St. Philoumenos of Jacob's Well, Nov. 29

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St. Philoumenos of Jacob's Well, Nov. 29

Post by Maria »

St. Philoumenos is a modern day saint and martyr, who apparently left Cyprus for Jerusalem in 1932 (at age 19) with his twin brother as the ecclesiastical authorities had imposed the New Calendar. In Jerusalem, he observed the Old Calendar.

There are other posts at E. Cafe which discuss the polemics of why some Old Calendarists do not honor him as a saint, but as E. Cafe posters have pointed out, St. Philoumenos was a True Orthodox who would not concelebrate with the Ecumenists, but the Ecumenists avoid mentioning this fact. Note that the Ecumenists also canonized St. Nicholas Planas and St. Nektarios of Aegina, who were also known for their zeal and devotion.

He was officially glorified by the the Patriarchate of Jerusalem on November 29, 2009 (Old Style), and is commemorated by the Church on November 16/29.


The crowning moment of Father Philoumenos’ earthly pilgrimage came on November 16/29, 1979 at the shrine built on the site of Jacob's Well. The Saint experienced a martyric death at the hands of extremist Jewish Zionists who massacred him with an ax in the evening, while he was performing Vespers at the Well of Jacob where he lived as a loyal guardian of the Holy Places and centuries old way of life.

Read a brief biography of St. Philoumenos at ... cob's_Well

A recent miracle also occurred with the mysterious appearance of a small cup as told at the following website:
http://full-of-grace-and-truth.blogspot ... menos.html

Fr. Justin said "I never brought this to the pilgrimage. In a paradoxical manner it was found there in the Skevophylakion, in a mysterious manner, inscrutably."

They were curious as to what this cup was, and how such a strong fragrance was coming from such a small cup. Upon examining it, they saw written:
"The Blood of the Hieromartyr Philoumenos.
The martyrdom which I received, may you receive. The cup that I drank, may you drink."

St. Philoumenos, pray to God for us that we may be saved.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: St. Philoumenos of Jacob's Well, Nov. 29

Post by Matthew »

Yes, his life is a wonderful testament to the pious life of a True Orthodox monk and how God rewards such faithfulness.

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Re: St. Philoumenos of Jacob's Well, Nov. 29

Post by Barbara »

Oh ! I remember reading about this story in ... mmmm Orthodox Life, seems.

However, I NEVER heard about this CUP. Wow !

The whole story was SO SO moving. It was almost impossible to even get through the account,
so horrifying was the version I saw.

Of course, hardly anyone knows outside a small contingent.
Why? It's easy to guess....

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Re: St. Philoumenos of Jacob's Well, Nov. 29

Post by Matthew »

Barbara wrote:

Of course, hardly anyone knows outside a small contingent.
Why? It's easy to guess....

Do you mean hardly anyone knows about the miracle of the cup? If so, do you mean the guess is that they would have to admit that the Old Calendarists have genuine miracles confirming their confession of faith?

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Re: St. Philoumenos of Jacob's Well, Nov. 29

Post by Barbara »

Yes !
Even more alarming, I mean that this information has been SUPPRESSED by mainstream World Orthodox
deliberately. Seems probable, though COULD BE just 'by random chance'/

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Re: St. Philoumenos of Jacob's Well, Nov. 29

Post by jgress »

I don't think the logic checks out on that argument. The story about the cup shows that it is precisely the World Orthodox Jerusalem Patriarchate that is promoting this story as part of their campaign to canonize St Philoumenos as one of "them". What is being suppressed is the simple fact that St Philoumenos was a Zealot and wanted nothing to do with World Orthodoxy.

What are the sources for his Zealotry? Did he refuse to commemorate the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Benedict, who brought the JP into the World Council of Churches and even temporarily adopted the New Calendar? The subsequent Patriarch, Diodoros, withdrew from the WCC and entered into communion with the Synod in Resistance, but this was after St Philoumenos' martyrdom.

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Re: St. Philoumenos of Jacob's Well, Nov. 29

Post by Matthew »

Yes, that makes sense, Jonathan. It is sad how deceptive the World Orthodox "Traditionalist" presence is. It convinces the people who would otherwise leave and join the ranks of True Orthodoxy to stay with their false shepherds. "If it were really that bad then Elder Ephraim, or Porphyrios, or Paisios, or (Fill in the Blank) would leave!" And so they stay...believing their communion they receive at the hands of ecumenist masons still has grace.

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