East/west schism

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East/west schism

Post by arcmode »

Can anyone recommend any online resources focusing on the split between Orthodox and Latin churches? I thought there might already be a thread about it. I have a Catholic relative who is interested in Orthodoxy but doesn't know much about the history involved and I don't know enough about it of the top of my head.

thnx :)

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Re: East/west schism

Post by joasia »

Have him/her check these out. And if there are still questions, send him/her to me. I'll clarify things.

http://www.orthodoxchristianbooks.com/a ... t-history/

http://www.ancientfaith.com/podcasts/or ... ifferences

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Re: East/west schism

Post by Barbara »

I just gave 2 copies [which I didn't even know I had !] of timothy ware's The Orthodox Church to a Catholic
who wanted to learn about the schism from the point of view of the Orthodox side.
He saw them sitting there waiting to be put somewhere and asked if he could have one.
I said, Sure, take two, giving a warning about Bp Kallistos [Ware].

I never opened a page of either edition. Does anyone know whether there IS a sizeable section on
the schism ? I figured he might explain it well in English for this inquiring mind to grasp.

If there are better works, please do post that, for I don't really have many sources myself to recommend for questions
like this from either side.

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Re: East/west schism

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

I just gave 2 copies [which I didn't even know I had !] of timothy ware's The Orthodox Church to a Catholic
who wanted to learn about the schism from the point of view of the Orthodox side.
He saw them sitting there waiting to be put somewhere and asked if he could have one.
I said, Sure, take two, giving a warning about Bp Kallistos [Ware].

I never opened a page of either edition. Does anyone know whether there IS a sizeable section on
the schism ? I figured he might explain it well in English for this inquiring mind to grasp.

If there are better works, please do post that, for I don't really have many sources myself to recommend for questions
like this from either side.

I read the later edition by Bishop Kallistos (Timothy Ware).
It was good although he seems to be more tolerant of Catholics regarding the Filioque and the Immaculate Conception than most Orthodox Christians. In other words, he seems to say that a person can believe in the Immaculate Conception and still be an Orthodox Christian.

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Re: East/west schism

Post by arcmode »

Thank you Joasia, that's very helpful. My friend is elderly and she can't read small print any more so I needed something I could edit and print out myself. Even better is the audio, that's perfect.

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Re: East/west schism

Post by SolarFlare »

Joseph Farrell is an apostate today, but from what I hear, he has written a good book on the schism, in favor of the Orthodox side.

"God, History, & Dialectic: The Theological Foundations of the Two Europes and Their Cultural Consequences."

I don't recommend his other books, except what he writes about Saint's Maximus and Photius.

His other books seem new age.

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Re: East/west schism

Post by SolarFlare »

For people struggling over the issue of the papacy, I recommend,

Papalism, by Denny (he's Anglican).

The Papacy, by Guettee (Orthodox)

Popes And Patriarches, by Whelton (Orthodox).

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