Google Adsense has been installed

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Re: Google Adsense has been installed

Post by Maria »

Archimandrit Nilos wrote:

Can you explain me: What is "Google Adsense" ? In the moment I cannot send a private E-Mail to mebers of the Forum.

Google Adsense is an elected feature which can be added to a website to generate income.
Companies that want to advertise their products/services enter into a legal contract with Google.
Website owners then contract with Google, which places those ads on the website.
A Google Adsense (bot) will scan the content of websites and place appropriate ads.
Hypothetically, if members were discussing gift cards,
then the members and guests could see an advertisement for Hallmark Cards.
When members or guests click that ad and look at their advertised products/services,
and/or buy some product, then the website owner will receive a tiny percentage
of the company's advertising fee per the contractual agreement.

Private E-mails and Private Messaging have nothing to do with Google Adsense.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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