Pilgrimage to an Athonite Hermitage

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Pilgrimage to an Athonite Hermitage

Post by Despotovac »

Along with its great coenobitic monasteries, the Holy Mountain also lays claim to wilderness sketes. Karulya, located in the southern part of the Athos peninsula, below the very mount of Athos itself is the surely the symbol of the Athonite hermitage.
It is a waterless, jagged slope, on whose crags cling the strictest wilderness cells like birds’ nests. There are ten ascetic cells on Karulya, in general a combination of very modest dwellings built onto hallows in the cliff, or often over a cave. On the highest point of Karulya as if in an eagle’s nest, in the head-spinningly steep cell of the Holy Archangels struggles one Serb, Schema-monk David.
The terrain is highly inaccessible. Karulya is reached by boat, and then one clambers up the cliffs with the help of chains, ladders and other aids. The Hermitage of the Holy Archangels, unlike the others, is nearly invisible. The steep path etched in the cliffs leading to the hermitage is so difficult to find that the place enjoys a special peace which is rarely broken by a few visitors who either know about the hermit David or are sent there by God Himself.
It is needless to emphasize how harsh life conditions are here.
Father David leads an extremely modest, sparse way life; even many of the necessities are lacking. It is very difficult for any objects or provisions to reach the Hermitage of the Archangels as all must be carried on one’s back.
The isolation and quiet on this very narrow terrace cut into the precipitous, vertical cliffs simply fascinates all who seek freedom of the senses from external impressions in order to have clear, collected prayer. Hieromartyr Nicholai of Zhichka said, “Just as an image is reflected in calm waters, so is God reflected in a peaceful soul.” Our souls which are confused by various sensual impressions and the cares of the world have difficulty praying purely. Nonetheless, even in our times exist some rare ascetics of piety, one of whom is Schema-monk David.
(Schema-monk David)
The small group of pilgrims led by Bishop Akakije made their way at the end of February to the Karulya hermitage with the aim of visiting Fr. David and serving Liturgy in the renewed wilderness chapel dedicated to the Holy Archangels. The stay at the Archangels’ Hermitage with Fr. David, though brief, was truly to our spiritual fortification and return to zeal for ascetical struggles and prayer, which everyone took away as a special blessing. Spiritual discourses, grace-filled liturgies and spending time together in such a place and with such a monk cannot be so easily erased from the delicate memory of the soul. We hope that these pictures chronicling the stay at this place can at least in some small way convey our indescribable impressions.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner… Most Holy Mother of God, save us… Holy Archangels, pray to God for us… words which still echo within us. Could there be a more beautiful impression which a pilgrim could take away from such a place?
PHOTOS: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/1080 ... 6872981953


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Priest Antonios
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Re: Pilgrimage to an Athonite Hermitage

Post by Priest Antonios »

Despotovac, those are amazing photos. Thank you very much for sharing them!

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Re: Pilgrimage to an Athonite Hermitage

Post by Barbara »

It's so admirable that Bishop Akakije is conducting these fascinating pilgrimages to little known places
and people. How different and original !
Anyone can go to the Holy Land, but to go there, pulled up by CHAINS to the hermitage of
this Schemamonk David is truly amazing.

I am going to look at the pictures now --

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