Typica - Is anyone here praying Typica? Please share.

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Typica - Is anyone here praying Typica? Please share.

Post by Maria »

There are several typicas available online for either the Russian or the Greek Typica.

Whenever possible, it is preferable to chant the Typica as when one sings, one prays twice.

Here is a source for most of the parts of the Greek Typica in English Chant (Western Notation instead of Psalti notation). However, I cannot access the mp3 files. http://stanthonysmonastery.org/music/do ... 003%20-%20[0262_Typica%20-%201st%20Stasis%20-%20Mode%208.pdf

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Priest Antonios
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Re: Typica - Is anyone here praying Typica? Please share.

Post by Priest Antonios »

I know this thread if for the typica but, I assume those praying the typica are also interested in trying to keep as full of a liturgical cycle as they reasonably can. And, while the following link is from a uniate source, it does give a nice simple guide to conducting Vespers, Matins and the Hours as readers services.

We found reading the hours a great comfort while seeking out True Orthodoxy. They are relatively simple, they're not long once you are used to them and can really round out a day if time allows.

http://www.metropolitancantorinstitute. ... vices.html

I'm not that familiar with Greek practices so I don't know if this would be as helpful for someone coming from a Greek background.

In Christ,
Dcn Antonios

Hieromonk Enoch
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Re: Typica - Is anyone here praying Typica? Please share.

Post by Hieromonk Enoch »

I found this to be helpful as well:



It's not from a True Orthodox site, but, from a ROCOR-MP site (Fr. John Whiteford). But, like many things, this isn't the objectionable area (omitting the obvious places talking about commemorating Patriarch so and so).

I second Fr. Antonios' mention of the Hours.

In Christ,

Fr. Enoch

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Re: Typica - Is anyone here praying Typica? Please share.

Post by Maria »

Thank you very much for participating in this thread, Father Enoch.

How does one pray Typica for a feast day, such as today's feast day of St. Barbara, and the one on Dec 6, 19 (O.S.) for St. Nicholas of Myra?

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Re: Typica - Is anyone here praying Typica? Please share.

Post by Dcn.Ephrem »

You always pray the Typica with the "variable portions": http://www.saintjonah.org/typ/

That website always puts up the variable portions for Sundays, and they are usually pretty good about putting up weekday services of significance. St. Nicholas' is up there now.

Fr. Deacon Ephrem Cummings
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Re: Typica - Is anyone here praying Typica? Please share.

Post by jgress »

I've used it too and I recommend it. You need to either print out lots of pages or keep lots of tabs open to get everything, but it works.

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