Positive steps to stay healthy

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Marijuana as seizure preventative

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http://denver.cbslocal.com/2014/02/18/c ... s-doctors/

New treatment named Charlotte's Web

February 18, 2014 1:04 PM

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) – The doctors were out of ideas to help 5-year-old Charlotte Figi.

Suffering from a rare genetic disorder, she had as many as 300 grand mal seizures a week, used a wheelchair, went into repeated cardiac arrest and could barely speak. As a last resort, her mother began calling medical marijuana shops.

Two years later, Charlotte is largely seizure-free and able to walk, talk and feed herself after taking oil infused with a special pot strain. Her recovery has inspired both a name for the strain of marijuana she takes that is bred not to make users high – Charlotte’s Web – and an influx of families with seizure-stricken children to Colorado from states that ban the drug. ...

To read the entire story, please click the link above.

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Re: Positive steps to stay healthy

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So far no officials have seized the drug that is preventing seizures. Hopefully it will stay that way. :mrgreen:

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Re: Marijuana as seizure preventative

Post by Maria »

Follow-up story: May 7, 2014 7:48 AM

‘Charlotte’s Web’ Cannabis Oil Showing Great Results For Girl

... Jenna, 8, and her family moved to Colorado in January from Minnesota. She has epilepsy and had been on a waiting list for the cannabis oil known as Charlotte’s Web, which is now legal to use under Colorado’s new marijuana laws. ...

Her parents told CBS4 partner CBSMinnesota.com this week that they started Jenna up on the Charlotte’s Web treatments two months ago. Since then, there has been a shocking reduction in seizures, plus some unexpected benefits beyond that.

“She was having around 300 seizures a month, and currently we are down to 50,” said her mom Marie Jay. “She’s definitely developing a personality that we’ve never seen, so it’s been very awesome.”...

To read the complete story, please click: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2014/05/07/c ... -for-girl/

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Re: Marijuana as seizure preventative

Post by Maria »

Luke wrote:

So far no officials have seized the drug that is preventing seizures. Hopefully it will stay that way. :mrgreen:

Thankfully, yes. Marijuana oil is also used to help patients with brain tumors to have fewer seizures, and it apparently stops the tumor's growth, so it is promising.

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Re: Marijuana as seizure preventative

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Another follow-up story.

History Made: First Baby With Hemp Oil Treated At Children’s Hospital Colorado
February 12, 2016 12:20 PM

... The Nunez family lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Their daughter Amylea was born in December and almost immediately started having seizures. She was transported to Children’s Hospital Colorado and diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy.

“Her heart stopped twice on us, and that was probably the hardest part on us,” Amylea’s mother Nicole Nunez said. ...

“She is a lot more alert today, she is looking around today and following our faces when we talk to her’ and whereas before when we talked to her she did not react at all,” Nicole Nunez said. ..

To read the complete story, please visit: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2016/02/12/h ... -hemp-oil/

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Re: Marijuana as seizure preventative

Post by Maria »

However, do not try this yourselves. Some have and their children had adverse reactions.

Charlette's Web Marijuana is produced by a chemist who used to work for one of the major pharmaceutical companies, so he knows what he is doing.

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If life tosses you lemons, drink some lemon-water

Post by Maria »

When life tosses lemons at you, drink some lemon-water.

How the Alkaline Diet Cured My Cancer ( A True We’ve Done it Story)

... Alkaline vs acidic levels can be confusing because some think it refers to the actual PH level in the food itself. Some foods such as lemons and limes, are highly acid in their natural state but have an alkaline affect on the body. Alkaline diets involve eating minimal amounts of meat, dairy, white flour and white sugar due to their acidic affect on the body. Instead, focusing on fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and soy products due to their alkaline affect on the body.

Most people with diseases especially Cancer have a PH level of around 4. Cancer cells cannot grow or even exist in an alkaline environment. Cancer cells also cannot grown in the presence of oxygen. When the body tissue has a high level of alkalinity they are able to hold much more oxygen than with a high acidic level. A high alkaline level in the body also makes it easier for cells to discard waste and toxins. ..

Read the entire article at http://livingtraditionally.com/how-the- ... -it-story/

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