I Kind of Want to be a Monk

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Re: I Kind of Want to be a Monk

Post by Maria »

Thank you, Mother, for your excellent post.

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Re: I Kind of Want to be a Monk

Post by JamesR »

Thank you very much Mother for your input. I highly appreciate it. I hope I have what it takes to be a monk...

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Re: I Kind of Want to be a Monk

Post by Jean-Serge »

Hello JamesR, well being a monk not necessarily supposes being alone. Generally, people begin with a cenobitic life and later can become ermits. However, the thing you mentioned about self abuse makes me wonder if it would be a good idea to become monk.

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Re: I Kind of Want to be a Monk

Post by Cerafim »

James, the very best thing you can do for yourself (1) decide if you will continue in the OCA. Then (2) once you've made your decision, get acquainted with monasticism through visiting for short periods a monastic community. This will give you a realistic - as opposed to an idealized - vision of what monasticism is really like. It might be best for you to visit several monastic communities to get a better picture of what it means to be a monk and, more importantly, to provide you with information that you will need to determine if you think that this is something that you will do for the rest of your life. I have known many young men and women who have a romanticized notion of what monastic life is like, and who came away from it disillusioned. Monastic life is extremely difficult but if you are cut out to become a monastic, it is extremely rewarding.

First, evaluate what Traditional Orthodoxy is. Then proceed to investigate monasticism. You are very young; take your time and be honest with yourself.

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Re: I Kind of Want to be a Monk

Post by jgress »

If you're still struggling with sexual sin, I suggest you sort that out before thinking about monasticism.

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Re: I Kind of Want to be a Monk

Post by Barbara »

I bet James is doing better now, with his new love interest [ ! ] to keep his attention off of less positive stuff.

We haven't heard from James for a little while but it sounds as though he maturing quite nicely.

Are you still considering the monastic life as much as before, James ?

Cerafin is quite astute in asserting that the best step would be to talk Miss X. into leaving the OCA with him
and entering one of our jurisdictions together.

Then to have clarity about the best way to go.

My personal opinion is that no one or let's say, few, can have CLARITY at ALL while a member of the OCA ?
Do you know they have catered meals at the Trinity Cathedral in San Francisco, at least on Feast Days ?
Parish life there seems so OPPOSITE of the monastic ideal that there is no way to even sort things out with
adequate balance. Just my idea, I take blame for my opinionated words !

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