Ecumenism to be enshrined as official view of MP

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Ecumenism to be enshrined as official view of MP

Post by Maria »

Proposed Moscow Patriarchate Catechism: Opponents of Ecumenism Should be Subject to “Canonical Rebuke”

The draft of the new Catechism was unanimously approved by the MP Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission (under the guidance of the well-known MP ecumenist and head of the Department of External Church Affairs, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev). In February of 2016, the MP Bishops’ Council decided to send the draft Catechism to ROCOR-MP, various MP schools and institutions, and other autonomous bodies under the MP. November 2017 is when any changes to the document will no longer be accepted.
This would even more formally and firmly enshrine ecumenism in the official views of the MP , as well as penalizing those within it that condemn such participation. Even the milquetoast criticism of the ‘fighting from within’ figures would become subject to ‘canonical rebuke’. If this document passes fully in the MP, it will provide a final tool to stamp out any smoldering embers against ecumenism that chose to remain within the MP.

To read the entire article, please visit: ... al-rebuke/

Any milquetoast criticism -- i.e., those who stay onboard the MP plugging holes in a desperate attempt to save the sinking ship while condemning ecumenical activities -- will be faced with censure.

Those of us who were previously in the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Churches, and/or one of the World Orthodox churches in communion with the EP or MP, and who boldly "fought from within" know the futile schizophrenia of trying to be faithful to bold-faced heretical clergy and hierarchs, yet trying to be faithful and obedient to Christ God.

I was part of the "fight from within" movement or many years first within Roman Catholicism and then within World Orthodoxy. If any of us complained to the Bishops about the blatant ecumenism or all the modernistic changes taking place within the church, we were told to stop judging them of heresy, to read the New Testament, to be silent, and to pray. By silencing us into obedience, the bishops effectively prevented us from "fighting from within." Ultimately, we were faced with a decision: was the Eucharist valid in such compromising situations? Was it even possible to continue to commune with these heretical bishops without defiling our own souls? Was Christ even present on the Altar of those heretics or had His Grace departed?

During any acts of war, we are told that if the commander issues an unethical order commanding his troops to murder innocent civilians, that we may resist. Of course, we may be executed on the spot or subjected to a court-martial, but our consciences will be clear when at our death we face our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ who will judge each and every one of us.

Those of us who resist the Pan-heresy of Ecumenism must be prepared to be censured, to be made to stand trial, and to be accused of being a "fundamentalist." These are dire times, times when we must take up our cross and follow Christ who was also censured, made to stand trial, and condemned to death.

Lord have mercy on us and save us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Ecumenism to be enshrined as official view of MP

Post by Maria »

Below are excerpts. To read the entire article, please click:

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission has published a draft version of the Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church for Church-wide discussion ....

Concerns have been raised about the final section, especially as it pertains to ecumenical organizations and meetings. The document “Basic Principles of Attitude to the Non-Orthodox” maintains that ...

During Orthodox participation of many decades in the ecumenical movement, Orthodoxy has never been betrayed by any representative of a Local Orthodox Church. On the contrary, these representatives have always been completely faithful and obedient to their respective Church authorities, and acted in complete agreement with the canonical rules, the Teaching of the Ecumenical Councils, the Church Fathers and the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church (7.3)

Therefore the document states that, “The Church condemns those who, by using inauthentic information, deliberately distort the task of the Orthodox Church in her witness before the non-Orthodox world and consciously slander the Church authorities, accusing them of the ‘betrayal’ of Orthodoxy.” Such sowers of temptation, according to the document, ought to be subjected to canonical sanctions. The statement included from the Thessaloniki meeting refers not only to schismatics, but also to “certain extremist groups within the local Orthodox Churches,” who “[use] the theme of ecumenism” to criticize Church leadership, “thus attempting to create divisions and schisms within the Church,” seemingly accusing all who oppose Ecumenism as being among those who use “inauthentic information” in the fight against it.

Not all accept the view that Orthodox representatives have never, without exception, compromised any matter of Orthodoxy at ecumenical gatherings and dialogues. Many prominent voices within the Orthodox Church, including St. Justin Popovich, Elder Ephraim of Katounakia, St. Paisios the Athonite, St. Seraphim of Sobolev, Fr. Seraphim Rose, Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos), and many others have been very vocal about the dangers posed by the Ecumenical movement, and following last year’s council on Crete, entire Local Churches have raised the flag, including the Bulgarian and Georgian Churches. ...

Most recently, Archpriest Artemy Skripkin of the Tikhvin Diocese has announced that he is invoking Canon 15 of the First-Second Council in order to cease commemoration of Pat. Kirill, as well as Metropolitan Barsanuphius of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, and his own hierarch, Bishop Mistislav of Tikhvin, ...

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Ecumenism to be enshrined as official view of MP

Post by Barbara »

What kind of canonical sanctions are they getting at ?

Minor point : the article wrote "St Seraphim OF Sobolev" when Sobolev was Archbishop Seraphim's last name.
For some preliminary discussion of the Russian émigré who started with Rocor and inexplicably defected to the MP in Bulgaria, serving at the Soviet Embassy chapel there, see the Euphrosynos Café thread ... lev#p69460

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Re: Ecumenism to be enshrined as official view of MP

Post by Maria »

Not all accept the view that Orthodox representatives have never, without exception, compromised any matter of Orthodoxy at ecumenical gatherings and dialogues. Many prominent voices within the Orthodox Church, including St. Justin Popovich, Elder Ephraim of Katounakia, St. Paisios the Athonite, St. Seraphim of Sobolev, Fr. Seraphim Rose, Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos), and many others have been very vocal about the dangers posed by the Ecumenical movement, and following last year’s council on Crete, entire Local Churches have raised the flag, including the Bulgarian and Georgian Churches. ...

Paisios is one of the fake saints who was pictured before his death giving support to the EP. He was originally a novice with the True Orthodox monastery at Mt. Athos but left as a novice to join a World Orthodox monastery. And now he is a "saint." I have read several of his books, but his unorthodox ramblings disturbed me.

Even though Metropolitan Hierotheos has voiced concern about the heretical statements made at Crete, he has urged all priests to continue commemorating their heretical World Orthodox bishops. This does not make any sense.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Ecumenism to be enshrined as official view of MP

Post by Maria »

Two posts were moved into the Moderation Forum due to the gossip contained therein.

Many posts were split off and placed into Intra-TOC polemics as they dealt with TOC topics, not World Orthodoxy.

Please be careful when posting.


Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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