Saint New-Martyr Catherine (Routtis)

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Archimandrit Nilos
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Saint New-Martyr Catherine (Routtis)

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »


On November 8, 1927, feast of the Holy Archangels, the Genuine Orthodox Christians were feasting the holy memory of the Holy Angels’ Church in Mandra, Attica. Suddenly "law enforcement officials” are surrounding the church, by order of the modernist schismatic Archbishop Chrysostom Papadopoulos, to capture the priests and to disperse the crowd of Orthodox believers. For the record we note that on that historic day at the Church of Mandra was the Zealot Athonite (then) Hieromonk Saint Matthew the Confessor, who later became Archbishop of Athens of Church of G.O.C. of Greece and an another priest, who left the Church afraid of the presence of the gendarmes while the zealot St Matthew continued the Divine Liturgy until the end, and he escaped arrest and he went unnoticed by the persecutors, he was covered by the grace of God! The persecutors police rushed to arrest the priest... The Orthodox believers react and obstacles stand in their antichristian actions. The police are starting to violate against militants devout believers, beating them with butt (bats) brutally. From the injured believers, the most serious case is the young mother Catherine (Routtis) mother of two children. She transferred in critical condition in hospital, where she reposed to Lord in amid cries of pain. So the young naive spatial woman joins the celestial Church of Christ as a martyr and confessor of the Orthodox Faith of Christ! SAINT NEW- MARTYR OF CHRIST CATHERINE PRAY FOR US, FOR THE MEMBERS OF CHURCH OF CHRIST, GENUINE ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS! The below article of that time (29-11-1927) in the newspaper “SCRIP” who was entitled as “The blood in Mandra”.

The Church (the sectarian New- Calendarist one) by it leaders caused the first fraternal blood. The hard butt of a policeman in Mandra painted with the blood of a faithful of the old calendar, and sent to the grave a victim, a poor woman, insisting on delivery of the old calendar. The unfortunate spatial expired in a bed of "Evangelismos" hospital where she cries in pain from the wounds. And the victim of the old calendar while she gave her soul to the God she would had before her eyes the icon of Archangels where the censer of worship was burned at field day by the old calendar, and while she was in religious tasks, she agreed to head the butt of the policeman. And I asked: what is her crime to fall in the skull of the butt so that the burning censer for loyalty to sprayed with blood? Although God who took the ultimate soul of this unfortunate woman left the simplistic answer to be given by “His representative on earth”, the Archbishop of Athens of new calendar and the controller of butt’s brutality against people of Mandra, who insist the old calendar. While the freedom of worship of God are respected even in the wild natives, while the Greek Constitution, even this "democratic" one recognized the freedom of Old- Calendarists while the Orthodox of Old Calendar are loyal to worship their feasts according their traditions, the butt of Archbishop of Athens is inflicted heavy against Old- Calendarists in Mandra, because essentially the butt of Ecumenist New- Calendarism dyed with blood the Church in Mandra and it sent to the grave the poor spatial woman. By its butt, by acts of vandalism, by the persecutions, by the police brutality and all that want the government and the Archbishop of Athens to impose the new calendar, to alter the religious order and to terrorize the people's consciousness?
They intend to offer the blood of the faithful of the old calendar on the altar of novelty of the new. They mean to create martyrs and victims of the old life of medieval Terrorism. Therefore they intend to launch a storm of religious upheaval in people's consciousness and to reap the fruits of the new calendar in blood, victims and believers of the old calendar? The appalling scenes of Mandra are the dreadful evidence of the deplorable situation that was created by the New- Calendarist novelty, which the archbishop of Athens insisted and did. They divided people into two portions and opened up a huge gulf between the traditions of the old calendar and the novelty of the new, innovations are increasingly expanding into all formal and essential events of church life in Greece.

The innovative spirit, which is dictated the supposedly progressive evolution, undoubtedly brought trouble and capsized in traditions, institutions, policy and it promoted the release of the moral government of the Church. Because the outbreaks of lawlessness and immorality of the clergy, that ungodly within the churches, the Protestant denominations, that blasphemous priests entered to people's consciousness, the shorn head of donations to the Church, and weakened the general relaxation of ecclesiastical laws, the hijacked, the scandals of ecclesiastical offices, the commercial spirit which governs trade clergy and people, all these evils in the Church, due to the subversive, the innovative spirit, whose conquest substantial issue is the implementation of the new calendar. But the innovators, these people who create scandals in the Church, the tumblers traditions mean by butt to enforce the new calendar and through the blood to erect this structure. But blood and faithful martyrs of a tradition, a religious faith is mixed around the censer, who it burned as incense in temples. And the blood that is for the tradition, for God! And the blood of Mandra and the butt of the victim indicate the guilty policemen and officers who are now manipulating the butt of the new calendar and they are leading innovative wind in the Church of Greece, the tomorrow's storm of the faithful of the old calendar.

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Re: Saint New-Martyr Catherine (Routtis)

Post by Matthew »

I had never heard of this martyr for Christ. I thought that the differences between the state NC church and the TOC old Calendar church was at worst some prison sentences. I did not know that anyone, especially a woman and mother, was murdered and attained martyrdom. God glorify your Name through your faithful saint, Catherine Routtis!

St. Catherine, Pray for me a sinner.

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Re: Saint New-Martyr Catherine (Routtis)

Post by Maria »

St. Catherine, pray to God for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Saint New-Martyr Catherine (Routtis)

Post by Matthew »

Here is a page with much info on Saint Catherine:

http://fraterniteorthodoxedenime.blogsp ... chive.html

Use google translator page software to read.

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Re: Saint New-Martyr Catherine (Routtis)

Post by Jean-Serge »

Icxypion wrote:

I had never heard of this martyr for Christ.

I am surprised you had not... There are even icons of her. I googled her name once and I found a picture of her too, an old picture.

Priidite, poklonimsja i pripadem ko Hristu.

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Re: Saint New-Martyr Catherine (Routtis)

Post by Matthew »

Unfortunately, Jean-Serge, I am like a piece of swiss cheese, I got lots of holes in my theology and knowledge of traditions and saints. So, I always have to try to learn more and becareful to not jump to conclusions about things because it is easy to be in error when you are not playing with a full deck!

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Re: Saint New-Martyr Catherine (Routtis)

Post by Maria »

Jean-Serge wrote:
Icxypion wrote:

I had never heard of this martyr for Christ.

I am surprised you had not... There are even icons of her. I googled her name once and I found a picture of her too, an old picture.

Please, if you find a picture or icon of St. Catherine, be so kind as to post it here. Thanks. :)

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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