Kosavo to Be Independant

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Joined: Mon 28 November 2005 2:52 am

Kosavo to Be Independant


When will Russia RISE!!! look at what's happening now to our Orthodox Bretheren, http://asia.news.yahoo.com/060207/3/2fgn4.html

Posts: 443
Joined: Thu 10 July 2003 9:00 pm

Post by Daniel »

Sorry for the pessimism

"[John] Sawers told us the Contact Group had decided Kosovo should be independent. He said Kosovo would be multi-ethnic

Yeah, right! It would be 'multi-ethnic' for 3 days before the Albanians would kill or drive off the last remaining Serbs.

The Contact Group of major powers has set international policy on Kosovo since 1999, when NATO bombs drove out Serb forces accused of atrocities against the ethnic Albanian majority

So, let me get this straight. 'Ethnic Cleansing' is bad if you are a Jew or Croat or Albanian, but good if you are 1)Orthodox Christian and 2) a Serb?

in a 2-year war with separatist guerrillas.

When gun slinging Muslims are our friends they are called guerrillas, and when they are not our friends (at least publically or officially) they are called terrorists?

The comments stirred tempers in Serbia, which says the amputation of 13 percent of its territory is unthinkable. Rich in Orthodox religious heritage

And come so-called Kosovo indepenance you can kiss it all good by!

Daniel Ph.[/quote]

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