1st Major Monument of Grand Duchess Elizabeth opens at Alapaevsk

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1st Major Monument of Grand Duchess Elizabeth opens at Alapaevsk

Post by Barbara »

"Alapaevsk, June 30, 2017

Notice that Anna Gromova, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the "Elizabeth-Sergius Educational Society" is decently dressed in a harmonious color scheme of blue and white ; shoulders covered. Her skirt is not like the fad of skirts quite far above the knee, a tacky fashion which nearly all American women slavishly follow

[ machine translation ] --- In Alapaevsk June 29, 2017 a solemn ceremony of opening of the monument to Grand Princess Yelizaveta Fyodorovna Romanova, informs the site of the Sverdlovsk Region Government .

Monument by sculptor Alexander Ural Kokoteeva installed next to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, which houses the shrine with the relics of Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova. This is the last temple, who during his life visited the Grand Duchess. "The sculpture height of more than seven meters is the image of Elizabeth Feodorovna, which is holding a cross and a lily flower as a symbol of purity and faith in God", - reported in the diocese. The decision to create the monument and its setting on the Cathedral Square in Alapaevsk adopted in 2016 the regional office of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

The participants of the opening ceremony began, Metropolitan Kirill of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Bishop Alapaevsky Kamensky and Methodius, the head of the region Evgeny Kuyvashev, Chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, Sergey Stepashin, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of "Elisabeth Sergius Educational Society" Anna Gromova, State Duma deputy Pavel Krasheninnikov.

"Elizabeth Feodorovna was a real Russian woman, she was not Russian by birth, but was absolutely Russian in spirit. And thanks to her many things and still live, and especially founded by her and her husband Grand Duke Sergeem Aleksandrovichem Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, which today is very much good deeds for our land with you, "- said at the dedication of a monument to Metropolitan Kirill.

The historical significance of this event said Eugene Kuyvashev: "Today is truly a landmark event in the history of the Urals and Alapaevsk. We can not change the tragedy in our country for almost a hundred years ago, but we can learn the lessons of the past so that this will never happen again. "

Sergei Stepashin told why it is so important that the monument was erected exactly in Alapaevsk: "Today we pay tribute to the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, which is July 18, 1918 here in Alapaevsk ascended to his Calvary. At the time, she led the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, went to the nuns, and all that she had, gave on the construction of schools and monasteries. She was very fond of Russian land and therefore, despite the fact I had the opportunity during the revolution to leave the country, chose to stay here. This is the first major monument to Princess. And it is right that such a monument is installed in Alapaevsk. Monument wonderful, and the place is chosen perfectly. " He also stressed that this memorial will be one of the main asset of Alapayevsk.

Anna Gromov noted that only with the full support of the regional government and the residents themselves Alapaevsk succeeded in implementing such a serious and important project to perpetuate the memory of Elizabeth Feodorovna."

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Re: 1st Major Monument of Grand Duchess Elizabeth opens at Alapaevsk

Post by Barbara »

Before the month of St Elizabeth's martyrdom closes, I wanted to bring up another fairly recent statue of her. This one is in the UK, in the venerable St Albans Cathedral. It forms one of a VERY ODD group of 7 put up in 2015. Included are a leftist Catholic Archbishop and various Protestants. To me such choices reflect the entire leftist slant and strange world view of New World Order religion, of which the Anglican 'church' is a leader [ see the last quotation from the BBC article toward the end of this post ].


"The polychrome statues depict different martyrs - Alban, Britain’s first Christian martyr, Amphibalus, the priest who Alban sheltered and helped to escape, George Tankerfield, a Protestant martyr burned in Queen Mary’s reign on Romeland, Alban Roe, a Catholic priest imprisoned in the Abbey gatehouse, plus Elizabeth of Russia, Oscar Romero and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

They now take pride of place in the church’s nave screen – possibly the first time statues of this type have been restored to a medieval screen since the Reformation.

Cirencester-based sculptor Rory Young, who has been toiling over the statues for the last five years after winning a competition to design them, said: “For me the exciting part was the filling of medieval niches, carving and painting statues and then making them full of religious meaning.

“I tried to refurnish them as a spiritual reminder, they’re not idols to be worshipped per se but aides.

“Before only around 0.01 per cent of the population would have got spiritual nourishment from empty niches but now 10 per cent of them will get something, they will enquire and they will ask.

“Someone said to me, no offence but they look like they’ve always been here, which to me is the biggest compliment!

“The idea was to put back what was intended, not to do it in a genteel, distressed antique look or a heavy-handed way the Victorians did, but to follow the medieval precedent through modern acrylic paint and colour.

“I wanted to add a layer of meaning and beauty to the building.”

Despite huge opposition from national antiques committees, which didn’t see the project approved until January 2012, Rory remained keen to do it but admits he did lose sight of it.

He said: “There tends to be this reaction with putting new or controversial work into a medieval context.

“As a conservateur of old buildings I understand how these things can offend modern archealogical etiquette but we had a temporary exhibition that proved the public wanted it.”

Amphibalus is the priest whom Alban sheltered and helped to escape, but who was later martyred at Redbourn, and his relics brought to St Albans. His shrine, currently in the North Ambulatory, will be restored as part of the Alban, Britain’s First Saint project. It was his influence that brought Alban to Christ. He encourages us to share our faith with those around us, both by our words and by our deeds, even when it may bring us into trouble.

