Mass 'conversion' of Evangelicals in '86 (Gillquist)

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Mass 'conversion' of Evangelicals in '86 (Gillquist)

Post by Ivanov »

Were all the hundreds received by the Antiochians put through a 1 year catachumenate and then allowed entry by Chrismation? How was this handled? This has a bearing on my current situation, though I am now (as a 'catechuman') looking only to True Orthodoxy but am stuck in a city with 3 'world Orthodoxy' parishes only, one of them Antiochian.

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Re: Mass 'conversion' of Evangelicals in '86 (Gillquist)

Post by GOCPriestMark »

The "E.O.C." did catechize their members, though, depending on when you joined you might get different info according to what stage they were at in their development. They were pretty decent about teaching basic Orthodoxy, to a point, and at having regular 'teachings' as their understanding developed. So, yes, they catechized, but not a specific one year 'class' just before the mass chrismations. Gillquist and the various leaders, (formerly married 'bishops' who then became 'archpriests'), vouched for their people, that they had been baptised, but the type/form of baptism could be quite variable - no guarantee of three-fold immersion or Orthodox rite and prayers. Then, of course, there is the issue of multiple ordinations of deacons on the same day, and also priests on the same day - an 'economia' with no historical precedent.

Make sure you receive the One Baptism into the One Church.


Priest Mark Smith
British Columbia

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Re: Mass 'conversion' of Evangelicals in '86 (Gillquist)

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

Realize you that the so called Antiochian Pseudo-Orthodox Church is only a graceless ecumenistic modernistic parasynagogue without any signification for True Orthodox Christians.

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Re: Mass 'conversion' of Evangelicals in '86 (Gillquist)

Post by Ivanov »

Thank you, Priest Mark and Archimandrite for your responses. I just learned a couple of minutes ago that Fr. Gillquist is battling cancer again. Prayers.


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Re: Mass 'conversion' of Evangelicals in '86 (Gillquist)

Post by Maria »

Ivanov wrote:

Thank you, Priest Mark and Archimandrite for your responses. I just learned a couple of minutes ago that Fr. Gillquist is battling cancer again. Prayers.


Lord have mercy.

While the Antiochians did have mass chrismations of the EOC, they also allowed these new members to sing Protestant hymns during the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom while they "adapted" to Eastern Orthodoxy. I visited one of their parishes in Goleta, where I noticed this novelty. It was mentioned not too long ago that this "economia" is no longer allowed.

However, the Antiochian toleration of freemasonry is another matter that should raise concerns. At their parish life conferences, visitors may see Antiochian members proudly sporting a masonic pin on their lapels. During annual dinners to honor the patron saint, parishioners often pay honor to members who are masons or Job's daughters. Yes, you read that correctly. Freemasons are given more honor than their patron saint.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Mass 'conversion' of Evangelicals in '86 (Gillquist)

Post by Ivanov »

HI Maria,
Thanks for the additional info. I guess very little shocks me anymore. Oddly enough, back in the mid-70's I sold virtually everything I owned and moved to Goleta. There was an ex-Baptist minister there who thought he had some special 'light' on the Church and the home-church group here that I was part of was hooked up with him. Our whole group moved out there! Peter Gillquist was also in Goleta at that time and helped me deal with extricating myself from that group. That was obviously well before either of us had the slightest idea that we would eventually become Orthodox. Of course I became RC first. Didn't know there was an Antiochian parish there. I've PM'd 2 True Orthodox priests asking for some help/direction. Anxious to hear back from them. Ever heard of 'Descent of The Holy Spirit" mission in CA? Fr. James and Presbytera Irene Matta?


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Re: Mass 'conversion' of Evangelicals in '86 (Gillquist)

Post by Revnitel »

Since they were received in the Antiochian New Calendar church, we would have to receive them properly into Orthodoxy if they wanted to be Orthodox. Christ told us to go forth and baptize in the Holy Gospel, not Chrismate.

"The spouse of Christ cannot be adulterous, she is uncorrupted and pure, She knows one home; she guards with chaste modesty the sanctity of one couch. She keeps us for God. She appoints the sons whom she has born for the Kingdom. Whoever is separated from the Church and is joined to an adulteress is separated from the promises of the Church; nor can he who forsakes the Church of Christ attain to the rewards of Christ."

--St. Cyprian of Carthage, On The Unity of the Church (Chapter 6, ANF,V:423),

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