Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Real life photo of Matrona. Hmmm.

I hate to say, but this person looks like a Hindu "Ma" so and so, as all the women gurus are styled. [ Could it be that there is some connection here to the name of Matrona beginning with the same syllable ? ]

I have a very bad feeling when I look at this photo, though it was intended to be published as devotional item by the Pokrov Monastery in Moscow where the grave currently is [ having been moved from the Danilov Monastery ].


Did Matrona promote Buddhism or Hinduism?

Father Seraphim Rose warned us that the New Age religion is precisely that of these dangerous Eastern religions, which are still being promoted everywhere, and that these religions will be the religion of the future Anti-Christ.

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by Barbara »

I don't think so. In fact, though, that points up the further questionable aspect of Matrona's life : there is little material on which to go. If anyone is naïve enough to believe the lying claim of Matrona as 'the 8th Pillar of Orthodoxy' prophesied by the truly great St John of Kronstadt, then one will believe ANYTHING. In short, the written material is highly iffy.
So - there could be something like that.

Look at her classic 'meditation' posture and compare with Mata Anandanandamayi Devi - Oops, I wrote Devil !!! -
[ now the light flickered on and off when I was editing this exact phrase. Hmmmmmm ] :

The so-called hugging saint, a teacher of yoga, immensely popular

Also note the similarity of the their names, starting with "Mat" and ending with "a". Mata means mother in Sanskrit and Hindi.

Could we therefore be seeing a Cultivated Cult of a so-called 'mother figure' for Russians as well as Hindu devotees ? The latter has been tremendously popular with Westerners. This particular "Mata" - most commony called "Amma", has 'hugged' a mere 32 MILLION people in an attempt to show love. Is there perhaps a void that some of the powers that rule the Moscow Patriarchate are eager to fill in by their aggressive furtherance of the Matrona Cult ? In short, the premise may be that the average Russian or other Orthodox person gets scarcely enough affection to maintain life in today's bleak world. Thus, they calculate that a warm matronly Matrona could fill in that gaping hole in the hearts and souls of many. This is ONLY a hypothesis. However, why is THIS picture [ from previous post ] being circulated when it looks like the spitting image of a female Guru in 'meditation', but with a benign expression which may diffuse fears and, it is hoped, melt hearts of Orthodox supplicants ?

Isn't Matrona's story simplistic, the same way that the approach and religion of Amma is ? The latter believes in 'love', she says, but not in following any rules of organized religion : hence all the hugging routine [ roll of the eyes ].

Sidenote : a woman from Mill Valley< California told me about her many years ago, raving away about how "Amma"'s hug was so blissful and how she radiates warmth. I could not wait to leave the room, I was so disgusted. But for many love-starved devotees - 32 million at least - these hugs are life-transforming.

Could it be that the MP knows about this mass devotion and decided to cash in on this 'market' with their own "Mata" ? A semi-Amma is perhaps being shaped for Orthodox, to fill empty parts of their psyches : meet Matronushka Devi[l] --- the Hugging Saint of Moscow !

After all, whether West or East, worshippers bring - what ? - with them to demonstrate their appreciation ? CASH. Lots of it.

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by Maria »

Matar in Spanish means "to kill"

Mata = she kills

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by Barbara »

Aha ! Like the word matador, for example, "he who kills the bull". Good thinking, Maria.

I was working on an allusion to Mata Hari last night, but it got too late. This was the name adopted by a notorious Dutch woman in the period leading up to World War I> don't look up her life unless one wants to be thoroughly polluted.
The name she chose for herself for a career in what is now euphemistically called 'exotic dancing' was from the Bahasa Indonesia language [ recall that the Dutch were involved in Indonesia for nearly 350 years, and this woman spent some of her earlier years on Java ].

In the Indonesian language, a variant of Malay, Mata means "EYE". Isn't that a STRANGE 'coincidence' ? A semi- intelligence agent who never collected any significant intelligence - but was killed by a French firing squad, again showing the death connection you mentioned, Maria.

Could agents of the Cheka and its modern day derivatives have selected Matrona, blind from birth, as a subtle connection to Mata Hari ? There is the rumor of Matrona's having been consulted by WWII leader Stalin upon which KGB agents putting together the case for veneration of a new, Muscovite 'saint' would have built her appeal during the Soviet era.
Modern Russian sources, including the Pravoslavie/OrthoChristian site, downplay that as only a legend. But some recent articles on Mata-Matrona persist in labeling her "Stalin's Saint". So ! We have a Hugging Saint who was faintly possibly involved in governmental intrigue, like her Dutch 'namesake'; the prominent feature of each having been related to the Eye. Or - was it the evil eye at work through the superstar of Moscow ?-! For I receive a bad jolt every time I glance at that real life photo, which signals something seriously wrong with this cult of Sri Mata Matrona, possibly manufactured by secret operatives.

