Living within our means: no TV, smartphone, or fancy clothes

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Living within our means: no TV, smartphone, or fancy clothes

Post by Barbara »

I'm so happy to hear that ! No TV and the home schooling. I never quite understood the full importance
of homeschooling, but now I do, after just a tiny look at the public school system now.

Maybe this is NOT off the topic of the thread. For the spouse might need to consider such options as
home schooling, or if there is a collective home school for children of like-minded souls, then to
have any children go there.

I think no gadgets, too, would be the additional rule to the TV one in this era now.
Those are so detrimental.
I was talking about this general topic yesterday to someone who said her sister's children and many, many out there
are so spoiled that they whine to be bought $600 iphones or latest whatever thing like that.
The children are NOT willing to work for them, she said. They expect everything delivered on demand.
Then the children don't develop normally, and behave badly.

So it's good your family has escaped this !

Nadir wrote:


My new son-in-law is a born Australian. We raised our three children in the Catholic faith and home schooled all of them; and no television in our home. That is why they did not “rebel,” as you put it. All this, of course, is due to God for His infinite mercy and love towards us.


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Re: Finding a true orthodox spouse

Post by Maria »

I agree with Barbara to a degree.

Kids who suffer from deafness, blindness, Asperger's, or other handicaps need computers and electronic gadgets in order to communicate.

However, many children think that their parents are mean and nasty for not providing them with expensive toys, smartphones, and expensive fashions. They do not care if their parents go into debt and lose their homes.

And yes, this is offtopic, but a very important topic.

These posts concerning electronic gadgets are being split into a new thread.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Living within our means: no TV, smartphone, or fancy clo

Post by Barbara »

HERE this is ! Oh, ok GOOD ! It does deserve a separate thread, because it's become so pervasive, apparently.
Helpful for anyone dealing with families which include the proverbial spoiled brats.

This woman who was telling me this was saying that there is a link between the children's unwillingness to WORK anymore
or even do anything beyond simple chores and the addiction to these gadgets.

Other adults have told me too that it's shocking to see teenagers lolling around, not doing anything constructive,
let alone getting a JOB to help their family out financially.... but always tons of energy to devote to their texting or whatever it is they do.
One told me he let his children do video games in moderation but he kept a close eye on which ones they were doing.
I suggested, though, that even those supposedly better ones be trimmed back, because ALL have a detrimental effect on the
eyes, soul, spirit, mental state due to the ugly images and unreal state.
It's all something on a computer. Not real life ! What are they learning? Nothing.
Instead the children are damaging themselves even with the "safer" games.
Now I know little about this area, but even one glimpse one day at a video game when a father was showing
me what they were was enough to put me into a state of stupefaction ! They seem so dark. Even evil.
He said he and his sons sitting at their computers a few feet away played these games avidly in their spare time.
He worked from home by computer, and thus took care of the children much of the day. [Another subject, but
seems more and more widespread these day, did anyone notice that ?]

I felt zapped by something awful and left right away. Just from that short view !
So what about these kids everywhere who are doing these day after day ?
How will they ever work, or contribute to the country ? How can they hold down a job even once they
get one after college, presumably ? Who will be there to run the country, even, when one thinks of how
damaged this generation has become [in my assessment and my friend's] ?

Maria, what you said about the kids not caring whether the parents even lose their house or have to go way into debt
to support the purchase of all the trendy prestige items to impress their peers is very important.
That attitude reveals not just a minor selfishness.
But NARCISSISM which is very damaging to all others around the person. Then, still worse, if unchecked to

My friend that day didn't use those terms but was also alluding to that lack of respect for anyone but themselves
as characteristic of the type of child/teenager who is so engrossed in all these gadgets.

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Re: Living within our means: no TV, smartphone, or fancy clo

Post by NadirGP »

Barbara wrote:

Maybe this is NOT off the topic of the thread. For the spouse might need to consider such options as home schooling, or if there is a collective home school for children of like-minded souls, then to have any children go there.

Barbara, I think that you do not really understand the concept of homeschooling.

First, not one spouse, but both, must decide together, because they have to support each other in the venture.

Second, a collective home school is not a homeschool (unless a family lives as part of a larger community). A homeschool is where the children are educated by their own parents in their own home.

Barbara wrote:

I was talking about this general topic yesterday to someone who said her sister's children and many, many out there are so spoiled that they whine to be bought $600 iphones or latest whatever thing like that. The children are NOT willing to work for them, she said. They expect everything delivered on demand. Then the children don't develop normally, and behave badly.

But this can only happen if the parents encourage this behaviour by giving children whatever they want without any discretion. If the parents refused from a young age to give them whatever they want and insist that they work for what they want, this could not happen. Childrens' expectations largely come from what the parents expect from the children.

We just spent a lovely weekend with a family of 11 children aged 21 years to 8 weeks. The children did a lot of the work of hosting and entertaining us. This family also homeschools and have no TV. The children are refreshing and natural, quite happy to communicate with adults, and have no expectation that they will be entertained.

So Jesus was saying to those Ιουδαιους [Judeans] who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
John 8:31-32

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