St John Maximovitch

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St John Maximovitch

Post by Lydia »

There is a new film on the life of St John:

The one thing that stood out for me was the care he had for his flock, from Shanghai to a Phillipine DP camp to San Francisco.
He was a true Bishop, a shepherd who fiercely guarded the people knowing that he would answer to God for each and every soul.
I think that this understanding of the role of a Bishop is generally lacking today, and the Orthodox people are in a bad state because of it.
St. John, intercede for the suffering people and guide us to a true shepherd. Amen.

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Re: St John Maximovitch

Post by Barbara »

Thanks, Lydia, for giving us this link. Do you know anything about the film maker ?
I am going to watch the second half today, as I tried before but got cut off.

And more important than the background of the film's making, your observation about the
phenomenon of the underrespected, underappreciated Orthodox Bishop today is immensely valuable.

Why is it that the flocks have lost this idea ? Is it the secular influence of Western society which makes the flocks
apathetic, if that is the right term, vis a vis their hierarchs ? What factors have brought about such a change over approximately 50 years ?

Aha! Only one more year and we will be in the 50th anniversary of the repose of St John, in 2016 !
A landmark to which to look forward with happy expectation.

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