KremlinWall Soviet cemetery: Who is there exactly ?

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KremlinWall Soviet cemetery: Who is there exactly ?

Post by Barbara »

The website of Metropolitan Agafangel posted an article about this rather obscure topic shortly after the release of the Rocor-MP statement asking for removal of the Evil Bolshevik Tyrant and all other refuse from the Kremlin area and expunging of Soviet names in public places [ see : ... 12&t=11964 ].

Here is what the area in question looked like in 1880 : a forested moat around the Kremlin Wall :

Stone bridges crossed this moat in older days

Below is merely a machine translation, but one can glean some gainful information. [ Apologies that it got mixed up slightly due to the fact that I removed the pictures which are too creepy to post here. So a caption or two may still be present. ]
Some of the notoriously vile figures like Sverdlov and Frunze are well-known ; others such as Menshinsky and Mahlis we learn about below. Likewise, I had never heard of the chillingly named "Red Rose of Terror", Rosalia Zemlyachka, one of the main organizers of terror against the former White Army soldiers in the Crimea 1920-21.

Terrifyingly cold, heartless visage of this Bolshevik terror organizer, who according to Wikipedia, was of Jewish descent.
Look at those diabolical eyes !

"Lenin's Mausoleum - a part of the ensemble of the grave at the Kremlin wall: On the Red Square area several mass graves, more than a dozen single and urns with ashes in the wall between the Spasskaya and Nikolskaya towers. From time to time, raised the issue of the transfer of Lenin's body, but on the other reburial of Soviet state leaders are not talking. It may seem strange, if you study the biographies of some of them.

Mass graves

According to historians, all the walls of the Kremlin's lie remains of 550 people (including Lenin). Among them are 422 people in mass graves, just know the names of 110. The first mass grave was laid in 1917. Then it was buried 247 coffins with the dead during the October armed uprising. The funeral procession stretched for 11 urban areas. The new authorities knew that such a massive march could cause dissatisfaction Muscovites and the Military Revolutionary Committee, in charge of the funeral, gave the soldiers charged rifle. One of the first mass graves in 1917 In the future, about the Kremlin wall there was another 15 mass graves of the fighters of the revolution, the practice of mass burials ceased only after 1927.

Ideologist of the "Red Terror" The first person buried in a separate grave (even before the construction of the mausoleum), was Yakov Sverdlov. A born organizer and strategist, as Trotsky said Sverdlov with his "leather jacket" was the personification of the revolution. Yakov Sverdlov Sverdlov is considered the initiator of the so-called "Red Terror", during which destroyed undesirable regime citizens. In 1918 at the V Congress of Soviets Yakov Sverdlov gave a presentation about the threat of counter-revolution and the revitalization of "enemies of the Soviet power." On behalf of the people, he said that "all the labor Russia react with full approval to the same extent as the execution of counter-revolutionary generals and other enemies of the working people", and Congress approved the new doctrine. "Red Terror" formally became the answer to the murder of the Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission of Petrograd and on the next attempt on Lenin.

A day after the events in the city shot more than 500 professors, teachers, former government officials.

Crimean terrorists

Worse things were in the Crimea. The ideologists of the "red terror" is distinguished by a special zeal.

How many people were shot on the peninsula, it is still not exactly known. According to various estimates, between 12 000 to 120 000 over the three years from 1918 to 1921.

"Now in the Crimea 300 000 bourgeoisie. It is a source of future speculation, espionage, any aid to the capitalists. But we are not afraid. We are saying that we take them, distribute, subject the digest ", - said Lenin at a meeting in Moscow in 1920.Mikhail Frunze military parade holds responsible for the killings are considered in-chief Mikhail Frunze Red troops and Rosalia Zemlyachka. It Zemlyachka in the group of the Crimean police officers from the Revolutionary Committee, whose head was Bela Kun, Frunze brought directive from the capital, prescribing organize punitive actions.

