Positive steps to stay healthy

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Re: Mumps epidemic among the vaccinated

Post by Barbara »

Good point, Maria, I missed that post.
Why on earth does ANYONE have to have mumps, measles and all these things ? I would suspect that it's the American diet and style of medicine that doesn't stop these illnesses. A truly healthy immune system probably would repulse those banes of childhood, and that takes time and effort to achieve. It's the fast food lifestyle and so many harmful effects of life today in North America that weakens the immune system.
I don't remember reading in historical biographies of any figure of the past getting stricken with mumps or measles or chicken pox, though of course it may have happened more than was reported.

Let's hope the foods you recommended - nearly all sour or bitter - along with other traditional herbal immune boosters and lymph thinners such as the herb Cleavers, might be a Clever way to avoid suffering from these unpleasant illnesses.


Meanwhile, on another subject, just to warn people about bad soy products on the market, here is a brief expose :

"From the ‘Sad but True’ and ‘You Need to Know’ categories come the facts that soymilk is most commonly made from GMO derived soy isolate and imported soy that falsely claims to be organic. Though touted as healthy, most soyfoods are made using the cheapest ingredients and processes. For instance, low cost imported soy and grain, hexane extracted soy protein isolates treated with toxic petrochemicals and additives, refined sugars, and universal use (except at Eden Foods) of undeclared ‘flavor masker’ chemicals, etc."

- Edenfoods May 2017 newsletter

While Eden promotes its own products to replace these low grade ones, there is a very sound basis for trusting in Eden's high quality, I believe.

"Eden Foods, foreseeing the commercialization of genetically engineered soybeans, took every step necessary to maintain EDENSOY purity. In February 1993 a system was implemented that required avoidance of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their derivatives in the food Eden sourced. The system required participation of every Eden Foods grower and supplier. By 1997, GMO testing protocols were fully implemented. Today, these Non-GMO supply systems remain pure. Eden Foods' systems are rare and valuable to those trying to prevent food monopolization, loss of personal freedoms, and protect domestic supplies.

A great deal of work and expense is required to keep EDENSOY free of GMOs. Rigorous and repeated testing is necessary – of the seeds, plants as they grow, harvested crops at the farm, every load received at storage facilities, and then again when received at the processing locations.

Eden Foods also avoids GMO derivatives like pharmaceutical enzymes, etc. When the New York Times tested eleven soy and corn based foods in 1997, the only one that tested GMO free was EDENSOY.

In 2009, Eden Foods submitted EDENSOY to the Non-GMO Project for verification. After thorough analysis covering everything from seed to packaging materials, EDENSOY became the first soymilk in the Americas to be third-party verified by the Non-GMO Project for GMO avoidance." [ also from the May Edenfoods newsletter ]

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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Good point, Maria, I missed that post.
Why on earth does ANYONE have to have mumps, measles and all these things ? I would suspect that it's the American diet and style of medicine that doesn't stop these illnesses. A truly healthy immune system probably would repulse those banes of childhood, and that takes time and effort to achieve. It's the fast food lifestyle and so many harmful effects of life today in North America that weakens the immune system.
I don't remember reading in historical biographies of any figure of the past getting stricken with mumps or measles or chicken pox, though of course it may have happened more than was reported.

Let's hope the foods you recommended - nearly all sour or bitter - along with other traditional herbal immune boosters and lymph thinners such as the herb Cleavers, might be a Clever way to avoid suffering from these unpleasant illnesses.


Meanwhile, on another subject, just to warn people about bad soy products on the market, here is a brief expose :

"From the ‘Sad but True’ and ‘You Need to Know’ categories come the facts that soymilk is most commonly made from GMO derived soy isolate and imported soy that falsely claims to be organic. Though touted as healthy, most soyfoods are made using the cheapest ingredients and processes. For instance, low cost imported soy and grain, hexane extracted soy protein isolates treated with toxic petrochemicals and additives, refined sugars, and universal use (except at Eden Foods) of undeclared ‘flavor masker’ chemicals, etc."

- Edenfoods May 2017 newsletter

While Eden promotes its own products to replace these low grade ones, there is a very sound basis for trusting in Eden's high quality, I believe.

"Eden Foods, foreseeing the commercialization of genetically engineered soybeans, took every step necessary to maintain EDENSOY purity. In February 1993 a system was implemented that required avoidance of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their derivatives in the food Eden sourced. The system required participation of every Eden Foods grower and supplier. By 1997, GMO testing protocols were fully implemented. Today, these Non-GMO supply systems remain pure. Eden Foods' systems are rare and valuable to those trying to prevent food monopolization, loss of personal freedoms, and protect domestic supplies.

A great deal of work and expense is required to keep EDENSOY free of GMOs. Rigorous and repeated testing is necessary – of the seeds, plants as they grow, harvested crops at the farm, every load received at storage facilities, and then again when received at the processing locations.

Eden Foods also avoids GMO derivatives like pharmaceutical enzymes, etc. When the New York Times tested eleven soy and corn based foods in 1997, the only one that tested GMO free was EDENSOY.

