Is an Orthodox Christian Tonsure like the RC one?

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Re: Is an Orthodox Christian Tonsure like the RC one?

Post by Justice »

Barbara wrote:

I had recently seen a pictorial illustration of the habits of various Orders of Catholic monks when I read the post above, so I dug it out again. It should be known that most all Orders wore/wear a scapular, called because it goes over the shoulders [ covering the scapula bone on the back ] and reaches the hem of the monk's cassock.

The only major Orders which don't have this feature are the Augustinians and the Franciscans. Thus look for scapulars in any Western Rite movement !

Then there is a short cape around the shoulders worn by several Orders : the Dominicans, Trinitarians, Mercedarians, Servites and lesser known today, the Holy Cross Canons.

That unpleasant looking tonsure must have been instituted to preserve the monk's humility. Unfortunately, likely it kept a fair number of aspiring ascetics from being tonsured over the centuries, for who wants that appearance ?

I don't think I ever saw a tonsured Western-Rite monk when ROCOR-MP was doing their so called "Western-Rite". Though I'm only going off of videos so I could very well be wrong. As for the western tonsure, I think your talking about the modern Roman Catholic tonsure correct? I don't think a monk should care very much about his appearance as his purpose is not to be concerned with vanity. If any future monks back then were afraid of the bald tonsure on their head, they shouldn't have looked into western monasticism in the first place.

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Re: Is an Orthodox Christian Tonsure like the RC one?

Post by Maria »

Here is a recent photo taken of the SSPX Dominicans and showing their great tonsure:

February 2018_SSPX Dominicans wearing the great tonsure.jpg
February 2018_SSPX Dominicans wearing the great tonsure.jpg (28.06 KiB) Viewed 9503 times

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Re: Is an Orthodox Christian Tonsure like the RC one?

Post by Justice »

Maria wrote:

Here is a recent photo taken of the SSPX Dominicans and showing their great tonsure:

Those are very nice tonsures.

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Re: Is an Orthodox Christian Tonsure like the RC one?

Post by jdigrande »

Does anyone have a description or photo of what the tonsure looked like for an Irish monk circa 6th century? I see in the ikons of St. Savva that the tonsure included a shaved head on the dome of the head. When did this type of tonsure disappear in Serbia?

Thanks for any information

Joseph Digrande

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Re: Is an Orthodox Christian Tonsure like the RC one?

Post by Justice »

jdigrande wrote:

Does anyone have a description or photo of what the tonsure looked like for an Irish monk circa 6th century? I see in the ikons of St. Savva that the tonsure included a shaved head on the dome of the head. When did this type of tonsure disappear in Serbia?

Thanks for any information

Joseph Digrande

This is what people think the Celtic tonsure looked like:


Patriarch Germanus I of Constantinople writes the following regarding the Roman tonsure:

"The total tonsuring of the head is in imitation of the holy Apostle James, brother of the Lord, and the Apostle Paul, and of the rest."

He also writes:

"The double crown inscribed on the head of the priest through tonsure represents the precious head of the chief-apostle Peter. When he was sent out in the teaching and preaching of the Lord, his head was shaved by those who did not believe his word, as if in mockery. The Teacher Christ blessed this head, changed dishonor into honor, ridicule into praise. He placed on it a crown made not out of precious stones, but one which shines more than gold, topaz, or precious stone – with the stone and rock of faith."

Perhaps these writings inspired St. Sava to cut his hair in this fashion?

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Re: Is an Orthodox Christian Tonsure like the RC one?

Post by d9popov »

Correct me if I am wrong, but there may have been a custom on the Holy Mountain of Athos, for a time, to tonsure monks with a shaved spot on the top of the head (?). If you do an image search for Saint Sava of Serbia and Saint Gregory Palamas, in some icons both have a full head of hair, in others there appears to be a tonsure as described.

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Re: Is an Orthodox Christian Tonsure like the RC one?

Post by Maria »

d9popov wrote:

Correct me if I am wrong, but there may have been a custom on the Holy Mountain of Athos, for a time, to tonsure monks with a shaved spot on the top of the head (?). If you do an image search for Saint Sava of Serbia and Saint Gregory Palamas, in some icons both have a full head of hair, in others there appears to be a tonsure as described.

If those icons of those two saints were written by a Roman Catholic, then they might include a great tonsure.

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