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The Apostate

Post by The Apostate »

Deacon Nikolai wrote:
Occidentalis wrote:

dcmt23, I've just thought of something that may be of help. I shall quote below the prayer for the blessing of the water of the font at Pascha in the Western Rite. I should stress that this is not the actual English text authorised for use within any Orthodox church because, sadly, I do not have a copy of that to hand.

You can purchase an approved Western/Sarum-Rite prayer book at ... store.html

Dear Father Deacon Nikolai,

Many thanks for the reference.

I am in touch with Monk Aidan and have been familiar with his Old Sarum Rite Missal and Orthodox Prayers of Old England for some time. I have excerpts from them in PDF format. However, while I am tempted by them as historical references due to his thoroughness and accuracy, (and as I have a great fondness for the Sarum Rite, and have some of the liturgical books of Sarum at home), I would be wary of using them liturgically, or even privately, for a number of reasons, not the least of which are that they a) have been formed using a reconstructionist approach, re-creating the Use of Sarum as it was centuries ago rather than taking the elements of it that have lived on and restoring them to Orthodoxy. This gives credibility to the anti-Western Rite argument that it is merely a dead rite that has been resurrected. And b) because those books have not been authorised for use in Orthodoxy, and are mainly used by Anglican and Orthodox vagantes.

That said, I do have his Chant Ordinarium, which is essentially a Kyriale, and is very easily made to conform with the authorised liturgies with very littlke modification.

ROCOR's Western Rite Liturgies may be found in the Saint Colman Prayer Book, which is currently in draft form and is due to be published early next year.

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