Hillary - uncontrollable demonic rage - Oct. 2016

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Hillary - uncontrollable demonic rage - Oct. 2016

Post by Maria »


Notice the demonic hatred displayed on Hillary's face ...

Posted By: RickWells 10/21/2016
Clinton Extreme Meltdown From Surprise Question – Screams, Thrown Water, Obscenities

... Hillary Clinton exhibited rage towards the moderator at the Commander-in-Chief Forum, Matt Lauer, for doing in one instance what he should have done for the entire thirty minutes, asking her and pressing her on a question that she hadn’t been fed in advance. She was supposed to go out, recite responses that were well rehearsed and wait for Trump to be caught off guard. ... Now a first hand accounting of what happened was sent to Bill Still, and he’s sharing it with America.

The source of his information originated at a Comcast email address, the parent company of NBC. ... They described “a massive profanity-laced tirade” on the part of Clinton that was directed at Matt Lauer in particular, but had moments for others, including DNC Chairperson Donna Brazile. ...

Her outburst began immediately after she left the stage, with her first throwing a full glass of water into the face of her assistant, with manic, uncontrolled screaming beginning at that point. The source described Clinton as the “most foul-mouthed woman I’ve ever heard, and that voice at screech level – awful.”

She also had some racist condescending comments for the black DNC chairman, Brazile, including suggestions that she was better qualified to be the campaign’s janitor.

One female NBC executive is quoted as saying that Brazile’s stoic response to the unhinged Clinton only served to enrage her more. She described it saying, “It was the most awful and terrible…and racist display – such a profane meltdown I have ever witnessed from anyone, and I will never forget it.”

Go to the link to view the video ...


Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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