They were so widespread and severe that they do not support even the initiators, "Bela Kun, one of those employees who need the deterrent center ... where he became a genius of mass terror I personally also stand for. carrying out mass terror in the Crimea, to clear the peninsula from the White Guards, but we of the red terror killed not only a lot of random element, but also the people who provide full support to our underground workers delivered them out of the loop ", -. wrote to Moscow Yuri Gaven, Deputy Bela Kun. Mikhail Frunze of merit buried in a separate grave near the Kremlin wall. Ashes Zemlyachki is in a recessed wall, covered with plaque. "Heroes" 30's At the Kremlin necropolis can also find the burial of those who put the signatures on the hit list of 30-ies. It Kliment Voroshilov (185 lists, 18 000 people) and Andrei Zhdanov (177 listings). Klim Voroshilov at a meeting with Stalin, Voroshilov was a big fan of increasing "limits" - quotas on the number of the repressed. Established by order of the NKVD №00447 quotas for the repression of more than 260 thousand people have been exceeded several times. Telegram Secretary Irkutsk regional to increase the limit on the number of executed 4000 people. Signature Voroshilov - third from the right. Exceeding the limits perceived by local authorities as any other change targets, food or industrial. Stakhanovite rates encouraged the Politburo. Known cases of local "Three" were afraid to exceed the quota. "Troika" is called non-judicial body composed of the head of the regional NKVD, secretary of the regional committee and the regional prosecutor. This notion of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Nikolaya Ezhova. It is these structures endured pretrial sentences for "hit list." Their decisions are not subject to appeal. Yezhov himself was no place nor a brick wall or inside it, but there were figures that the "troika" opened the way to much power. For example, Alexander Shcherbakov. The first secretary of the Moscow Regional Committee, head of the General Political Department of the Red Army during the war, Shcherbakov began his political activities in their capacity as secretary of the regional committee in Donetsk, and hence the local "Three".

The art of public prosecution

Prosecutors vigorously defended Stalin's regime from conspirators Trotskyites and right-wing opposition. Evidence of this - the Moscow Trials. Andrei Vyshinsky nicknamed "Yaguarovich" prosecutor Andrei Vyshinsky Soviet Union was a state prosecutor in all three cases, which were later found fraudulent. After the death of Wyszynski was cremated, and the urn was placed in the Kremlin wall. If he got a reward for the work of the NKVD of the USSR committee that reviewed 200-300 sentenced to death on the day, or for the work of the Minister of Foreign Affairs - is unclear. Remains Wyszynski, involved in the "Great Terror" is not thought to carry. Genius fabrication Last, the third Moscow Trial, was intended to find those responsible for the assassination of the Chairman of the OGPU USSR Vyacheslav Menzhinsky. Long bolevshy at the end of life, forced to carry out the operational meeting of lying on the couch, Menzhinsky until the end of days trying to keep up his predecessor Feliks Dzerzhinsky. Record for the duration of his tenure as head of the secret service of the Stalin era (8 years), known Menzhinsky comprehensive strengthening of the state security agencies and the successful destruction of Stalin's ideological opponents.

Vyacheslav Menzhinsky

The most famous operations Menzhinsky include "It's Labor Peasant Party": for involvement never existed Party condemned at least 1296 people throughout the Union, to compromise many politicians. A similar "Industrial Party Trial" deprived of freedom of more than 2,000 engineers and technicians, led to shortage of staff in the factories. According to "The Shakhty case" were 49 specialists of the coal industry. "Everyone knows that there is no sabotage was all the noise was intended to put the blame on someone else's head his own mistakes and failures on the industrial front ... They needed a scapegoat, and they found it in dolls Shakhty process." - wrote in a suicide note, Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the USSR Vladimir Groom Grzhimailo. Menzhinsky was cremated and his ashes placed in an urn in the Kremlin wall. Diplomat-killer "The revolution must be cruel to the overthrow of the monarchy", - he explained his part in the execution of the royal family a Soviet diplomat and member of the collegium of the Commissariat of Foreign Trade Peter Voikov. In the story, he came in as one of the participants of punitive action July 17, 1918.

Peter Voikov

Voikov present at the execution of the sentence as a delegate of the Ural Party Committee. The Committee unanimously decided to shoot the family of Nicholas II against the wishes of the Moscow authorities. "Voykova also instructed to read the royal family of the decision on the execution, with the reasons, which consisted of a few lines, and it really rehearsed this ruling by heart to read it perhaps more solemnly, believing that by doing so he will go down in history as one of the main actors this tragedy. Yurovsky, however, also wants to "go down in history", ahead Voykova and saying a few words, began to shoot ... The place of execution, the room Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg Later Voikov tried to withdraw from direct responsibility, furnish business so that the Board of the Ural Regional Council ordered him to perform prescribed. Voikov was solemnly buried at the Kremlin wall in Moscow. Military Mephistopheles Main Political Administration of the Red Army, "a cage with rabid dogs," as it later called Khrushchev, headed Leo Mehlis. This man, on Stalin's approval, not suitable for "creative works": "Anything to destroy, to crush and destroy - for this he comes." It Mehlis was responsible for the defeat of the military command in the years of Stalin's purges. In the country before the war, three out of five marshals, 13 of the 15 commanders of divisions, 57 of the 85 corps commanders and 110 of the 195 division commanders, or, in total, nine of the ten generals and colonels, eight out of ten were eliminated.

