Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by joasia »

Wow. Really amazing information. When you get a chance, please watch the video and let me know your impressions of it. Thanks.

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Maria »

joasia wrote:

Wow. Really amazing information. When you get a chance, please watch the video and let me know your impressions of it. Thanks.

I listened to the video, plus I listened to the videos promoting a Paleo Diet.

Vegan Diet
The good doctor in your video is talking about avoiding animal meats or products. Then he mentions that those animals are abused by being fed in slaughter lots with pesticide + GMO grains, shot full of hormones, and fed antibiotics with their GMO grains. Grains are loaded with fungus as the storage bins are compromised. Notice that he does not mention pastured fed animals who are living a good unabused life prior to being prepared for our tables. Yet, he demonizes meats obtained from slaughter feed-lots.

While he does not discuss the difference between about Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils, this doctor recommends nut butters and vegetable oils that are largely Omega 6 oils, which cause inflammation.

Paleo Diet
The Paleo Diet recommends eating cheese, butter, and meat from pasture-feed organic grown animals which are neither abused in slaughter feed-lots, nor given antibiotics, hormones, or GMO grains. Pastured animals provide us with protein-rich food, which is high in Vitamin A and D. Spring and early summer butter and cheeses are the richest source of Vitamin A and D. Vitamin D increases our immunity.

Wild caught salmon and trout have Omega 3, which decreases inflammation.

Note that Christ gave the multitude fish and bread. He caused the miracle of fish when the Apostles let down their fishing nets. Surely Christ did not condemn the eating of fish, fowl, and cows.

Finally, there was this comment made after the video advocating the vegan diet, which you have linked in the OP:

MrLipoproteinlipase in reply to eaton3211, 14 hours ago
I am a high fat carnivore. I also eat some complex carbs. I am middle age and have a 29.5" waist. Looks like it works for me. If all you're interested in is vegan dogma, then this is just a religion for you. If you have an open mind and are interested in what works, and that can be different for everyone, you could look up Paleo. Why not watch Terry Wahl's TED talk on "feeding your mitochondria." She cured her multiple sclerosis on a Paleo diet. Enjoy your EPA/DHA deficient meals.

Code: Select all

I eat a low protein diet, but I am not vegan.
I think moderation is key here.

This is our daily diet: we eat organic grains (organic oats in oatmeal or 2 slices of gluten-free rice bread per day), organic vegetable diet that includes freshly steamed organic  potatoes, onions, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, Greek olives, and sometimes green beans or celery. We avoid all soy products especially tofu. We do nibble on nuts, primarily almonds, but also brazil nuts when they are in season.

We also eat organic fruit, especially those in season - organic avocados, tomatoes, kiwi, apples, pears, grapes, and lemons.
However, we also eat organic pasture-raised butter, cheese, and yogurt, while my husband eats organic eggs for breakfast almost every day. No sausage. No ham. About once a week we might have a bowl of lamb soup with veggies.

Most importantly, my husband and I avoid sugar. We do not use any honey, maple syrup, date, sorghum, beet or cane sugar. We especially avoid any kind of agave, especially raw organic blue agave. Agave has been linked to diabetes. I know personally that agave causes me to have a horrible drop in my blood sugar (hypoglycemia), so that had I continued to take agave, I would have come down with diabetes as did my sister.

Strangely, the doctor in your OP did not mention the link between [b]high trigylceride levels,[/b] high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol levels, obesity, and diabetes. If Americans would stop eating sugar in their diets, a lot of our health problems would cease as triglyceride levels rise with sugar consumption. Too much fruit is also not good.

Just stopping our consumption of sugar has caused us to lose more than ten pounds and keep that weight off.
We have more energy too.

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Matthew »

joasia wrote:

That's what I want to know. God blessed us to eat animal products. So why is there so much negative views of how these products destroy our bodies? What I've read and heard is that the meat really destroys the function of our systems.

