Iconophili's Great Big Thread of Conspiracies!

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CGW wrote:
CGW wrote:

And I don't know why it matters if I'm not since it obviously doesn't matter that the authors of most of the tripe that you link aren't Orthodox either.

Yes but they speak the truth when it comes to the NWO(.)

Says who? You?

quoteou don't speak the truth when it comes to religion, so you should be aloud to post here

I joined the forum with the understanding that I wouldn't espouse the theology of my church. I slip now and then and let out my positions a bit too much, but since we are talking utterly secular truth here, the issue isn't remotely germane.

now answer my question, what do you mean by? "without respect to denomination or religion. Your Orthodox fealty gives you no authority"

Well, you've taken a sentence fragment and combined it with another sentence as though it represents a complete thought of mine, so in that sense, I suppose I can say that I didn't mean anything.

But let me explain the sentence which you truncated. One could divide the people of the world into three parts: those who have never heard of the protocols, those who believe they are authentic, and those who believe they are a fraud. Among the latter group, most believe them to be constructed by the tsar's secret police, though there are some other theories. In any case, the point is that the divisions do not, in general, reflect denominational divisions. There are gullible and conspiracy-minded Orthodox and Catholic and Protestant believers in the authenticity of the Protocols, and there are skeptical and informed Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant believers that the Protocols are fraudulent. Authority to address the matter doesn't derive from religious faith, but from secular study and historical criticism. I'm educated enough to understand how to do and evaluate such criticism. All evidence indicates that you don't and can't. You can't tell that the 9/11 sites are full of nonsense, after all.[/quote] in our Church's teaching, when something happens in a massive way that effects the general population of us Orthodox Authority does derive from Religious Faith to understand and expose what is going on, that is the difference between us who have the true (Orthdox) Faith from the rest of the Heretics, so as I stated you do NOT soeak the truth about Religion here.

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CGW wrote:

Well, of course one can actually go to the Truman library and read at length Truman's support for a Jewish state in British Palestine, with references to documents that go back to 1939 (when Truman was, of course, still a senator). If you want to read actual documents, you can look at this page. So if the Rothschilds were bribing Truman in 1948, they were surely throwing bad money after good.

Of course, unsupported statements from conspiracy mongers are always superior to original documents from the parties themselves, n'est ce pas?

Those who are ANT-conspirousy say there is no conspirousy, those who are pro-conspirousy say there is, where does the evedence take us?, it takes us straight to the Jewish conspirousy, 1.The Conspirousy Revielers (T.C.R.) have said/shown that U.S. supports Jews/Isreal because top learership, is jewish or Zonist, so the question is 2. When did the founders of U.S.A. make it a Constitutional Polocy for U.S.A. to economical support Jews?

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Post by Miriam »

When did "conspiracy thoeries" become Orthodox Dogma?????

I'm sorry Iconophilli but I don't see you as any kind of authority here...at least both Ebor and CGW make sense...you do not.


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Miriam wrote:

When did "conspiracy thoeries" become Orthodox Dogma?????

I'm sorry Iconophilli but I don't see you as any kind of authority here...at least both Ebor and CGW make sense...you do not.


B WOW you can't even understand what I'm talking about, anyways your listen, what I was doing is giving her an example of how our Church functions, when something arises that directly effects the majority of Orthodox, The Church steps in and set it staright, as far as what Orthodox are to believe, especially if a non-Orthodox Idea that is false comes and Orthodox Laymen start to believe it/ or act upon it.


Post by patrick »

Orthodox6 wrote:

For the record, I consider Iconophili neither as someone who "speaks the truth when it comes to religion" [his phrase], nor as someone who "speaks the truth when it comes to political science and history." (He has not yet tackled any other disciplines, has he?)


I hope you all excuse me, since I don't necessarily subscribe to these conspiracies in the way that Iconophili does. What I do believe is that all of the world's non-Christian religions are false and essentially demonic in that they reject Christ. That would, of course, include Judaism, Islam, etc. Does that mean I regard as enemies these individuals who belive in these religions? No, I pray for them.

I also don't think it takes much of a stretch of credibility to imagine that evil, powerful men exist and want to impose their will on the world. Our culture is saturated with the fruits of such activity.

When people speak of evil conspiracies, I attribute these not in the sense of one giant inter-locking conspiracy, but simply satan operating in this world.

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Post by CGW »


what I was doing is giving her an example of how our Church functions, when something arises that directly effects the majority of Orthodox, The Church steps in and set it staright, as far as what Orthodox are to believe, especially if a non-Orthodox Idea that is false comes and Orthodox Laymen start to believe it/ or act upon it.

The things you obsess over do not affect the majority of Orthodox, because they aren't real. But leaving that aside, there's the problem that you don't speak for your church, and all those non-Orthodox websites even more surely do not speak for your church.

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Post by Miriam »

It is one thing to believe there is evil in the world. It is quite another to say that a site sponsored by New age cultists is speaking Orthodox Dogmatic Truth.

Evil is here and it does use people and places and things. One need only to peruse history to find the Hitlers, Atillas, Saddams, Talibans etc that populate or populated the world.

But the stuff that Iconophilli has been passing off as True Orthodox truth is just so much ...kaka... (i like that word!...such a certain flare!). One need hip boots and a shovel to go through that riddiculous nonsense.

But then to Iconophilli....he is the only True Orthodox Christian in the world....he has already condemned the rest of us to hades.