Lev Mehlis

These were people who knew about the fighting. Many of them have passed the civil war, others took part in the First World. Largely because of this cleaning the Soviet Union lost so many people at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. But not only the generals and chiefs affected by the furious zeal Mehlis. In 1941-1942, the court presented itself in front of a field of about 1 million soldiers, 157 000 of them were sentenced to death. And it is during an enemy attack. Lev Mehlis was the "conductor" Kerch offensive disaster. Desk employee decided to take matters into their own hands by forbidding soldiers to dig trenches. "Everyone who prefer a convenient position just 100 meters from the enemy a difficult position 30 meters from the enemy", will be considered as alarmist - that was the view politnachalnika. In the hottest time of the operation, he traveled by car on the front line and shot by a subordinate. For 12 days the Red Army lost about 70% of the personnel (176 thousand people killed and captured), 350 tanks and 400 aircraft. As a result, the army evacuated from the peninsula, having lost control over the Black Sea and the Germans opened the way to the North Caucasus. "You have taken a strange position of an outside observer who is not responsible for Krymfronta case. This is a comfortable position, but it smells bad. On the Crimean Front you are not an outside observer, and (Executive) GHQ representative, responsible for the successes and failures of the front and obliged to correct on-site command error "- he accused Stalin is trying to shift the blame on Kozlov Mehlis. Lev Mehlis appeared before a military court and was demoted to the rank of Commissioner of the body, but after the war, he held senior positions Minister of State Control of the USSR and member of the Presidium of the USSR Council of Ministers. During this time, he showed himself as a man of Khrushchev's statement, "crazy, which was reflected in his mania to see all the enemies and traitors." For example, for an accident at a petrochemical factory in Saratov, which led to the oil spill in the Volga Mehlis execute the head of Saratov "Glavneft" Bratkina, the factory director and professor Bogdanov Saratov University Orlova. The same commercial cleaning carried out in Leningrad, Minsk, Sverdlovsk region. Often as a result of counter-insurgency operations and investigations, "Mephistopheles" random people died. Mehlis had died a few days before the death of Stalin, he reserved a place of honor in the niche of the Kremlin wall." ... skoj-steny

Barbara comment : when one sees a row of spruce trees in pictures of the Kremlin, one can be sure that this is the location of the Soviet burial site. A region to stay far away from if a pilgrim or tourist in Moscow !

"The Kremlin wall and the stands erected in the 1940s were traditionally separated with a line of blue spruce (Picea pungens), a tree not occurring naturally in Russia. In August–September 2007 the aging trees, with few exceptions, were cut down and replaced with young trees.
Federal Protective Service spokesman explained that the previous generation of spruce, planted in the 1970s, was suffering from dryness of urban landscape; 28 old but sound trees were handpicked for replanting inside the Kremlin. New trees were selected from the nurseries of Altai Mountains, Russian Far East and "some foreign countries".

Perhaps the withered spruce trees were conveying the long-overdue need to remove the entire complex from the Kremlin Wall and vicinity ! I doubt the dry soil was the real reason.

Final fact : the last Soviet official to be buried here was Soviet leader Yuri Andropov's successor, Konstantin Chernenko, in 1985.

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KremlinWall Soviet cemetery: Who is there exactly ?

Post by Barbara »

The prospect of change with regard to the Kremlin Wall burial ground looks a bit dim unless Heaven intervenes, plus publicity for the cause becomes truly widespread on earth :

"For the moment, there is no movement to remove anyone from the Kremlin, not even Lenin himself. Although President Boris Yeltsin suggested burying the Bolshevik leader in the 1990s, President Vladimir Putin has made it clear that he is not interested in doing so, despite calls from some government officials." ... omb_539231

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