Athonite Pilgrims - Share Your Experiences Here

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Re: Athonite Pilgrims - Share Your Experiences Here

Post by Matthew »

The contents of the book are as follows:


Prominent Hermits of Mount Athos (old and younger)

Prominent Hermits who hermitage around Athos (old Fathers Saints) 29
The Saint Peter the Athonite 29
The ascetic Sun-Isaiah 31
The Saint Maximus the Kafsokalyvitis 32
The Saint Nephon the Kafsokalyvitis 35
The Saint Gerontios the Vouleftiriotis 37
The Saints Dionysius and orator Mitrophanes Spiritual 37
The Saint Nilus the Myrrh 39
The Saint Gregory Vyzantios 40
The Saint Nicephorus Recluse 41
The Saint Akakios the Kafsokalyvitis 41
The Saint Theodore in the Spot 41

Younger fathers of Athos desert 43
The Elder Joachim spilaiotis 43
Elder Pachomius the spilaiotis and anchorites 44
The Father Serapion the Russian. The hermit of Mount Athos 44
Elder Gerasimos the Karmilitis 46
Monk Seraphim (another hermit of Mount Athos) 48

Surviving stories on unsung Hermits of Mount Athos

  1. On the first Hesychasts of Athos. (From the life of St. Athanasius
    Athonite) 53
  2. The strange wandering hermit. (From the life of St. Maximus
    Kafsokalyvia) 54
  3. The seven unsung Hermits of Mount Athos 55
  4. Vision and smell in the "Sun Isaiah." (From the life of St. Martyr Constantine on Agarinon) 57
  5. The Giannakopoulos silent Ascetics 59
  6. The cave shrine of three 61
  7. Discovery holy relic at the bottom Hello 63
  8. The mysterious naked Elder 65
  9. The Spiritual Father Gregory and secret Hermits 67
  10. The three anchorites 70
  11. Naked saints "Kryon Water" 73
  12. The cave Evlogitarion 76
  13. "Follow us" 80
  14. "You, brother, are intended to Cloister of Xenophon" 82
  15. Ten Hermits in "Holy Stone" 84
  16. Another mysterious cave in the "Sun Isaiah" 86
  17. About twelve of Athos shoeless 88
  18. Appearance and sulfur cave relic 91
  19. The invisible without dwelling Hermits 93
  20. The Cross of "fragrant" 96
  21. The unnamed 98 retreatants Athos
  22. The Hermit and nuts 101
  23. 12 Theory of mysterious monks in cave 102
  24. Scent of the "Hello" the Laura 104
  25. Fragrance and "Hello" Kafsokalyvia 105
  26. The "wild beasts" of Mary 106
  27. The spilaiotis priest Leontius and 12 anonymous 110 retreatants
  28. Eerie Hermits 112
  29. Bare feet footprints in the snow 114
  30. Beat the bell to prevent the "bare Ascetics" 116
  31. Narratives of Elder Gerasimos Hymnographer 118
  32. For ten years took 120 water
  33. Bowed before the party stood 122 feet
  34. Asking for alms to feed 124 hermits
  35. The two half-naked hermit 125
  36. Meeting with submissive retreatants 126
  37. The cave of "gladness" 127
  38. The "Stravolagkada" 129
  39. The Hermits of Lefke. 131
  40. For the invisible holy hermits. (Ex Letters of Elder Joseph
    Hesychast) 133
  41. Portions sulfur bread lost 135
  42. Mysterious Monks in "Babylas" 136
  43. The nocturnal naked hermit 138
  44. 140 stories a monk
  45. "As shadow disappeared" 142
  46. An unknown makrygenis Hermit 143
  47. Matins for the Divine Liturgy and the Divine Metalipsin 144
  48. Disappearances Monks 146
  49. Testimony of two Cypriot pilgrims 148
  50. Strange nighttime visitors to "Virgin" 150
  51. Unknown to hermit up "KOUKOUZELI" 152
  52. Another naked hermit in the woods 154
  53. Two modern hermit 155
  54. Theory three rasoforon the top 161
  55. Modern spilaiotis Ascetic 163
  56. Discovery Cave and Bone anonymous holy ascetics 164
  57. Unknown hermit between Athos and Antiathona 171

Annex similar bizarre narratives outside Mount Athos
A similar narration and Mount Sinai 175
B. Such situations and stories and Agiofarago Crete 180

Supplementary data associated with monasticism - erimitismo.
Verses of the Holy Scriptures, which praised the erimitiki and quieting life 189
From the Old Testament 189
From the New Testament 195
On peace (of the Fathers quotations) 201
Generally about monasticism 207
Various kinds of asceticism and monasticism 210 branches
About 215 Erimitismou
Craving the holy Fathers for the desert 217
Excerpts of some reasons Fathers and virtuous contemporaries Elders on Hermit
and ascetic life and hesychastic 219
Just for erimitismo of Mount Athos 233

Logos II in teleiothentas Father (Father's Prayer of Saint Ephrem the Syrian) 247

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Re: Athonite Pilgrims - Share Your Experiences Here

Post by Barbara »

That was funny, Maria ~ !

The table of contents look SO GOOD -
thanks so much for rendering them into English, or copying them out from a list, Icxypion.
It makes the book irresistible.
But I can't figure out what the Greek ordering info is about.
I don't see a Paypal option. Oh oh ---

Any tips on how to go about this?

I feel i must persist as long as that license plate showed so clearly -
you know, i remembered AFTER I wrote that, that it appeared
just an instant before I had to turn left to get to that Chevron -
so clearly perfect timing.

Out of loss came much profit !

Yes, I thought so too, that it was a good reminder to change a few more
cars' gas caps for locking ones, where available.

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Joined: Sat 21 January 2012 12:04 am

Re: Athonite Pilgrims - Share Your Experiences Here

Post by Matthew »

If you want to order it I think all you have to do is email the link for the book to Light and Life, or some Greek Orthodox bookstore based in USA and they can special order it for you.

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