Revelation of Ares

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Revelation of Ares

Post by stumbler »

A few years ago I ran into a person online who claims that Jesus and God made revelations to him which he wrote into a book.

While normally this would not be so very interesting, this man, Michel Potay, also claimed to have been a clergyman of the Moscow Patriarchate.

I am curious as to whether anyone here has heard of him or has read his book, "The Revelation of Ares."

To his credit, whenever I have spoken with him he has never tried to lead me away from Orthodoxy, and even sent me a copy of his book at his own expense. He seems to be a very genuine man.

I am just wondering if anyone else here has heard of him or has read his book.

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Post by Helen »

Just out of interest, why would you read the book? And why do you think others (Orthodox) would read the book?

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Post by Pravoslavnik »


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   I had never heard of Potay before today, but, from the look of the Wikipedia article, he sounds like another New Age victim of prelest.  His spiritual view of theophany is strikingly similar to that of Islam, and even, surprisingly, of Adolph Hitler and Dietrich Eckart, the founders of the Nazi party.  There is a very interesting book that I read recently called [u][i]Ibsen and Hitler[/i][/u], by a holocaust historian, Stephen Sage, which describes Hitler's adoration and mimicry of Henrik Ibsen's plays, especially [i]Emperor and Galilean[/i], about Julian the Apostate.  There were some in the Nazi party who even believed that Hitler was a "reincarnation" of both Julian the Apostate, and, incredibly, Christ God, Himself.
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Post by joasia »

Stumbler wrote:

To his credit, whenever I have spoken with him he has never tried to lead me away from Orthodoxy, and even sent me a copy of his book at his own expense. He seems to be a very genuine man.

Maybe not, but he has caused you to question some aspects of Christianity, hasn't he?

Maybe he spoke to you in a general way, about life. But, did the topic of God and Jesus come up? If so, what did he say?

I think that a person who considers himself a "prophet" would bring up the topic of God.

How would he respond to the Nicene Creed? If you read the Nicene Creed to him, would he have any comments about it?

I guess we'll never know, since you're not in touch with him.

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Post by Jean-Serge »

I heard about this revelation years ago. I even think this revelation occured in France. Michel Potay is French, indeed. His religion belongs to New Age with similarities with islam too... He claims that the man alone can change the present situation... Well, there are many sources in French but I am not really interested in readin any guy who comes saying "I have had a revelation". According to Michel Potay, Jesus appeared to him and asked humanity to give up the religious and political system...

It is very usual to hear people from New Age saying, you do not need to change your religion; stay orthodox... Freemasons do the same...

According to this revelation Jesus is not God see in his book 32/1... It is written on their own website in French.

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