Clearly Demonic Images of the Pope & his "Church Sanctuary"

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Clearly Demonic Images of the Pope & his "Church Sanctuary"

Post by Matthew »

I came across a couple of absolutely horrible images today in the same article:

in the first one the Pope's face as he goes about "blessing the faithful" is so obviously evil, that he makes the Dark Emperor (Chancellor Palpatine) in the StarWars movies look as benevolent as a saint.

In the second photo, is depicted the so-called "Resurrection Sculpture". It features the pope enthroned on an altar area with the most demonic looking (probably very expensive and elaborately crafted) monstrosity rising up behind him and his henchmen (lower clergy), and in either corner they are all straddled by two clowns bearing pikes (should have given them tridents and tails with arrows on the ends of them). I assume the central figure is supposed to be some kind of "Jesus", and the web of rising and writhing wraiths surrounding him are supposed to be the souls of....what? Looks like the devil and his legions of the damned to me. I mean it looks like the altar of the ANTICHRIST and no mistake about it!!!! Take a look and be horrified. I mean how stupid can people get and not wake up and smell the coffee? Wake Up People!!!

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Re: Clearly Demonic Images of the Pope & his "Church Sanctua

Post by StephenS »

The Papacy is a monarchy, a worldly one, and with all the trappings of such an organisation including characters in medieval uniforms and with period weaponry. For Christians Christ is the head of the Church, but Rome appears to have other novel ideas (and shocking Assisi moments).

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Re: Clearly Demonic Images of the Pope & his "Church Sanctua

Post by Matthew »

:D Yes, I know they are the Papacy's historic Swiss Guardsmen. I was simply commenting on their rather gaily attired condition. They would fit right in with any carnival contingent of clowns. Rather than evoking respect and fear, they merely add to, and make one laugh at, the already gross absurdity of the entire affair.

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Re: Clearly Demonic Images of the Pope & his "Church Sanctua

Post by Barbara »

You mean, wake up and smell the Tea ?! Or Organic fruit juice ?

This was so appalling to see, I had to conduct a scan and immediately shut down the computer.
I guess I am over=sensitive, but truly this was the most horrible desecration.

Well written posts, you two, describing all this very effectively.
I hadn't thought about the Swiss Guards that much, but they are outlandish.
The backdrop though was the most unbelievable.

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Re: Clearly Demonic Images of the Pope & his "Church Sanctua

Post by Matthew »


Found this youtube video which the reporter you can tell is trying to suppress his laughter,
as he says, "the sculpture was designed by so and so to show jesus resurrecting from the blast of a nuclear bomb"
a NUCLEAR BOMB?!?!?!? Gimme a break! what heap of nonsense!!! what twisted minds they all have in the Vatican.

here is another commentary on the same piece of filth by someone calling it for what it is -- demonic ... like-this/

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Re: Clearly Demonic Images of the Pope & his "Church Sanctua

Post by Hieromonk Enoch »

The evil looking tree with the grotesque image supposed to be Our Lord is far more disturbing than the Swiss Guards!

“We cannot destroy the Ecclesiastical Canons, who are defenders and keepers of the Canons, not their transgressors.” (Pope St. Martin the Confessor)

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Re: Clearly Demonic Images of the Pope & his "Church Sanctua

Post by Matthew »

Indeed, it is. :ohvey:

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