AA-1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle by M. Carre

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AA-1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle by M. Carre

Post by Maria »

AA-1025, which was republished by TAN Books in 1991, is the memoirs of a communist agent who was trained and recruited by the Russian Secret Police to enter a Catholic seminary just before World War II and to destroy the Catholic Church from within. The name AA-1025 indicates that this agent is the 1025th seminarian to be recruited for this diabolical mission, which he began in 1938.

This is my third reading of this book, as I read it twice in the early to mid 1990s.

Almost all of the programs of this Catholic communist priest had been accomplished by the time he was killed in an automobile accident sometime in the mid- to late- 1960s, even the planning of a Vatican III. Since the Protestants are fragmented into more than 300 different denominations, and the Orthodox Church has numerous national churches, the KGB focused its attention on the Catholic Church and its papacy, which they deemed was harder to crack. Apparently, the KGB had already compromised the MP and the World Council of Churches, founded in 1948 at his suggestion, was nicely serving their purposes.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: AA-1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle by M. Carre

Post by Barbara »

I am glad you brought that book up, Maria.

I heard of it for awhile but read it in the past year. It was terrifying, how cold the Agent was
and how much evil he was able to do.

The unusual part is how he fell for a nice Italian girl, I have forgotten her name.
But she figured him out eventually, after first thinking he was OK.
She figured something was wrong but never guessed his full assignment.
Didn't he tell some of his plan to her ?
If you are reading it now, Maria, you will remember.

As for me, I got it back to the library the same night just about, I was so scared !
I couldn't even keep it at my house as the agent is so poisonous.

I remember how the book was actually a manuscript copy which a Catholic nurse
found when Agent 1025 was in the hospital [in Paris ?] unconscious.
It was she who published it, doing a good deed.
I guess her name was Carre.
[I think of Mathilde Carre immediately ! Quite another stripe of a person. See:
The Cat with 2 Faces by Gordon Young for a likewise riveting account of human betrayal.
This took place during WW II in France.]

True about the Communist efforts to silence the Vatican's outspoken statements about
the horrors of Communism. Suddenly they stopped after the Balamand Agreement.
Perhaps some of the Cardinals involved in pushing that through were collaborators of this 1025.

Strange that it's the 1025 th Anniversary of the Baptism of Russia this year.

Very chilling book, n'est-ce pas ?

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Re: AA-1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle by M. Carre

Post by Maria »

AA-1025 and convent life.

Did anyone see The Nun's Story?

The Nun's Story had a few good points. However, this true story focused more on a negative and very strict life that depicted no real joy. Documenting pre-Vatican II days, the film exposed the life of a nun and demanded change. Shortly after that movie aired, throughout the world, the lives of nuns was suddenly turned upside down. Gone were the Chapter of Faults, self-inflicted whippings, silence, and the starched habit. The changes forced on Roman Catholic convents and monasteries replicated the advice given in AA-1025, where it was advocated that nuns be set free from archaic rules.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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