Rigged US elections

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Rigged elections -- long a practice

Post by Maria »

A February 1763 entry in the diary of John Adams of Braintree, Massachusetts, is one of the earliest appearances of Caucas, already with its modern connotations of a "smoke-filled room" where candidates for public election are pre-selected in private:

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[quote]This day learned that the Caucas Clubb meets at certain Times in the Garret of Tom Daws, the Adjutant of the Boston Regiment. He has a large House, and he has a moveable Partition in his Garrett, which he takes down and the whole Clubb meets in one Room.
There they smoke tobacco till you cannot see from one End of the Garrett to the other. There they drink Phlip I suppose, and there they choose a Moderator, who puts Questions to the Vote regularly, and Selectman, Assessors, Collectors, Wardens, Fire Wards, and Representatives are Regularly chosen before they are chosen in the Town...[2][/quote]


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Re: Rigged elections -- long a practice

Post by Barbara »

That is interesting to trace back this bad practice to the earliest days of this country's system.

Reading that description of the nicotine clouds permeating the room, one's eyes begin to blur and smart, it's that realistic !

What would be "Phlip" ? Vodka with a fillip of whipped cream ?

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Re: Rigged US elections

Post by Cyprian »

Greetings Barbara.

A minor corrective, if you don't mind. The earth is not a planet. The sun is a planet, but it is not correct to refer to the earth as a planet. You will not find any of the Church Fathers of antiquity ever calling the earth a planet, however, St. Basil the Great, St. John of Damascus, St. Augustine, etc. call the sun a planet. "Planet earth" is a term that has arisen only in the last few centuries with the heresy of heliocentrism. Prior to the false teachings of Copernicus and Galileo, people did not refer to the earth as a planet. The Greek word planet means to wander. The earth does not wander, nor does it rotate on its axis, but remains fixed and immovable. It is the sun which moves, orbiting the earth. They lied to us in school. Barbara, you will acknowledge that they lied to us in school when they taught us that we came from apes, yes? Now we must also acknowledge that they lied to us when they said the earth orbits the sun and rotates on its axis once per day.

As for Ronald Reagan, he was in no way exceptional. He was a homosexual like the Bushes, Clinton, Obama, and now Bernie, Hillary and Trump, who are all homosexuals. Hollywood, the propaganda arm of the Illuminati, reveals in advance who they intend to install as president in their productions. There are many Hollywood productions, including Reagan's own films dating back to the 1930's and 1940's showing they were grooming that effeminate Reagan to be president several decades in advance.

For example, the film Casablanca (1943) is all about the Illuminati revealing their intentions to install several presidents, including Reagan, decades later. Casablanca means "White House" in Spanish, to refer to the presidency.

Why ought we suppose the star of the film is named Richard ("Rick")? Why is Richard played by Humphrey Bogart in a film entitled "White House"? Did not Hubert Humphrey lose to Richard Nixon in the 1968 election for the White House?

Richard Blaine ... Richard Nixon
Humphrey Bogart ... Hubert Humphrey

In the end, Humphrey Bogart loses the girl to Victor. That is to say that Humphrey would lose the Casablanca "White House" to the "victor" Nixon.

Warner Brothers deliberately put out press material implying that Ronald Reagan would be starring in Casablanca, just to hint about their future plans to install him in the presidency


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Re: Rigged US elections

Post by Cyprian »

Here is George H.W. Bush admitting he was partners with and had sex with Ronald Reagan

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Re: Rigged US elections

Post by Barbara »

Greetings, Cyprian !

About the earth & sun controversy, I don't have any particular idea which way it is. I am thinking about what you said, but have not examined this question. Yes, absolutely about The Great Lie of evolution and many other falsehoods inculcated in the educational institutions of Western countries.

Casablanca ! I never thought of that. Only the Moroccan city. I have forgotten that movie entirely. It sounds like that is a wise idea, as it is merely encoding of various tricky tricks forecast to be played by the very ill - Illuminati. I would otherwise almost want to watch it again to see what you mean. I don't even remember the plot. But only that famous phrase "Round up the usual suspects", at the end, I think ? Was it about World War II spies or battles in North Africa ?

WHAT ?? You mean ALL of them are/were homosexuals ? I can imagine a few. But ALL of your list ?
Is it true about Hillary then ? I had read that about her and H.A. But I didn't want to believe it immediately without better corroboration. Not that I imagine Hillary as anything but a monster. Trying to be objective, though.

So - the Bushes were ? And Clinton ? And - REAGAN was one ? I can see how he was detached from Nancy since I remember reading that he was sort of distant. But you are saying Reagan was effeminate ? Can you explain how you notice that, if it's at all describable ?

So this Democrat in the earlier part of this year's election is also one ? I refuse to say his name. I thought he was too repulsive to even talk about. If this is true, then I know why I felt that way [ besides politics ].

Then, the current Republican candidate - I hate to say his name, too - is one ?? That is ALL SO REVELATORY ! Thanks for introducing some vital new perspectives here. Even if you are wrong about 1 out of 10 or so, that is a big help to be aware that 9 of these characters are in that awful camp.

I did know about the present leader, having seen many years ago such a charge against him by a Protestant blog I happened upon by mistake. I recognized the truth immediately about the current incumbent. A few years later, that scandal with the driver broke. Why is it that no one remembers that, which was fairly documentable ? Why does no one say this anywhere today about this leader ? Very sinister how they hush up their own negative news but keep the public occupied with trashy gossip.

Even more shocking is your second post saying that the President and Vice-President DID THAT ???
I am too fearful of feeling tarnished to even think of watching the video. How does Bush state that disgusting fact ?

P.S. The current candidate repels me so much by his features and general appearance. I can't STAND to look at him. Not for a second. Could this be the reason behind that feeling of being grossed out ?

PPS. About actors - I hate to group Reagan this way, but if you are right, then he should be included - from what I gathered from reading about a few that it was a part of being accepted for Hollywood roles to be agreeable to be 'involved with' all sorts of horrendous people who had power in that industry. Is it THIS type of homosexuality you mean, where the actor has to go along with demands or lose his place on the marquees of theatres ? Or these political figures you named are confirmed homosexuals ?

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Re: Rigged US elections

Post by Maria »

https://theconservativetreehouse.com/20 ... oint-poll/

OK, so Mr. Geoff Garin, the President of Hart Research and Associates”, is currently working as “a strategic adviser for Priorities USA in support of Hillary Clinton’s election“. ...

Let’s take a look at the recent financial connection between, Geoff Garin, Hart Research Associates and Hillary Clinton’s Priorities USA Super-PAC. ...

On Page #118 of the September 2016 (most recent) filing we find a payment for $178,500 (screen grab above)

On Page #92 of the same September 2016 (most recent) filing, we find another payment for $42,000 (screen grab below) ...

♦ $220,500.00 in the month of September alone paid by Hillary Clinton’s Priorities USA Super-PAC to Hart Research Associates.

The President of Hart Research Associates, Geoff Garin, is working for Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

NBC (S Burke) and The WSJ (Murdoch) contact Geoff Garin (Hart Research Associates) for the post-debate poll data they will use on the day following the debate.

Hart Research Associates provides a small national poll sample (500) result, with skewed party internals, showing Hillary Clinton +11 points.

And below is a video testimony in 2000 of a computer programmer who describes software that can rig an election in favor of the candidate seeking election.

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