George Tankerfield is a Protestant martyr who was burned under Queen Mary on Romeland, opposite the Cathedral’s west front. He is another example of a man who stood up for his beliefs whatever the cost – and his story reminds us that as well as being the oppressed, religious people have just as often been the oppressors.

Alban Roe is a Catholic priest and martyr, arrested under the Commonwealth and imprisoned in the Abbey gatehouse until his execution in London. Together with George Tankerfield he reminds us that the Reformation disputes inspired both great heroism and great cruelty. They are an example and warning to us to seek reconciliation in our own time between all faiths and denominations, and never to let our differences descend into hatred and violence. [ Yet another example of the preachy Masonic - One-World-Religion approach of the Anglicans. See thread from Feb 2017 re a 300,000 pound donation by Masons to Canterbury Cathedral, Anglicanism's seat taken by force, in return for which throngs of Freemasons were permitted to celebrate their 300th anniversary in the Cathedral http://www.euphrosynoscafe.com/forum/vi ... =6&t=11952 ]

St Elisabeth Romanova was a member of the Russian Royal Family and granddaughter of Queen Victoria, who in her widowhood became a nun and Abbess. She was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918, because they feared that the people, who admired her holiness and acts of charity, might try to re-establish the monarchy through her

[Huh ? How could that be when she was not a man, nor at all Russian by birth but English and German - ?! She was a monastic and hardly equipped to assume imperial power. Nor did she have children with Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich who could have carried on the Romanov line.]
She is an example of a saint who was willing to give up wealth and power to serve Christ in the poor.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was imprisoned in a concentration camp for his opposition to the Nazis and executed in 1945. He had had the chance to escape to America, but chose to stay in Germany to fight the Nazis and stand up for genuine Christianity, at a time when the majority of the Church there had chosen to follow Hitler. He is a reminder that sometimes we are called to fight directly against evil, and to be rejected by our own community for the sake of the truth.

Oscar Romero, Archbishop of El Salvador, was assassinated in 1980 while celebrating Mass at the chapel of the hospital where he lived, because of his outspoken defence of the poor and his condemnation of the totalitarian regime in his country. Though by instinct a quiet, scholarly and conservative man, he was driven by conscience to speak out against injustice, and he challenges us to do the same."

https://www.stalbanscathedral.org/whats ... -the-seven


From the BBC's report, "[ a commentator Mr Young ] said: "Statues in churches are not normally painted and St Albans cathedral has more colour in it than any other in these islands in my opinion.

"If you can't do it here, you never will."

Cathedral Dean, the Very Revd Dr Jeffrey John said: "The presence of all these saints together... is a powerful statement that sanctity is not the possession of any one faith or denomination."

http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds ... s-32453423

It becomes more obvious than ever how political Anglicanism is and how shallow when one considers that instead of Abp Romero -- a figure which makes a conservative's eyes roll, who was not even native to England -- the obvious choices for Catholic Martyrs of Albion would have been St Thomas Becket and St Thomas More. But these stubborn Catholic Church supporters were killed by 2 enraged "Henrys" - that is Henry II and Henry VIII of England. Putting attention on the sad fate of the 2 Thomases who stood up for the rights of the Church over the heavy-handed, essentially anti-clerical State would have tarnished the carefully cultivated glossy image of the 2 monarchs as model British rulers [ strong, clever, capable, etc ] The reality was different. Thus no St Thomases included in the St Albans row of famous Martyrs.

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Re: 1st Major Monument of Grand Duchess Elizabeth opens at Alapaevsk

Post by Barbara »

I just learned that St Elizabeth is known in Russia as "St Elizabeth of Alapaevsk". I had never heard that appellation.
Apparently this could be a factor in the proud unveiling in that city of the very 1st country-wide statue of the Grand Duchess.

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Re: 1st Major Monument of Grand Duchess Elizabeth opens at Alapaevsk

Post by Justice »

Barbara wrote:

I just learned that St Elizabeth is known in Russia as "St Elizabeth of Alapaevsk". I had never heard that appellation.
Apparently this could be a factor in the proud unveiling in that city of the very 1st country-wide statue of the Grand Duchess.

I've recently been looking into the new Martyrs of Russia (hence my new avatar) so this is very nice! St. Elizabeth was truly a woman of God and martyr. May she pray for us all.

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Re: 1st Major Monument of Grand Duchess Elizabeth opens at Alapaevsk

Post by Barbara »

Wonderful, Justice ! Keep researching, since the lessons you can learn from these lives of the New Martyrs of Russia are so instructive.

This year will be the 100 th anniversary of the martyrdom of St Elizabeth, her faithful nun-assistant St Barbara [Yakovlev], and a group of others, including Romanov relatives. Doubtless there will be a major commemoration in Alapaevsk this summer. The date was July 18, the same day as the Uncovering of the Relics of St Sergius of Radonezh.

I see that tours are planned to coincide with this historic centennial. I am not recommending this one, since I have no idea who the tour operator is. But the brochure has a nice reverent tone toward the monarchy, speaking of studying "the fortunes of the Tsar, the Church and the people of Russia". That's refreshing after all the thousands of tours advertised to see the White Nights at St Petersburg, the Bolshoi Ballet or unspiritual destinations like these. [ Not to mention The Unmentionable's tomb on Red Square, Moscow : the world's highest concentration of demons per square inch. This is listed as a highpoint on itineraries to this very day. Just think, once incinerated, the noxious nexus of devils could be finally struck from the world's tourist guides !].

http://orthodoxtours.com/july-23-august ... erinaburg/

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