Make-up contains dangerous and untested chemicals that cause harm

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Make-up contains dangerous and untested chemicals that cause harm

Post by Maria »

Emporio Organico’s Kitsa Yanniotis [of Australia] claims that the safety of typically used makeup products is compromised to the point that these products may be causing serious illnesses for women, including reproductive ones. She claims manufacturers simply don’t test for safety, rather, they push the makeup products to market with immediacy.

‘These concerns have been linked to infertility, neurological disorders and developmental damage, reproductive issues and environmental damage,’ ....

‘More obvious issues include skin problems and premature aging.’ ...

‘Because they are easily absorbed into the skin, they have been linked to reproductive cancers as they are endocrine disruptors,’ she said.

‘Due to their xenoestrogenic activity the body responds to them as if they were a natural estrogen thereby causing hormonal havoc.’

See the complete article at ... up/1451797

Some of the common chemicals used in make-up, shampoo, body wash, and conditioners include

  • phenoxyethanol, a chemical preservative
    parabens, a chemical preservative
    formaldehyde, a deadly chemical used for embalming dead bodies

The list goes on. If you cannot read or pronounce an ingredient, it is most likely untested and very dangerous. Since I have stopped buying shampoo, body wash, and conditioners, because there are no safe products on the market, the chronic problem I had with hives has disappeared. I use unscented bar soaps.

Badger Balm ( offers wonderful bar soap. Some new bar soaps available at Trader Joes not only smell lovely, but also feel great on the skin. Try their Camel Milk Soap and Goat Milk Soap produced in Turkey. Kiss My Face distributes an all natural olive oil soap that comes from Greece. (Support the Greeks.)

In the old days when I was a wee one, I remember my mom washing my hair with bar soap, and then rinsing it with either filtered fresh and diluted lemon juice or diluted vinegar. This gave my hair a healthy shine.

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Re: Make-up contains dangerous and untested chemicals that cause harm

Post by Maria »

Priests who advise their parishioners not to wear make-up to church are not only protecting icons as lipsticks and chapsticks contain oil and other chemicals that can damage icons, but also perhaps unintentionally are helping their parishioners to live a more natural lifestyle free of vanity.

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Re: Make-up contains dangerous and untested chemicals that cause harm

Post by Justice »

Maria wrote:

Priests who advise their parishioners not to wear make-up to church are not only protecting icons as lipsticks and chapsticks contain oil and other chemicals that can damage icons, but also perhaps unintentionally are helping their parishioners to live a more natural lifestyle free of vanity.

I was always under the idea that icons were covered by glass. But I guess this isn't practiced in every Orthodox Church. Not only are there chemicals in lipstick and Chapstick, but they also contain fish scales. I don't think a person should venerate holy icons with fish scales and other oils present.

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Re: Make-up contains dangerous and untested chemicals that cause harm

Post by Barbara »

Does Badger Balm make soap now, then ? I have followed your recommendation, Maria, and relied on the Badger Balm ointment for cracked feet, a common problem in dry climates. I always thank you for that every time I open the tin !

This is a very important article. I always suspected that and never used face makeup or lipstick. Only nail polish, which I will insist all my life is actually good, though the chemicals are certainly not. Oh, I did apply mascara but when some flakes got in my eyes, as does happen, I was suspicious that the composition of this brush-applied eyelash enhancer might be pretty toxic.

Now I notice that people like for example a teller at the bank suddenly has long, curly eyelashes. I think the transformation is due to some kind of special treatment, I am not sure what. I would not risk it, however.

There is a French Olive Oil soap that I think is healthier. It is from Provence in the South. I think it may be Pre de Provence. There are probably a few companies at least offering high quality Olive oil soaps. That's all I would ever consider using myself.
I don't trust any other kind of bar soap.

Justice, fish scales in lipstick ? I don't think that sounds as bad as the artificial ingredients. As for Chapstick, that stuff is horrendous. So fakey. I never used it growing up. Though I think skiing as a child, I was forced to wear something which sounds awful called zinc oxide to keep out the high altitude sun rays. I can still remember how thoroughly unappealing that white ointment was !

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