Prayer for my friend

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Prayer for my friend

Post by Handmaiden50 »

I am asking you all to pray for a friend of mine who is having an extreemly difficult time at his job. It has been overwhelmingly stressful for him for quite some time and his sister (my best friend) is concerned about his mental well being. He is full of anxiety, worry and depression. He is a teacher in a major city and only has a few years left before retirement, but it seems that all of the politics involved and increasing unrealistic demands placed on him by his supervisors have taken their toll.

(As an aside - I have been praying the he also return to the Church, where I believe he will find healing for his soul. He was raised Greek Orthodox, but left years ago and became an Evangelical. I have been praying that the Lord have mercy on him for this current situation and for him, spiritually.)

"Oh Christ my Savior, save me whether I want it or not! Come quickly, hurry, for I perish!"

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Re: Prayer for my friend

Post by Barbara »

Yes, see if you can have your best friend advise him to look into attending an Orthodox Church there ! There must be a good selection, so perhaps even a True Orthodox parish would be possible.
That's a good thought, Handmaiden, and we will add our prayers to yours. Let us know if you hear more about his condition.
That sounds quite worrisome. I would recommend [don't laugh !] massage to relax the tension, which always accumulates in neck and back. But it needs to be what they call 'deep tissue' to do any real good.
Drinking Chamomile Tea, or even more useful, tincture of Chamomile in hot water, will help. Lemon Balm is a good one too : perhaps they can be alternated at night.

Afterthought : why doesn't the teacher take early retirement ? That sounds like the best solution to a viper's nest of trouble : just get out of it completely ! It's hard to deal with demanding superiors, those in what would be called "top management' in the business world. They are often way out of touch with reality. And worse, are egomaniacs or narcissists. That can result in a lot of trouble, for they won't hear any other way, and punish their subordinates when they don't do exactly as told to.

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Re: Prayer for my friend

Post by Maria »

Lord Jesus Christ have mercy and save him.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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