The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

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The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by Barbara »

Mother, if you do come and visit this thread, could you share any information about this FAKE 'blessed surgeon of Crimea' ?
I am SO RELIEVED that you said that about him !

Even the sound of his name drives me crazy ! I felt there is something BAD about him. But I did NOT know this about the giving away of people to be sent to the gulag, karlag, etc.! That is really repulsive.

I tried to look up his name in wikipedia to pinpoint what makes me so repulsed by Abp Luke of Simferopol. Naturally, it's all sanitized to make him sound neat and tidy spiritually. I didn't believe the healings - instinctively. But what proof could I advance to prove this material false ? None because I'd hate to even pick up that biography of his published by St Vladimirs Press, I think. That's how awful an impression he has made on me since I first heard of him.

Now, tragically, Rocor-MP has a parish named for him, I happened to see the other day when searching for something quite different. Somewhere in the southern U.S.

The St Herman of Alaska 2016 Calendar has his picture on the cover. I bought it only after a lot of hesitation only because some of the other information of Crimean Saints might be good [historical ones, not him -]. I immediately plastered his picture over with something else salutary.

This is terrific information, Mother Evfrosinia. I have always been immensely grateful that you wised us up about
that Matrona of Moscow, the supposed 'friend of Stalin'. Thank God ! I might have been slightly taken in otherwise.

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Re: The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by Jean-Serge »

You can fin some sources in this discussion: ... 12&t=10575&

I am reproducing them below:

Alexander Kuzmin wrote:

Luke Voinio-Yasenetski is not a Saint but a traitor of New Martyrs. He was a traitor not only by his cooperation with tyrant Joseph Stalin who was a terrible persecuter. Luke Voinio-Yasenetski directly complained to Soviet powers against catacomb priests.
One episode even was mentions in his official life of MP (probably as a "good example"). They published a document by "Upolmomochennyj" (an official who was supervising MP from soviet government, a sort of a moderator). In this document he reports that Luke Voinio-Yasenetski asked him to stop the activity of a catacomb priest hieromonk Hippolit Veryutin who lived in that region. This is page 225 in the official book.
I wonder if this episode was translated into English or Greek. This is the year of 1948, among the documents.

MP priests continue to complain to authorities even up till now. They act as their saints acted.

Alexander Kuzmin wrote:

Yes, here is the data:

Марущак, Василий, протодиакон. Святитель-хирург: житие архиепископа Луки (Войно-Ясенецкого). М: Даниловский благовестник, 2006

Here is one of re-publicaions, and it is available online.


The details of the book are these, in particular the ISBN

Формат(мм) = format: 240*170
Количество страниц: 416
Год изданияv year of publication: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-89101-184-7
Гриф ИСРПЦ: 10-12-1055
Количество в упаковке: 7
Издательство: Даниловский Благовестник
Все книги этого издательства

Тип обложки: твердая
Бумага: белая
Вес, гр: 685

The book is no longer available but it would be nice i fsomeone could provide the extract (a priori page 225) even in Russian.

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Re: The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by Barbara »

AHA, so that was what he did, persecuted the Catacomb Priests and flock probably too. Now I can guess why I had such an aversion to that title when I saw it so many years ago.
I would read any Life of a REAL Saint avidly. But I pointedly ignored this book on the shelf. I felt he was not a real Saint, even way back before I understood much at all. I am glad to pin this down.

Any further information about Fake-Saint Luke of Simferopol, please come forward with it so we can become wiser still as to the truth about him.

Alexander Kuzmin did a GREAT job of clueing us in as to the unvarnished truth from the current Russian literature .
Together with Mother Evfrosinia's information about how Luke appallingly tipped off the KGB about fellow clergy and even Bishops, it sounds like --- someone needs to compose a well-written essay laying out an airtight case against him. Otherwise many will be fooled by these tricks described here of altering information to suit current agendas. I am shocked that Fake-Saint Luke is popular even in Greece.

Well that book was published only in 2013, but it's unavailable already ? Just a small run of copies, perhaps ? Or was it targeted for a swift extinction by the MP's book censors ?

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Re: The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by Jean-Serge »

Actually, the book is still available and can be bought here for instance (Ozon is like the successful Russian amazon) :

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Re: The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by Barbara »

But that's only in Russian, though, I am sure.

I wish someone would translate it into English !

Thanks for pointing this out for the Russian-speakers reading this site.
Of course, it's good that the truth is available.

How comphrehensive is this book in pointing out the flaws in " Pseudo-Luke "?
And too I would be interested to know whether this book has been widely read, or it's one of those that gets ignored
because it's out of the mainstream of books praising him to the skies.

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Re: The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by Jean-Serge »

I have dedicated a small article to Luke of Crimea in my blog, with the translation of the passage from the book. The link is here: ... rimea.html

But the translation is directly available below (a former soviet civil servant is speaking):

Page: 225


Then Luka told me that in one of the settlements of the Bakhchysarai district lives monk Hippolytus (Veryutin), a former Josephite [9], who does not recognize him as either an archbishop or a patriarch, and who goes through the villages performing various kinds of religious rites, and he asked me to take measures to prevent these rites.

In three or four days monk Hippolytus (Veryutin) was summoned by me. He was an elderly man of 80 years living with a farm family in the Bakhchysarai district. During the German occupation he was a priest in the village of Bazarchik, which is now a Postal village of
the Bakhchysarai district.

Veryutin denied having done any sort of rituals. Just the same, he was admonished by me: not having the appropriate registration documents, he couldn’t perform any rituals or ceremonies. After this there were no reports of him performing rituals.

[9] Josephites - followers of Metropolitan Joseph of Leningrad (Petrov), shot in 1937, stood in opposition to the Deputy Acting Patriarch Sergius (Stragorodsky).

The original is here:


Затем Лука мне заявил, что в одном из населенных пунктов Бахчисарайского района проживает
иеромонах Ипполит (Верютин), бывший иосифлянин [9], не признающий ни его, как архиепископа, ни Патриарха, который ходит по деревням и совершает различного рода требы, просил меня принять меры, запрещающие ему совершать требы.

Дня через три-четыре иеромонах Ипполит Верютин мною был вызван. Старик лет 80, проживающий в семье одного колхозника в Бахчисарайском районе. В период немецкой оккупации был священником в селе Базарчик - теперь село Почтовое Бахчисарайского р-на.

Верютин отрицал совершение им каких-либо треб. Все же он мною был предупрежден: как не имеющий соответствующих регистрационных документов, не может совершать никаких треб и обрядов. После этого каких-либо сообщений о том, чтобы он совершал требы, не поступало.

[9]. Иосифляне — последователи митрополита Ленинградского Иосифа (Петровых), расстрелянного в 1937 году, стоявшего в оппозиции к Заместителю патриаршего Местоблюстителя Сергию (Страгородскому).

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Re: The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by Barbara »

I see. So Pseudo-luke informed on Monk Hippolyt, a Catacomb Priestmonk, stopping him from performing any services or baptisms or any others ? Thus strengthening the Moscow Patriarchate at the expense of the Josephites, presumably.

The narrator must be describing himself euphemistically as " a civil servant ". One assumes he was a member of the NKGB-MGB, assuming these events occurred around 1946. If after that year, our informant might have been an agent of the MGB. ]

Maybe there were countless examples of this intrusion by Pseudo-Luke. The latter seems to have been piqued that Fr Hippolyt refused to commemorate him and responded by exerting pressure on the independent-minded hieromonk via the dread Soviet state machinery. Scary !

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