed admirably in the picture of the sculpture I posted on this thread.

This is the Millenium of Russia monument in Novgorod the Great. On my 1st trip to Russia way back in the mid-1990s, I got on the train to Novgorod from Moscow immediately to see it and St Sophia Cathedral, since both were associated with Patriarch Nikon. The formidable Nikon had been Metropolitan of Novgorod [ 1650-1652 ] before his unwilling elevation to the Patriarchate of Moscow and All Russia. This was an authentic Patriarch, not like those who followed him : puppets of Peter the Horrible like Adrian, or yes-men like Pitirim and Joachim. Not to mention the Soviet era fake copy of this once grand institution.

This gives me an idea. Maybe I will do a thread on this fascinating monument, as it's commonplace to me, having seen it in person. But very little known outside of Russia.

However, for the sake of this thread, let me include this description. Holy Prince Vladimir holding high his Orthodox Cross, is flanked by a saintly-looking woman trustingly holding her child up for baptism [ symbolic of the entire people, of course ]. While a Slavic man gets rid of the old folk deity, Perun. < Even that name sounds so false !

One can see the far superior quality of workmanship in the 'age of faith', the 19th century. This monument was completed in 1862 in honor of 1,000 years since the founder of the earlier dynasty, Rurik, arrived in what is now Novgorod Veliky. The styling of the figures is far more elegant than what we see today ; but anything is better than nothing when it comes to Saints' statues ! Let's hope New Martyrs ARE depicted in monument form in various squares in central Moscow and throughout major cities to give them the honor they so rightly deserve.

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Re: St Vladimir by Rocor's Abp Afanassy - 1957

Post by jdigrande »

it is true the Soviets will not do this (sculptures to the new martyrs. It will happen when we have a new and true Tsar. We can only pray for that.

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