APPEAL of the Diocesan Conference of Canada

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APPEAL of the Diocesan Conference of Canada

Post by Lounger »

APPEAL of the Diocesan Conference of Canada

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!                                  

We, the clergy of the Canadian Diocese, gathering on the days of the    
Holy Elders of Optina, 10/23 October, at the Church of the Holy Trinity 
in the God-preserved city of Toronto, for our Diocesan Conference  under 
the presidency of His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus, First Hierarch of   
the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, appeal to the flock      
entrusted to us by the Lord with words of lvoe and consolation.         

Through our sinfulness, this past year has truly been difficult for all 
of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. We must say, also,    
that these difficulties have taken an especially heavy toll on the      
Canadian Diocese. Under the presidency of the First Hierarch, His       
Eminence Metropolitan Laurus, with His Grace Bishop Gabriel of          
Manhattan, the President of the Diocesan Council of Canada, we, to the  
best of our abilities, have tried not to succumb to fruitless arguments 
and complaints. Times of trouble often serve more beneficial for the    
work of the Church, and so we tried to invoke God's help, tried to find 
the paths of the speediest resolution of our problems. A half a year    
has elapsed since our last Diocesan Conference, held in Kanata          
(Ontario), at St. Xenia of St. Petersburg Church. We deign to say with  
joy that many of the troubles of the Diocese have been alleviated. This 
is first of all seen in the noticeable calming of church life, as well  
as in the administrative organization of the diocese.                   

Still, we are far from saying that the Diocese's problems have all been 
resolved. Divisions have not yet been eliminated, and our financial     
situation is particularly difficult. The rebuilding of St. Nicholas     
Cathedral in Montreal, damaged by fire, upon which enormous sums have   
been spent, is not yet finished. The parish and diocesan treasuries are 
practically empty. We are also alarmed by the fate of the Millennial    
Memorial Protection Church in Ottawa; a great debt has been laid upon   
it, in connection with an extended legal battle with those who, in      
their blindness, attempted to tear the church away from those who built 
it, from the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.                 

Raising fervent prayers to the Most-Holy Mother of God and the          
Ever-Virgin Mary, the participants of the Diocesan Conference discussed 
the means at our Church's disposal which could help these two           
especially-suffering parishes. The urgent needs of St. Nicholas         
Cathedral in Montreal were examined. Its parish is selflessly seeking a 
way out of the situation and is trying to find funding for the          
resumption of the project. But they cannot do so without the help of    
their brethren in other dioceses, and from the Synod of Bishops.        

The Cathedral city of the Diocese, its spiritual capital, cannot be     
abandoned in its time of need. The participants of the Diocesan         
Conference made the decision to support St. Nicholas Cathedral in every 
way possible. Some parishes of the Diocese, on the initiative of their  
rectors, are conducting special collections for Montreal. The problems  
of St. Nicholas Cathedral were discussed at the session of the Synod of 
Bishops in San Fransisco. The decision was made to assist the Cathedral 
from Synodal funds. The Conference in Toronto adopted the decision to   
take all necessary steps to reestablish parish life in Protection       
Church in Ottawa, the flock of which is in need of pastoral guidance.   
An appeal for support for the Ottawa Church is being sent to our kind   
brethren, whose selfless support has more than once aided a             
storm-tossed ship. The participants of the Diocesan Conference know and 
believe that now our appeal will be heard.                              

To our sorrow, divisions have not all been overcome. Those who have     
departed from us, unfortunately, stubbornly continue in their errant    
ways. We do not condemn them, but suffer over them and call them to     
come to their senses and return to the bosom of the Church, where they  
will be met with brotherly love.                                        

The participants of the Diocesan Conference pray over the health and    
salvation of Metropolitan Vitaly, who led our Diocese for many years,   
and we grieve over the sufferings he has been forced to endure. The     
Conferees express the desire that as soon as conditions permit, the     
possibility will present itself to calmly and in good faith to discuss  
various plans to resolve the trying and spiritually-harmful             
disagreements over property.                                            
The Conference once again touched upon the question of our relationship 
with the Moscow Patriarchate and church life in the Homeland. In        
response to these questions, His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus and His   
Grace Bishop Gabriel cleary reiterated that the course of the Russian   
Orthodox Church Outside of Russia remains unchanged, as it had been     
determined by our First Hierarchs of blessed memory: Metropolitans      
Anthony, Anastassy and Philaret. This means that the more difficult     
ecclesiastical questions are left to final resolution by a future       
All-Russian Church Council. But it follows also to attentively,         
soberly, and more than anything, with love, to observe church life in   
our Fatherland, in which one cannot but see good changes--but also to   
do everything necessary for our voice to be heard by all of Orthodox    

The Conference meetings coincided with the day of the election of our   
First Hierarch. On this occasion, the Conferees expressed their wishes  
for his good health and strength from the Lord to continue to steer our 
Church ship in the direction prepared for her by his predecessors, in   
the spirit of peace and Divine love.                                    

Let us remember also, dear brothers and sisters, the words of the       
Apostle: "I...beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith 
ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering,    
forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the    
Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as 
ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one     
baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all,  
and in you all." (Eph. IV:6).                                           

November 2002                                                           
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