Reza Aslan's Book: Zealot.

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Reza Aslan's Book: Zealot.

Post by Maria »

I just received this email from Father Panagiotes Carras, and I reviewed the video, which is well done. Avoid Aslan's book.

We are grateful to His Grace, Bishop Christodoulos, for his video exposé, Reza Aslan's Book, "Zealot" - A Greek Orthodox Christian Perspective. His Grace together with Dr. Miljan Peter Ilich unmask Asla's attempt to demolish the belief that our Lord is the Son of God. Aslan is a Moslem and the belief in our Saviour as the Son of God is deplored by Moslems.

Reza Aslan's New York Times “best-seller”, Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, is just one more attempt to produce an easy-reading popular distortion of the Holy Gospels. This type of literature is very popular with those in our society who have an irrational hatred of our Lord.

There is nothing new in Aslan's book. It certainly is not a scholarly book. Most of his arguments have already been used by assorted anti-christian propagandists who try to 'reinterpret Christ'. Despite the lack of any facts to support this book's claims, it became a “Best-Seller”. One more sign that our society thrists for anything that will support abandoning God.

This video should be watched by all who love the Faith. We all need to be vigilant and aware of the attacks against our Faith so that we can protect ourselves from those who seek to destroy our souls. We all need to learn our Faith better. Please study the words of His Grace, Bishop Christodoulos and Dr. Ilich.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Reza Aslan's Book: Zealot.

Post by Barbara »

That makes me glad I never would even consider to LOOK AT, let alone READ, a book on
that list !
In fact, I would avoid anything "popular" enough to get on that list
like the plague !

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