Publication of a Letter to a Parishioner (with the Blessing of Abp. Tikhon)

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Re: Publication of a Letter to a Parishioner (with the Blessing of Abp. Tikhon)

Post by Justice »

Nice to see you again Priest Siluan!

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Re: Publication of a Letter to a Parishioner (with the Blessing of Abp. Tikhon)

Post by Barbara »

Very strong, decisive statement. Maybe this Priest should be elevated to Bishop [ assuming Fr Melehov is not married ] !

Good points about the ridiculousness of maintaining ties with Metropolitan Laurus who was indeed a long time schemer and collaborator with the Moscow Patriarchate as far as anyone on the outside can tell. But we have to realize too that hindsight is much clearer than events at the time. Probably the hierarchs and other clergy who stuck with the Laurus Synod felt they had to be obedient. Perhaps they also did not know the full story about Metropolitan Vitaly's kidnapping, which I heard only around 2007 or 2008. Just to be fair.

The other point about how right it was to consecrate Bishops for inside Russia [ and Ukraine too ] helps me to see this event from the angle mentioned by Fr Melehov. I never had thought of that side of it. I just knew it was right. The MP made a big hue and cry about the Rocor Bishops "on 'their' territory" which should have tipped off anyone alert that - it was THE RIGHT THING TO HAVE DONE ! When the MP is silent, one has to worry, for it means its agents are doing all that they are supposed to ; in this case to bring the Rocor to be subjugated to the MP.

Fr Melehov is right, too, about the agent infiltrators. These were probably never realized - until way too late, if at all.
I remember a priest in Austria, Vasily Fonchenkov by name, who switched sides, from the MP to Rocor with no real reason.
HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS ! Why wasn't Fonchenkov stopped ?? Where was Rocor's Counterintelligence Dept. ? This agent had been recruited as far back as 1970, according to the Mitrokhin Archives. He was given prominent roles which should have been a Communist-Red Flag about this character. [ Where is he today, I wonder ? Another agent who faded from sight once his mission in destabilizing Rocor was accomplished ? How many MORE were there like him that were never unearthed ? ]

Thank you for posting this, Fr Siluan. Like Justice said, it's great to see you participating on the forum. Please contribute your thoughts -- or any other clergyman's edifying remarks -- on any topic.

P.S. I do wonder how Metropolitan Philaret 'dealt with' the infiltration problem differently than his 2 successors as Chief Hierarch, as mentioned by Fr. Victor Melehov.
Readers are keen to know more about that as it would provide insights into the reign of St Philaret.

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