I do not know what the real answer is to your question Joanna. But I did hear an interesting radio interview recently about Comparing Ancient Grains with Modern (non GMO) Wheat. It is really clear that the modern wheat today is causing all kinds of health problems. One very respected doctor has even written a book called Wheat Belly, which goes into all the decades of documented proof that modern wheat is unsafe and shows how abandoning wheat can greatly improve health. Anyways, this interview shows how ancient non-hybrid grains have been eaten by people who are sensitive to gluten without any discomfort. Are much more delicious and flavourful, and much more nutritious. He says that in the USA there is presently no wheat food products for humans that is being sold that is GMO. But that GMO wheat is being prepared and will shortly be introduced to the markets. I shudder to think how many health problems will result from Full On GMO franken-wheat! The radio show can be listened to online or downloaded here: ... lkner.html

So, my point is that maybe the reason all these modern studies conclude that "meat is bad" for human consumption is not that Meat per se is bad, but that it is MODERN meat that is bad with all the junk that has been infused into modern meats either through the disease drugs they are given, or the steroids they are fed to maximize their yield, or the GMO feed they are given, or the toxins and pollutants in the environment, or that they are not free range animals as we have had for millennia, but are suffering from ills associated with being kept in cages and force-fed manufactured "animal feed" mixes, and not allowed to range outdside and get exercise because that will make them too lean. Just emotionally stressed animals may develop physiological problems due to the stress they live with in such cramped conditions and then we eat those animals. Who knows? But those are just some surmisings. Maybe if we had these same authors do studies on the animal meats of past centuries before modern farming techniques, drugs, and feeds, and modern breeding of animals that had never naturally been bred together, then maybe they would have found that those meats produced entirely different (more healthy) results....

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Maria »

Is there a passage in the Holy Bible which refers to modern (End times) when men will not eat meat or will say that it is sinful/evil to eat meat?

I think the good doctor has good intentions, but he does not consider moderation or the middle road.
In countries where people only have meat once per week, or once per month, their cancer rates is dramatically less than in the USA where people enjoy meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And the catch here: people have a huge dinner around 7 PM and then go to bed with a full fatty stomach. No wonder most of us in the West are obese, gluttonous, and lustful. Gluttony and lust go together.

We only eat meat once a week (Saturdays). On Sundays, we may have leftovers, but it takes too long to cook this soup, and we do not have the time to cook on Sundays. Other than that, outside the fasting seasons, we do enjoy cheese and butter during the week and on weekends. We have found that it is not good to eat meat or meat broth after 3 PM as it disturbs our sleep. Perhaps that is why in Europe, folks eat their largest meal (dinner) around 1 to 2 PM, and then have a very light supper.

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by joasia »

Maria wrote: We avoid all soy products especially tofu.

I use tofu in stir fry and soya milk (Silk milk) in coffee. Is it really that bad?

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Maria »

joasia wrote:

Maria wrote: We avoid all soy products especially tofu.

I use tofu in stir fry and soya milk (Silk milk) in coffee. Is it really that bad?

If the product says "organic" then it might be okay. However, even if soy is organic, it has a lot of Omega 6 which triggers inflammation.

If the product does not say "organic" then it is most likely GMO soy as 90 percent of the soy on the market is now GMO according to various sources. GMO is adulterated by the addition of foreign DNA, worse is Monsanto's genetic engineering which causes the soy to withstand round-up pesticides, or in some cases to produce their own round-up pesticide.

Interesting fact: bees and butterflies that are in the vicinity of GMO crops have poor survival rates. Many GMO crops have been manipulated to be deadly to insects and rats. Think about that. People who harvest GMO corn, cotton, and soy may suffer contact dermatitis and do have much higher rates of cancer than the normal population. Rats cannot stand GMO crops. Should we?

Indian farmers who have purchased GMO seeds are committing suicide as the promised miracle of crops does not materialize and they become deeper into debt due to their contract with Monsanto to purchase higher priced seeds and Round-Up.

The following link is a must see movie. It will only be viewable until October 17, 2012. Do not miss it.

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Re: Vegan Diet And the Teachings in Holy Scriptures

Post by Barbara »

Really good information here on this thread.

As far as soy I remember drinking a soy milk drink called "Vitasoy" when living briefly in Hong Kong. It was not
even available in the U.S. Almost no one in this country had heard of soy milk then.

Suddenly a big campagin to promote it as good for everyone but especially women
whipped up out of the blue.

Then Soy milk and healthier versions like Rice Dream were in every store, favored by the
people who work on maintaining good health.

By the time this wave of enthusiasm for soy products broke out, my interest had evaporated.
Why? Because I read that soy is combined protein AND carbohydrate ; hence is difficult for
even a cast-iron stomach to digest well.

So I dropped soy completely. There is a great company called Amy's which makes organic dinners and
snacks. But when I eat their [otherwise delicious ] Samosas, I am careful to pick out every tiny sliver of tofu !
It's laborious, but altogether worth it to avoid that near-poison.

I didn't know a thing about the angles that Maria has mentioned. She is very knowledgeable, thank you Maria !

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