Can I go to Athos?

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Post by Euthymios »

So you don't believe God calls people to Mount Athos? Do you believe God intervenes in human history and human affairs? Do you believe my interest in Mount Athos is the product of my own self? Do you believe any of the monks there were called there by God or they went on their own? I appreciate your advices and it is good advice. But I believe God enters history and human affairs and calls people to places. I guess no one knows how I can contact the sketes so I will search elsewhere for my answers. Thank you.

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Post by joasia »

Dead to you, Euthymios, because we are fed up with new-comers that shoot off their mouths with no brains to back it up. But, an intelligent conversation is always welcomed.

You are either quite young or very ignorant or an instigator. You come here to start arguements during the Nativity fast...THAT IS BAD FORM. You show us what you are in your heart.

Whoever you are, your conduct is unacceptable and you can be booted off this site.

So, play nice or you will be given a time out. And since you don't like it here anyways, you are free to leave. So why do you keep posting? Are you so blind that you can't see that the majority respond to you in a negative way? Can you take the hint?

It is the Nativity fast and we are preparing for a great celebration. Are you Orthodox or not? You come here with accusations and attacks during this fasting period that is meant to remind us, dull-minded souls that now is the time to make ammends. It's not just for the period of Lent but it is in order to instill that peace and love in our hearts to carry on after the Lent. It's a time to mend our spiritual weaknesses and carry it through to Great Lent and build some more. These are the building blocks for our spiritual struggles.

If you can't even exercise that during the lenten periods then you are in your own world and you've missed the whole point....a monastery is not for you.

BTW. Alot of people here, reduce their time or even depart during the whole Lenten period and are in a state of repentence(because of what I explained above) so their responses may not be the sharp attacks you want to experience. It's called spiritual self-restraint.

I have high respect for the posters here. And you, as a new-comer should respond with respect. It's what Christ would expect from you...don't you think?

We have bigger french fries(fish not permitted now) to fry than you, little tattertot(guppie).

P.S. I know,at least six men that went to Mt. Athos and they explained how they got there. And one of them went to Mt. Sinai and Jerusalem at least 5 times. Plus, he saw the Holy Light during Pascha. But, I will not tell you how to get there(Mt. Athos) because you are not worthy of that trip. Humility is required for such a spiritual venture and you don't have it.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)


Post by Euthymios »

Please let the Lord be my judge.

It was stated before that they might be testing my patience to see if I was novice material. Excuse me, but that is not their job.

I had an honest question. I believe God intervenes in human history. So logically I believe He is the source behind a desire to go to Mount Athos or anywhere. But I got the impression that they have the mentality that this desire was human-based. No. God calls people to Mount Athos as He does to other monasteries. So why even give alternatives? They seemed to act as if I was the product of this desire.

I just found this website during the fast. That would explain why I am here right now. Please, don't assume a conspiracy or that the devil is out to get you because we are in the Nativity fast.

All my life I have been told what I can and cannot do. But one thing I have learned is that people really have no idea what they are talking about. Doctors often give the "death sentence" to patience, which later prove to be untrue.

I might possibly go to Mount Athos, and neither you or anyone can stop me. I wanted to know if anyone here knew anything about it. I got a kind private message explaining some detals. That is sufficient.

I believe worldliness is permeating contemporary Orthodoxy. People are becoming increasingly hateful and rude. This is one of the reasons I wanted to leave America in the first place.

I don't believe many "Orthodox" today really love Christ and His Church. For this reason, I think I'm going with Vladika Gregory as he has proven to love the Church and Christ.

I ask that everyone here forgive me if I have ever sinned against you in any word, deed or thought. Thank you.


Post by Euthymios »

IT WAS STATED: You are either quite young or very ignorant or an instigator. You come here to start arguements during the Nativity fast...THAT IS BAD FORM. You show us what you are in your heart.

MY RESPONSE: There was no argument here at all untill you posted. I came here to get answers, not argue. I'm sorry if you thought otherwise. And yes I am ignorant.

Please forgive me if I have ever sinned against anyone here in word, deed or thought. Thank you.

Peace to all. I'll be checking out now.

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Post by joasia »


All I'm saying is that you started arguements. Now, if you really are serious about Mt. Athos, then I would think that you would have a more humble character. But, I have read many of your posts and you give off a different impression.

If you get aggitated by confrontations here, then you're not going to make it on Mt. Athos. The spiritual struggle is in your face.

Can you show some respect?

BTW. ROAC believes in baptising a second time, even after the person was baptised(fully under water) under another jurisdiction.

And isn't it against the canons to perform a second baptism? He was submerged both times. ROAC allows second baptisms, even though they were performed in the name of the Holy Trinity.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Post by joasia »

Euthymios wrote:

MY RESPONSE: There was no argument here at all untill you posted

I'm referring to all your posts. Most of them have the air of a person who thinks he is trying to educate us...then you change your mind because you discovered new information.

This new information is old news to us.

I hope you stick around, because I find this website more Orthodox-minded than others I have visited. We discuss essential Orthodox subjects.

And I want to thank you for giving the answer to my other post about the boy and pouring the water in the hole. It was Blessed Augustine who experienced this. You were the only one that knew the answer.

You see, we can all help each other here. There will be disagreements, but we can still respect each other.

How about focusing on spiritual conversations? Can you at least admit that you are defensive? I can see a general view of that from other posters. So, it didn't start with me. And, yes, you do give the impression of someone who comes here to create trouble, like Nathaniel. Whatever the reason for your reaction here...give it some time. .

You haven't met everybody here yet. We can end up having wonderful conversations about the Orthodox faith.


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Post by nyc_xenia »

joasia wrote:

little tattertot(guppie)(?)

Now, was that really necessary? Or was that sort of like a tuna sandwich? :P

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