DVD trailer on Chemtrailing

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DVD trailer on Chemtrailing

Post by Maria »

The drought and the fires in California have been geo-engineered.

The drought is caused by aerial spraying of lithium, which dessicates the clouds, removes moisture, and prevents rain.

The massive fires in both Southern and in Northern California are also being caused by aerial spraying of lithium, as lithium causes fire tornadoes, exploding roofs and trees, and out of control wild fires, especially in the Thomas Fire. This is why the firefighters could not control the flames, but had to back off and let the structures burn. The very destructive winds, the santa anas, could have been geo-engineered using HAARP.

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Re: DVD trailer on Chemtrailing

Post by Barbara »

That sounds believable. I was very suspicious of the santa ana [ not capitalized, since St Anne would never be behind such a dastardly plot ] winds. Why so high velocity and for so many days ? This is not possible to be by chance.

From Press Tv [ a good source of simple facts without the interpretations that the Western media always infuses in their reports ], I read, catching up on news for the 1st time in awhile [ don't have a link but could get it ] :

"The so-called Thomas Fire overnight grew to the fourth-largest blaze of its kind on record, at 242,500 acres (98,140 hectares) burned, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) said in a statement on Thursday."

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