If this sounds ridiculous, which it well may, let us wonder WHY all Russian émigré visitors to their 'homeland' are shoehorned into visiting Sri Matrona. I mean, for example, the story of the life of a White Russian émigré oarishioner of San Francisco's Holy Virgin Cathedral recently published by OrthoChristian in English, previously released in Russian. The story is riveting... until one gets to this sentence about the émigré's son, Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis. Afflicted with a bad disease

"He then went with his family to St Petersburg to pray before Blessed Xenia of St Petersburg, and then to Moscow to pray before the relics of St Matrona of Moscow."

Out of ALL MOSCOW, Protodeacon Nicholas only went to 'see' Matrona to beg for relief from his ailment ?
VERY SUSPICIOUS. There are literally hundreds of great Saints from Moscow and the surrounding region [ Golden Ring cities, and many other towns, each with its own beloved Saints ]. The ill protodeacon may have visited other shrines as long as he had traveled all that way from the West Coast of the U.S. > Why, then, did Olga, the reporter of the Moscow Patriarchate Pravoslavie media outlet, speak only of Sri Mata Matrona ? Surely this is a suggestion to readers that THEY consider making a pilgrimage to venerate this supremely important figure. Questionable statements repeated endlessly hammer ideas into susceptible minds, after all.

Though the Soviet Union vanished, its unsubtle, often heavy handed methods of molding attitudes may linger on, at least in MP affairs as we can observe in the systematic building up of an international cult of the Russian Hugging Saint.

Let's say that the Russian-Greek-American protodeacon did not feel well enough to go anywhere else besides Matrona's flower-filled shrine. Then why would he have chosen just that one destination in Moscow, going out of his way from St Petersburg merely to visit the Pokrovsky Convent's famous attraction ? Close nearby is the much more beautiful and interesting Novospassky Monastery with so many historical tombs, such as those of the mysterious Eldress Dosifea and the early Romanovs - even a Grand Duke from the beginning of the 20th century.

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by Barbara »

There was also Elder Philaret, Eldress Dosifea's revered Elder, who was buried at Novospassky where he had resided. These are REAL figures, whereas Matrona seems to have been concocted by various minds to form a substitute for any of the important Muscovite True Saints.

Sputnik wrote breathlessly in 2016 that lots of people

"line up to venerate Moscow’s new protectress, have turned to her icon and brought her their various problems as though Matrona were still alive in front of them."

The Blessed Elder of Moscow was canonized in 1999" ... t-tribute/

From this, we deduce yet again that her cult is brazenly aiming to surpass that of any other figure in the Moscow region [ eventually even maybe nationally in the RF ]

This is alarming ! A fake saint substituting for a galaxy of REAL Russian Saints ?

Now Sri Matrona has been elevated to THE 'protectress' of Moscow ? What about St Sergius, Russia's national Saint, whose shrines rests a mere 30 miles away, at Sergiev Posad - JUST for one highly prominent example, and so many other powerful local Saints ?

Then, as for the part about "as if Matrona were alive in front of them" - that is no particular feat. Even uncanonized Archbishop Averky [Taushev] of Rocor appeared to his spiritual daughter after his repose in 1976, telling her that he is very much alive. There are some interesting accounts of his spiritual children claiming unusual intercession from this famous Jordanville Monastery Abbot and respected theologian. Nothing Sri Mata Matrona has 'done' that I know of offhand is anything more remarkable than one of these stories, which I will relate tomorrow.

So should the MP canonize and create a cult for Archbishop Averky, loudly proclaiming him 'the Protector of New York City' [ since he spent time at the Rocor Synod meetings there ] ? Why not then, since he fulfills these same criteria for superstar Saintdom as Sri Mata. If she is assigned the exalted role as the patroness of Moscow - which she does NOT deserve ! - then why not put "Saint" Averky as a similar patron of Orthodox in a correspondingly important city of America, in which country he lived - ?

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by Barbara »

I'll be returning to Archbishop Averky. For the moment, I wanted to mention that Sri Mata's veneration has spread to Catholic outlets.

One called the Catholic Truth Society in London [ the website is not clear as to its stand ] offers an 'icon' of Sri Mata at this link, for the picture did not transfer here : ... eek_IMARTO

Looking at this site, one sees artistic abominations such as this by some 'artist' named Kiko Arguello. Here is a nightmarish image supposedly depicting Archangel Raphael :


or this insulting image of St Michael


Thus, we can tell a little about which sort of websites are going for the Matrona of Moscow cult.

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Re: Matrona of Moscow: Distraction from the REAL Saints

Post by IXOYE »

Barbara wrote:

Then, as for the part about "as if Matrona were alive in front of them" - that is no particular feat. Even uncanonized Archbishop Averky [Taushev] of Rocor appeared to his spiritual daughter after his repose in 1976, telling her that he is very much alive. There are some interesting accounts of his spiritual children claiming unusual intercession from this famous Jordanville Monastery Abbot and respected theologian. Nothing Sri Mata Matrona has 'done' that I know of offhand is anything more remarkable than one of these stories, which I will relate tomorrow.

Can you share the stories you are referring to?

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