Supermoon 2017

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Re: Supermoon 2017

Post by Luke »

Moon is nearing last quarter, but this morning it still looked neat.

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Re: Supermoon 2017

Post by Maria »

Yesterday, I think it was, I thought I saw the moon during the daylight hours around 10 AM.
It was in the west.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Supermoon 2017

Post by Luke »

It was probably setting at that time.

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Re: Supermoon 2017

Post by Barbara »

Boo hoo. I haven't seen the moon or stars or anything even once in this time due to stubborn heavy clouds, low temperatures.
When will the sun and the moon appear again here ?! The Sun lifts one's spirits and the Moon is mysterious and soothing at the same time. You both are fortunate, as I am sure on the West Coast you have abundance of pleasant winter days. Brr, it's too cold here.

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Re: Supermoon 2017

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Boo hoo. I haven't seen the moon or stars or anything even once in this time due to stubborn heavy clouds, low temperatures.
When will the sun and the moon appear again here ?! The Sun lifts one's spirits and the Moon is mysterious and soothing at the same time. You both are fortunate, as I am sure on the West Coast you have abundance of pleasant winter days. Brr, it's too cold here.

Yes, it is cold here too as winter beckons. We have less hours of sunshine, more grey chem-clouds, and grey chem-fogging from ships out in the ocean near the port of Los Angeles.

I was fortunate to see the moon during daylight hours yesterday only because the jets and drones doing the chemtrailing were grounded due to hurricane winds that we were experiencing from Monday evening through Thursday afternoon. Except for these fire-watching seasons and fires, almost every morning, we have seen white clouds neatly in parallel lines, and white precipitation on the ground (strontium, barium, and lithium from the chemtrails).

Other than orange and grey smoke clouds from the local Southern California wind-driven fires, we have very quickly dissipating geo-engineered clouds. Almost all our clouds are now artificial and without humidity. We saw these geo-engineered quickly dissipating clouds early this morning and late last night. Worse, these geo-engineered clouds contain lithium, a very deadly explosive metal that causes explosive fire conditions so that we are experiencing deadly fire tornadoes, exploding cars, exploding roofs on homes and barns, and exploding pine, palm, chaparral, and eucalyptus trees.

Most people here in Los Angeles complain of bodily and muscular aches and pains. These are the classic symptoms of toxic lithum poisoning.

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Re: Supermoon 2017

Post by Barbara »

Oh my goodness ! I had no idea of any of that except for vague reports of fires, the locations always changing.

You mean you have been experiencing COLD ? And HURRICANE WINDS ? Are those h. a a. r p 's ? Are people saying that ?
Or are they connected with the - drones ?? doing the chemtrailing ? I had not heard of that. Sounds so futuristic and horrible, doesn't it ? - and the other aircraft doing the spraying ?

Then the rapidly dissipating clouds ? What in the world are those intended to do ? Not to create rain, from what you said. What is their purpose, then ? To hide things in the sky from people on earth ?! And ships involved too, now ?

This sounds frightful. But then the last paragraph is too horrifying to even repeat. However, what in fact is a fire tornado ?
I was meaning to read something about what's happening in Southern California at the library ; I didn't get a chance. Besides, there probably was not the full truth...

I did see a headline about poor racehorses who may have perished in one of these blazes ; and another headline about a horse seen galloping down the road to escape a quickly moving fire. I plan to read the articles soon.

Why is there not more media coverage of this entire apocalyptic scene ? Of course there are articles ; but it should be the equivalent of front page news every single day. [ I say 'equivalent' because it's online mainly ]. Both headlines I mentioned I saw on a weather channel, not the main media.

I hope you and Xenios are feeling fine and not suffering directly from any of this - more than poor Moon visibility.

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Re: Supermoon 2017

Post by Maria »

Yes, yes, and yes.

Let the reader beware.

Our weather is all man-made.

And this weather is part of climate-change orchestrated by the powers that be.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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