In 2009, Eden Foods submitted EDENSOY to the Non-GMO Project for verification. After thorough analysis covering everything from seed to packaging materials, EDENSOY became the first soymilk in the Americas to be third-party verified by the Non-GMO Project for GMO avoidance." [ also from the May Edenfoods newsletter ]

I prefer the Stone-Breaker by the same company who manufactures the Cleaver extract.
It helps those suffering from kidney and/or gall stones.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Case Against Beans & Other Foods Containing Toxic Lectins

Post by Maria »

Warning: There are lectins in foods that can kill you.
Just watch -- the APA will come out and say: People who fear foods are paranoid.

Ricin has been known to be poisonous. As a child, I remember being told never to eat the castor bean, a rich source of ricin, as it can be fatal even in small doses. So would the APA label those botanical scientists who urge caution in digesting certain plants be declared paranoid?

Please see this link for more information: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... 2015525369

Here are the highlights of the above article:

Lectins bind to carbohydrates and attach to cells that allow them to do harm, as part of the plant’s self-defense mechanism against pests. Unfortunately, some may also cause trouble in humans
Many lectins are proinflammatory, immunotoxic, neurotoxic and cytotoxic. Certain lectins may also increase blood viscosity, interfere with gene expression and disrupt endocrine function
Among the most problematic lectin-containing foods are wheat and other seeds of the grass family, beans, soy and other legumes, and members of the nightshade family such as eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes and peppers

The following is very important, especially for those who prepare food for family or guests:

Here are some general preparation and cooking guidelines to reduce toxic lectins in beans:

• Soak the beans in water for at least 12 hours before cooking, frequently changing the water. Adding baking soda to the soaking water will boost the neutralization of lectins even further

• Rinse the beans and discard the water used for soaking

• Cook for at least 15 minutes on HIGH heat. Cooking beans on too-low a heat can actually increase toxicity levels up to five times or more. Avoid any recipe calling for dry bean flour, as the dry heat of your oven will not efficiently destroy the lectins

• The best way to destroy lectins is to use a pressure cooker. Many swear by the InstaPot,26 a multipurpose pressure cooker. Avoid slow cookers, as they will actually increase lectin content due to the low temperature used.

A study27 that compared the phytic acid content of soaked peas that were then either boiled regularly or cooked in a pressure cooker found pressure cooking reduced phytic acid content by 54 percent, compared to 29 percent through regular boiling. Pressure cooking may also preserve more nutrients than other cooking methods

Sprouting and fermenting will also dramatically reduce the lectin content of foods that contain it, making them far safer. This is one of the reasons why traditionally sprouted grain bread is easier on your digestion than conventional bread made with processed, unsprouted grains.

See reference linked above for footnotes.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Case Against Beans & Other Foods Containing Toxic Lectins

Post by Maria »

Maria wrote:

Warning: There are lectins in foods that can kill you.
Just watch -- the APA will come out and say: People who fear foods are paranoid.

Ricin has been known to be poisonous. As a child, I remember being told never to eat the castor bean, a rich source of ricin, as it can be fatal even in small doses. So would the APA label those botanical scientists who urge caution in digesting certain plants be declared paranoid?

When my son was young, he used to sing these lyrics:

Oh it's beans, beans, beans
That make you feel so mean,
On the farm, on the farm,
Oh, it's beans, beans, beans
That make you feel so mean,
On the Hinky Dinky 'Double D' farm.


I knew there was some truth to these lyrics, because dem beans gave us some terrible gut aches, but I did not know about lectins yet. Had I known, I would have soaked dem beans longer, tossed de old soaking water down that sink, put fresh cooking water in de pot, cooked dem beans longer, and used more heat to boot.

And this is no laughing matter, as some people have become seriously ill or even died because of those poisonous lectins in dem beans. This is especially important for Orthodox Christians who eat more beans during Great Lent.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

Post by Barbara »

Good warning, Maria. I never have eaten much in the way of beans. Not for many years, anyway. There used to that bean-digesting enzyme, Beano. Remember that ?

Now I haven't eaten any for 25 years ; I just never think of them. They take too long to cook and they aren't that delicious except when tons of a spicy sauce is added - !

I am going to reread your posts when I have more time to take in the details.

Meanwhile, HerbPharm is the best of the best of tincture companies. I saw that Stone-Breaker formula when I was recently looking through the site. I think's it is a new offering.

I am going to see what herbs comprise the formula. I am glad you brought that up, for it could save someone from much pain. It's probably smart to take on a regular basis to prevent the formation of any problem material, along with cranberry juice.
Or there is maybe even better, a Cranberry tincture made by HerbPharm.

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How Stem Cell Therapy Can Help Repair and Regenerate Your Body

Post by Maria »

To read the complete article, please visit: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... 2031211073

The article at a glance:

The primary purpose of stem cells is to maintain, heal and regenerate tissue wherever they are in your body. This is a continuous process that occurs throughout your life
Adult stem cells can be isolated and replicated from your own body fat (autologous), and then injected back into an area that needs healing or regeneration. Stem cells can be stored for future use in special stem cell storage banks
Clinical indications include but are not limited to joint and tissue injuries, herniated and bulging discs, diabetes, organ damage, autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases and traumatic brain injuries

The great news: doctors can remove your unwanted fat tissue and obtain adult stem cells to repair your own body. There is no need to use aborted fetal tissue or some other person's stem cells.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

Post by Luke »

That is great news.

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