Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

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Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Barbara »

This article or interview of elder Ephraim's remembrances of various incidents justifying - to him - the grace of the New Calendar is very odd.

Does anyone want to read it and give some analysis ?

Besides all sorts of dramatic anecdotes which could easily be made up out of the blue to serve his anti-Old Calendarist movement statements, elder Ephraim states this :

" I want to say that the movement began quite Orthodox and correct, but then it slowly took another turn, leading in dangerous areas and positions, which today is a serious wound in the Orthodox Church, because they shattered into many fractions. And before I left Mount Athos, a pamphlet came to us from America, that said the Old Calendarists of Matthew, who have reached even America, now even have an Ecumenical Patriarch! It had his picture that said "Ecumenical Patriarch so and so, Genuine Orthodox Church".

Archimandrite Ephrem (Philotheitis)
Translated by John Sanidopoulos

12 / 03 / 16

This allegation is not true of a Matthewite competitive "Ecumenical Patriarch" heading that jurisdiction ?
This sounds like fluff ! He seems to be citing a phony pamphlet or some kind of fraudulent copy of a Matthewite publication.

I would like to hear all the things wrong with this article.

I can pick out narcissism. It seemed to me that the so-called elder is too fond of showing himself as a great elder. The way he describes his interactions with his spiritual children seems too flattering to himself.

Other remarks ?

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Maria »

There are several quotes from our Holy Saints who warn us of false signs and wonders that will occur near the End Times.

Our Holy Saints have also warned us that whenever a priest is liturgizing and notices that the Body of Christ has turned into muscle tissue (red meat) and that the Blood of Christ has turned into blood, that this is demonic.

Also notice that the devil is a shapeshifter, who cannot maintain his lying appearance for very long. In other words, the devil can appear as the Theotokos or even as Christ Himself, but he cannot hold that appearance, and the slight shifting in appearance or in facial expression will alert the devout that this is not really Christ or the Theotokos, but a fraud.

Thus, in the article cited above, two New Calendarist priests began to doubt whether the New Calendar was correct. When these schismatic priests under the Ecumenical Patriarch liturgized, they suddenly noticed that the Chalice contained red muscle meat and red blood. Then they both panicked, came to the sudden realization that their doubts about the New Calendar were causing this shapeshifting, prayed, and voila, the gifts were magically restored to the appearances of bread and wine.

Does the reader not see that the devil has played this magical trick? Look at this deceitful demonic incantation, and realize that the devil has succeeded in keeping those priests within New Calendarism.

How is it that True Orthodox Priests who celebrate the Divine Liturgy according to the Traditional Julian Calendar do not boast that meat and blood appear in their chalices? Could it be that their firm faith in Christ and in the Theotokos, their constant prayers, and their faithfulness to Holy Tradition has strengthened them so that they can resist the temptations and deceitfulness of the Evil One?

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Jean-Serge »

Maria wrote:

There are several quotes from our Holy Saints who warn us of false signs and wonders that will occur near the End Times.

Our Holy Saints have also warned us that whenever a priest is liturgizing and notices that the Body of Christ has turned into muscle tissue (red meat) and that the Blood of Christ has turned into blood, that this is demonic.

Do you have any source or quotation regarding this point ?

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Maria »

Jean-Serge wrote:
Maria wrote:

There are several quotes from our Holy Saints who warn us of false signs and wonders that will occur near the End Times.

Our Holy Saints have also warned us that whenever a priest is liturgizing and notices that the Body of Christ has turned into muscle tissue (red meat) and that the Blood of Christ has turned into blood, that this is demonic.

Do you have any source or quotation regarding this point ?

The New Testament contains warnings from Christ concerning false prophets, signs, and wonders that could even deceive the Elect, if it were not for the grace of God.

I was hoping that others would participate and share any references and quotes concerning these End Time deceptions, as we need to be aware of demonic deceptions.

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Jean-Serge »

I was specifically referring to this extract regarding the vision of blood and fless

Maria wrote:

Our Holy Saints have also warned us that whenever a priest is liturgizing and notices that the Body of Christ has turned into muscle tissue (red meat) and that the Blood of Christ has turned into blood, that this is demonic.

Which saints told this ? Do you have any sources for this specific vision of muscle and blood?

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Maria »

Jean-Serge wrote:

I was specifically referring to this extract regarding the vision of blood and fless

Maria wrote:

Our Holy Saints have also warned us that whenever a priest is liturgizing and notices that the Body of Christ has turned into muscle tissue (red meat) and that the Blood of Christ has turned into blood, that this is demonic.

Which saints told this ? Do you have any sources for this specific vision of muscle and blood?

Several priests have mentioned this to me, both in the New Calendar and in the Old Calendar. In fact, bishops who hear of this usually penance or suspend a priest due to his obvious lack of belief if the Holy Gifts were to turn to meat and blood. Thus, I was surprised to learn that Elder Ephrem of Arizona was saying that this demonic happening was a sign that the New Calendar was okay.

I have asked two priests if they could provide a reference, but it is Forgiveness Sunday, and tomorrow is the beginning of Great Lent with all the extra liturgical services planned for this week.

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Re: Beware World Orthodox Elders Who Reject Old Calendarists

Post by Barbara »

I thought your reply was marvelous, Maria.
That is exactly how I felt about the tales related by elder Ephraim. Boastful -- and something completely wrong.
I didn't think of the idea of demonic deception. But upon reading your firm statement, this interpretation rang instantly true. Also, it would explain WHY I found it so difficult to read fr Ephraim's tales.

I don't have any sources, but when some examples can be located as the priests' busy schedules permit, I will be glad to know so we can cite them in the future.

On a human reaction level, the notion of that 'red muscle meat' sounds nauseating ! It was hard to get through his grandiloquent narration.

The stories, the way elder Ephraim spoke, all of it sounded like -- well, like he is in prelest, though I hate to make such a bold statement.

That's quite telling that Bishops often penance such priests who experience this.

The other part is that why did pseudo-elder Ephraim insist that this could be the only interpretation : that the Old Calendar is wrong ? Surely there must be a myriad of other meanings IF one even believes the visions are real rather than diabolical mockery. His reasoning is faulty. That means the pseudo-elder is not trustworthy to listen to on ANY ecclesiastical subject. Particularly not the correctness of the Old Calendar !

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